Sheila is working to get Natalie out next if possible, she is asking Sharon to get the guys to help 'back door' Natalie.
Should you even try 'back dooring' at this point? After James goes on Wednesday there will only be 5 left. Just throw her butt up on the block - either way she gets to play for the POV.
According to Sharon if the plan fails they will have to get Adam out. This seems to assume that Ryan will win the next HoH. Then a few minutes later Sharon says she thinks she will win it. The only person I doubt will win it besides Adam, who can't compete is Sheila whom I think still is working her 'win nothing' strategy.Too many ifs and maybes a this point. I think right now that you could put any two of the remaining five (assuming James is out) alone in a room and they would begin conspiring against at least two of the other three!
Monday, April 7, 2008
We Can Be The Final Two Women
James' Final Target - Guess Who?
James has accepted that he's not going to get the two votes needed to save himself, so his current plan is make sure Natalie doesn't win the game. Sharon already doesn't trust Natalie, so James has focused primarily on feeding Sheila enough info to doubt their friendship. "It would be pathetic for her to lose to me?" she whined.
"I hope you beat that bitch", James responded. He has also promised to keep Natalie up all night the day before his eviction to ensure that she's too exhausted to perform well in the HOH competition.
Natalie, meanwhile, is continuing to play both sides. On the one hand, she's all about the boys, but when sitting next to Sharon and Sheila it's all about the girls. In between, she's reporting what everybody is saying. When are they all going to compare notes?
Monday - Odds of excitement? Low.
Mondays suck in the Big Brother House.
Sheila ratted James out to Sharon shortly after he made his proposal - I really don't see his plan to get Sheila and Ryan to vote out Sharon working.
The picture pretty much says what I expect to happen today. HGs slept in until 10:30am.
By they way - how did Ryan hurt his neck? He's on pain meds and wasn't even allowed to drink beer last night. The others think it may hurt him in competitions down the road.