So Jen and Ryan are or were dating. Interestingly, the executive producer has specified that the HG's are "singles", and that they filled out a "love-match profile" at auditions---similar to your run-of-the-mill internet dating website. This helped decide the couples that will compete for what I'm assuming will be a split $500, 000. CBS has also insisted that the pairs will be complete strangers also. That means the love birds can't possibly be a team. Uhoh?
to be continued...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Jen and Ryan
Big Brother Live Feed Discout And Information
People have been looking for a discount on Real's Superpass - if you sign up for Superpass via this link: Big Brother 9 Quarterly - you can get 14 days free AND then 3 months for $39.99 (a five dollar savings over the normal charge).
Be careful - not every link out there offers the feeds at this price (including most other links on this site!).
The Big Brother 9 Quarterly Link
No matter which way you sign up for the feeds - you will need to call if you decide to end your subscription. Unlike last season there is no "Big Brother Only" option when subscribing.
Oh, and here is some handy info once you have the live feeds:
This information is from this page on Real’s site:
Customer Support
Includes password help, billing, and the status of your account.
Phone: 1-866-585-4541
E-mail: Click here
Live Chat: Click here
Cancel Subscription
Need to cancel your SuperPass subscription?
Phone: 1-866-212-1343
Technical Support
Includes SuperPass and video sign-in, downloading, or other technical troubleshooting.
Phone: 1-866-585-4542
E-mail: Click here
Live Chat: Click here
And Finally:
¿Se Habla Español? 1-866-420-5780
Evil Dick Back On Metal Sludge
Ok, I know this blog is for BB9, but I found something tonight about Evil Dick that I had to share. Before becoming a contestant on last year's edition, Dick was a regular poster on the Metal Sludge Gossip Board.
Of course, after winning he had to return to the board to gloat. After a handful of "hater" replies, "McGuirk" had this to offer:
"Call the Ron and Fez show, they want to talk to you. They loved the show and enjoyed watching you.
Which was followed by this by a poster by the name of "TheMetalChick":
"Yeah, I bet R&F would LOVE to talk to you. I called in back when they were Ron and and they were funny guys."
Too bad this never happened.
More Sheila Kennedy Penthouse Shots (NSFW Links)
This research was very straining, but I've found 25 Penthouse pics.
Sheila 1 Sheila 2
Sheila 3 Sheila 4
Sheila 5 Sheila 6
Sheila 7 Sheila 8
Sheila 9 Sheila 10
Sheila 11 Sheila 12
Sheila 13 Sheila 14
Sheila 15 Sheila 16
Sheila 17 Sheila 18
Sheila 19 Sheila 20
Sheila 21 Sheila 22
Sheila 23 Sheila 24
Sheila 25
The Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Are Going Strong
Here To Get The Live Feeds Free For Two Weeks!
I think I Found My Dreamgirl!
From Realitybbq:
Chelsia Hart, 21, college student from Cedar Falls, Iowa
Birthday: November 9, 1986
Attends University of Northern Iowa
MySpace (it originally said 21/cedar falls... notice her only friend runs sex parties!)
"Chelsia is currently a German major at the University of Northern Iowa. She has lived in Germany and will be studying in Austria for a year beginning this September.
She is a hot party girl who says it like it is. She likes older men and is looking to be loved. She describes herself as wild, sincere, competitive and determined with a big attitude. Chelsia loves motorcycles and wants to sell Harleys. She also loves her pet cat, Pugsley, who she calls her baby.
Her favorite television shows are BIG BROTHER and "Nip/Tuck." Her favorite movies include "American Beauty" and "Running with Scissors," and for music, she is a fan of Tool and Marilyn Manson.
Chelsia says she has had everything pierced and has three tattoos, two of which cover her back. She loves to watch football and her favorite activities include dancing, drinking, going out and watching movies."
Sounds like the perfect woman for me!