Here is some of what I know after watching the first hour of the live feeds.
The house tonight is 180 degrees from where it was last year at this point in the game.
Sharon and Jacob? GONE (see it Wednesday night)
Ryan and Jen - outted as a couple.
Alex and Amanda - the current HoH couple.
Nominations? Tomorrow.
Alliances? Lots - too many to try to explain right now.
Live Feeds? Rocking! Here is a screen cap of the 4 feeds as seen using the bbviewer program (you have to have a Live Feeds subscription to use it).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A quickie before bed.
It seems that the gambling addict is also a drunk. I hope she stays around for awhile, as she's a mess. Now she's pretending to be a lesbian with Sheila? Lil and I both love fake lesbians. Hahahahahaha.
"Fuck her man"
Parker is a drama queen, perhaps he was a better match for Joshuah. Way to make the paparazzi look tame and respectful. Parker is jealous that his own partner Jen has a boyfriend. If she doesn't decide to vote her boyfriend out, he will put him up for eviction along with his partner. If Jen doesn't, she'll be up. Basically half of the house is attacking Jen for having a "loved one" around.
James is trying to calm Parker down...and he so wins the hair war against Parker. Take that TMZ. Damage control in full effect.
Power Hour
Hahaha,the first thing I heard on Showtime is "we should do a power hour". Those from Paltalk that are watching must have been laughing.
So Jen and Ryan have let the house know they're a couple. So much for the secret twist. Obviously, they had no financial incentive to keep their relationship a secret. Jen and Parker are clearly not getting along because of this, which makes my prediction null and void.
What an idiot for letting everybody know they're a real couple. Keeping it quiet would have allowed both couples to stay for quite awhile. One is bound to go soon, now, and Parker knows it's probably them.
One more point - no sign of Sheila and Adam. They're obviously gone.
Edit: Sharon and Jacob are gone, which I'm sure means they self-destructed.
Our first peek of the HGs
Gotcha - wrong House Guests.
The feeds came on right after the show aired. But so far all we have seen is the two guinea pigs.
The rest of the HGs should be revealed around 12am Eastern. Until then we are listening to the same one minute of guitar music (Big brother Theme music) and watching the two little guys scurry about.
Hmmmm wonder if they are make and female. And if they are - will Big Brother cut that video if they start going at it like rabbits?
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Live feeds
Well they seem to be just about ready to go, we get to watch the hamsters. Maybe they'll get naughty ;)
Initial Impressions
I know we've only seen an hour of footage, but I think we have a pretty clear insight as to everybody's personalities and potential downfalls. Here's how I see the future for each couple.
Alex/Amanda – I can see how the personality test paired these two. They’re both vapid, self-centered douches. Alex’s cockiness and/or Amanda’s unwillingness to break a nail will be their eventual downfall. I see them lasting four or five weeks.
James/Chelsia – She seems to be pretty fun-loving, and while James is a bit over-the-top they seem to be a good match. I doubt either will really make any waves, but neither are exactly brain surgeons. They could be the dark horses this season, but I see them leaving around the time it’s down to five or six couples.
Matt/Natalie – He’s a nothing who thinks he’s a studly mastermind; she’s an airhead whose tits and ass were constantly flopping around in tonight’s episode. The combination of him pissing everybody off and her stupidity will cause them to leave soon. They could even be a surprise ouster tomorrow night if Parker and Jen decide to keep Adam and Sheila.
Parker/Jen – I hate to give a TMZ employee any credit, but he’s easily the smartest guy in the house. Jen seems to be extremely likable and a “go with the flow” chick. The stress in her relationship with Ryan is going to be completely on his end. If Ryan doesn’t create waves, this could be the couple to beat.
Joshua/Neil – Joshua is pretty laid-back; from what we saw tonight I doubt if anything is going to rattle him. Neil may be a bit more flamboyant, but I think these two will work well together. Their only downfall may come from those that disagree with their lifestyle. Otherwise, they’re strong final three candidates.
Jacob/Sharon – It will be a miracle if the exes don’t deconstruct within a few days. He may have been the one that cheated in the real world, but she’s the one who is coming off as a complete bitch. Whatever he says is the start of an argument for her. If she’d lay off a bit, they could be real players in the game. They way they’re currently going, they won’t last more than a week or two.
Ryan/Allison – She’s just an average American girl; he’s more of a typical American meathead. They could be real players in the game except for one problem – he’s already shown how jealous he is of Jen being paired with another man. This will be an immediate problem, although I think they’ll last a few weeks.
Adam/Sheila – An unmitigated disaster…and I think it was planned all along. CBS wanted the notoriety of a former Penthouse Pet, albeit one whose good days ended over a decade ago. If that’s not the case, then I would bet Adam was a last-second replacement, or they were the two people left over after pairing everybody else. If they’re not gone tomorrow, they certainly will be next week as neither of them can seem to keep from expressing their problems to everybody else. It’s also clear they’re both disaster in any competition.
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Big Brother 9, Episode 1 (Part 5)
8:51 Is Allison always going to be labelled as “Recovering Gambling Addict”? Poor girl. Which brings me to a bitch I’ve always had about the show – why does Julie always have to use their occupation when mentioning any competitor? After the first episode or two, do we really care that so-and-so is a (insert job here)?
8:53 The paparazzi couple wins! Damn, Jen’s cute.
8:55 Adam gives me a headache. Maybe Grandma’s right about him. Or maybe I’m just having a reaction to the alcohol. No, he stinks.
Segment what now?
I didn't think I'd like James, as everything seen of him until now was so over the top. He does seem pretty cool and laid back.
The pairing of the ex's, Jacob and Sharon, might actually work. Especially in regards to competitions and afterwards. Jacob seems to still be really hung up on her, in a way that when she wants to quit and give up (like this time) he is accepting of it and won't resent her, which will be important as the game goes on.
I like the Parker / Jen couple. I called it earlier I liked her and her real boyfriend and Parker just makes me think of Sideshow Bob with that hair.
Big Brother 9, Episode 1 (Part 4)
8:38 First competition! “The stakes are higher than ever”? How is that true for every competition?
8:40 Where’s that sound clip used on O&A – “stop whining”? Grandma stinks.
8:41 God, Sharon needs to shut up. Does every conversation have to be a fight?
8:42 Grandma’s the first down! Hahahahahah. I actually feel for Adam.
8:43 Oh no, Allison’s the “heaviest girl here”. At least she’s honest.
8:46 Chelsia has better fake tits than Natalie. Enough said. Nice stomach shot of another girl, too. The pillow prize is beyond dumb, though.
So far
How is Barb so far ahead? Bitch.
Ma’s little freak out has made me decide I won’t be liking her. Get a grip, and don’t be bitching to everyone your first hour in the house! Smile and suck it up like the ex’s are doing a rather good job of. I didn’t like Guy Smilie aka Adam from first sight anyways, so I nominate the pair of you now.
I think I’m also going to like the gay dudes. I see some amusing situations happening. Hopefully there will be some
Big Brother 9, Episode 1 (Part 3)
8:28 Alex and Amanda do seem perfect for each other – they both love themselves more than anybody else. BTW, belly shirts aren’t a good look for you, Amanda. James lucks out, though, as Chelsia looks fun.
8:29 Poor Matt – Natalie’s obviously a mess. First bare ass shot of the show, too, albeit blurred by the censors.
8:30 Parker lucks out, although he’s obviously not going to get anywhere with Jen. Hahahaha – the exes are paired up!
8:31 Grandma doesn’t get a bed? Poor girl. And she gets paired up with the chubby guy who thinks he’s funny? They’re not lasting long.
8:32 I have to give Jacob credit. He seems willing to go with the situation, but Sharon’s a drama queen.
8:33 Poor spoiled little porn queen. “Maybe I’m shallow”? Hahahahahaha! He can’t be worse than Bob Guccione was back in the 80’s. I have a feeling we won’t see them past tomorrow. I definitely need another drink.
So the pairings are:
Alex / Amanda
James / Chelsea
Matt / Natalie
Parker / Jen
Joshua / Neil
Jacob / Sharon
No beds left, these stuck in sleeping bags:
Ryan / Allison
Adam / Sheila
uh oh, real couple not paired together, ex's are paired...will be interesting
Bib Brother 9, Episode 1 (Part 2)
8:17 “Crazy James”? I should like anybody who likes the Clash, but I don’t like this fool.
8:18 Lil’s right; Natalie is awful. Matt’s not much better.
8:19 Now Barb is right, as Allison really is this year’s Amber. Amanda is dead-on when she calls herself the biggest cheesehead in the world. There’s clearly nothing else in that empty brain.
8:20 Alex doesn’t want everybody to know he owns a DJ company? Ugh, that’s not exactly a Fortune 500 biz.
8:21 Julie’s sixth mention of “Till Death Do Us Part” and tenth mention of “soulmate”. Please make it stop!
8:23 Jen is easily the hottest chick, and seems the most normal. Too bad she’s with the bible-thumper.
The Couples
Alex and Amanda
James and Chelsia [they're so cute together!!!!]
Natalie and Matt
Jen and Parker
Joshuah and Neil
Jacob and Sharon [ouch]
Ryan and Alison
Adam and Ma [aka Sheila]
First Segment
First segment in, not sure how I’m feeling. Just that I’m pretty sure Julie is anorexic.
Oh please, a set up featuring a real couple, Ryan and Jen? That twist just makes me blech. However I do like the two of them so far, so they might be a fav of mine.
The ex’s, Sharon and Jacob, I feel for. However he looks adorable and I would comfort him and she can go screw.
Why are so many of the guys dorks?
Big Brother 9, Episode 1 (Part 1)
8:00 (All times central) Here we go with Julie Chen, and she’s as wooden as ever. Some night I’m going to count the clichés that come out of the Chenbot's mouth. It’s also clear that we have the same production crew this year, including the boring announcer who always seems to repeat what Julie just said.
8:01 – Julie says they’re “all looking for love”? Hmmm. Are all single people really that desparate? I know I'm not.
8:02. Oh boy. Amanda stinks. “This high maintenance girl is used to getting what she wants.” Ugh.
8:03 I like the bartender chick, though. A little foreshadowing from one of the gay guys – “I hope there’s another gay guy in the house.”
8:04 Uh oh, Ryan’s a Jesus freak. I don’t think he’s going to like the punk rock boy.
8:05 Once again, Julie has to explain what we’ve already been told.
8:06. Why does ever realty show have to have the people screaming how “insane” their new home is? Have they never seen a previous season?
8:07 So, we get to the twists. Sharon and Jacob have recently broken up, and are now forced to be in the house together. Plus, my prediction about Jen and Ryan (who I already hate) pretending to not know each other is true.
8:10 Of course, the paparazzi guy is the first to walk in. I don’t think it will take too long for everybody to figure out Jen and Ryan.
8:11 James is one ugly mofo…and he smiles too much. Sharon’s reaction to Jacob walking in, though, is worth the entire show…although I’m sure Julie Chen is going to focus on it way too much.
Five Minutes and Counting!
I'm ready to go. The computer battery is fully charged, and I have a jumbo Windsor-Coke sitting next to me. I'll be transcribing my thoughts throughout the show, and will probably upload them here every fifteen minutes or so.
From what I've read, we're going to see them enter one by one and do the cliched claiming of the bed. Obviously, that will be a wasted effort after they learn of the couple's twist. It will be interesting to see their reactions to the pairings, especially the Penthouse Pet with the punk rock bicyclist less than half her age.
Two Hours Until Showtime!
After ten days or so of little news but lots of digging for info (and dirty pics), we finally get to meet the hamsters tonight. Who's going to be the first to annoy me? Or (more importantly) arouse me? Or somehow manages to make me laugh? If this season is like any other, I'm sure I'm going to hate almost all of them for the first few days...particularly the meathead guys who run around shirtless and can't talk about anything other than how they're going to control the game. As for the ladies, I'm praying for warm weather so I can see inches and inches of sillicone goodness (people who know me will laugh at that predictable line).
Barb raises a good point in her latest post. Why would we care what these media whores think about politics or any other serious issues? Sure, I'd like to see poeple a bit more informed than in the past so I don't have to hear hours and hours of how Jessica Simpson is awesome. But give me drunken debauchery over lengthy discussion any day, partiucularly if there are a few of the moralist types who believe their opinions should be considered facts.
Let the backstabbing begin!
Big Brother Starts Today.
"ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Have you considered whether to start giving the houseguests headlines from the outside world, if only to improve some of those excruciating poolside discussions?
ALLISON GRODNER: Since when have Big Brother contestants ever cared about politics? Seriously, I wish they would. That's the genius of Big Brother contestants, because in order to subject yourself to this kind of thing, there is a certain level of narcissism that makes you not give a damn about the outside world. Why aren't they discussing things of political importance? Because honestly, they care about themselves. Maybe we'll have a competition where we make them vote. You can't leave the house unless you vote. How about that?"
It's snowing outside, I can't believe Big Brother starts today. One of the worst things about being in the house in my eyes is being completely cut off from worldly news. Rarely do I turn on a local tv station for real news, but I'll flip on CNN or the BBC if I'm feeling regal. I love that no one involved with the show hides the fact that the contestants on this show are here for nothing but exploiting their own issues and splattering them all over the internet and television for all to call up whenever we remember. After watching the show, it's so obvious that the money is secondary. The spot on the show alone is worth being even the first evicted [in this case the first ~couple~ evicted] to these people. You can see it on their smug faces when they walk into the kitchen to make a chicken quesadilla..fuck them. I'd love to hear some contestants have an actual conversation..the only problem is, they don't allow pot in the house.
Suspicions Confirmed, CBS Announces Taped Eviction Wednesday.
Looks like my suspicions were confirmed. CBS has released information about some 'voting' (sillyness) and the schedule for the first week or so. Things to note - EVICTION on tomorrow's show (not live) - so there you go - two people are probably leaving today (not live) or have already been booted. So the 14 places make sense now. First actual LIVE show is next Wednesday.
AMERICA'S VOTE: During the season, fans will have the opportunity to cast impact votes. Fans can send in their votes via text message on most major wireless carriers.Tune in tonight and then at 12am Eastern be sure to get on the Live Feeds to watch the HGs. We'll know who is out of the house (if the eviction has already taken place) and get a great feeling for what is going on as far as alliances.
Broadcast Schedule:
Tuesday, Feb. 12
9:00-10:00 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 13
8:00-9:00 PM
First Eviction
Sunday, Feb. 17
8:00-9:00 PM
Tuesday, Feb. 19
9:00-10:00 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 20
8:00-9:00 PM Live Eviction
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