As expected, the feeds are still on trivia and Showtime is broadcasting a three hour block recorded exactly twelve hours ago. Bastards!
Monday, April 21, 2008
BBAD Is Actually BB After Breakfast
Mad As Hell And Not Going To Take It?
Ok , no sense in holding off, if the feeds were going to return for the endurance competition they already would have so here is what I got for ya.
CBS is to blame for this decision, not - real has no choice, they simply feed us what CBS gives them. So here is a link to CBS feedback and a phone number to call to complain.
Will it change anything? Doubtful - BUT - they did this during BB6 and we complained like hell and they DIDN'T to it again until now so it might keep them from pulling this during BB10.
We are the REAL fans of this show, we are the ones that spread the word about it and get others interested. I am sure MANY of you reading this were turned on to BB and the live feeds by this blog or one of your friends.
So let CBS know that treating the internet fans like crap is not appreciated and and and... aw hell - just tie up the lines and let them know you are royally ticked off!!
CBS Customer Line (a real person will answer): 323-575-2345
Feeds Still On Trivia after 90 minutes.
If the show began at 6pm BB time as they seemed to think it would, it should have ended 25 minutes ago and right now Ryan and two other HGs are involved in Part I of the final HoH competition.
I am still holding out a tiny bit of hope that we will see the competiton on the feeds at any moment - but it is not looking very good.
I may have to resort to watching the Replay Feeds - right now it looks like Neil may be leaving - he has been in the DR for a long time I guess and Scott told me that the word was this is about the time in the feeds where he left the house.... Wanna see the feeds from 2 months ago? If you have the Real Superpass you can watch them by clicking below:
Go Back In Time And Watch The Replay
Cam 1 • Cam 2
Cam 3 • Cam 4
Quad Cam
OMG, Adam's Campaigning to Save Sheila
The boys think they saw a glimpse of the first HOH competition, and they think Sharon could excel at it. Adam's making the pitch that Sheila will immediately fall (good point), nor does she have a shot at the physical. "There is no way she can beat you and no way she can beat me." Sharon, on the other hand, could pull off both and it would screw both of them.
Also, since Adam would be the one booting Sharon he'd be the one with "blood on his hand". He's also told Ryan that he will do whatever he says, including throwing the final HOH.
I said a couple of days ago that keeping Sharon is a mistake. Maybe Ryan has also figured this out. Doubtful, though, although the two shared a hug as if this is indeed the plan.
Adam Tries To Convince Ryan To Get Rid Of Sharon
Right now on the feeds Adam is telling Ryan it makes more sense to get rid of Sharon, and I think he has promised Ryan that if they go through with this that he will give the HoH part one to Ryan when Sheila drops out of it (assuming she goes first). I think he is also saying that Sharon is a vote for Ryan is he (Adam) votes her out so it would be to Ryan's advantage to let him get her out.
Ryan may be buying the idea.....
90 Minutes To Showtime.
Feeds just came back - everyone appears to have been locked down in the blue bedroom.
Ryan said 'One hour and thirty minutes to show time.' Or something close to that.
So who knows what they were doing the last 70 minutes - show prep perhaps.
OK, I Was Wrong!
The Last Hours of the Final Four
I suppose it should be expected, but the last hours of the final four could not have been more boring. The majority of the time has been spent in lockdown, and we've heard nothing but talk about Jacob and Alex. Sharon and Sheila are nothing but obsessed by these two, and hours of this conversation is unbearable.
But there's something I haven't seen before going on right now. The lockdown is over, but they're pumping that awful background music into the house. Why would they force them to listen to this loop?
48 Hours Of Blocked Feeds?
Now I am getting REALLY paranoid.
Hamster Dame over at Silly Hamsters is a good friend of mine and she just speculated that CBS might block the feeds for not only 24 hours - but perhaps for an entire 48 hours - until after Wednesday's show (at this point we have no confirmation the feeds will be blocked at all - we are just preparing for the worst).
Here is another sign that this might be in the works.
If you use Real's interface to watch the feeds you may have noticed a NEW button at the top of the feeds.
See that button over there? The one at the top of the camera that says 'Watch Replay??"When you click it you will be treated to a replay from the beginning of the season. Well it is currently running - I am not sure what day they are on - but Neil is still in the house so it is pretty early on.
My guess is if they do block the feeds that they will encourage us to watch the 'replay' - ughhh - I don't need to see what tool place two months ago when there is so much going on RIGHT NOW!!
I am going to be sooooo frustrated if they block the feeds.
THANK GOD - BB Gossip Returns!!
The blog is back after being blocked for being 'spam.' Thankfully it is finally unblocked.
We have lots of content over on the Big Brother 10 Gossip site - I will try to move those posts over here.
But thank goodness we are back live here!!!
Just in time to potentially NOT see the final endurance competition!!! grrrrr
I will be copying some of the posts from the other blog over here - please know that OTHERS wrote most of them!! :)
Showtime Reruns?
If what we've overheard is correct, these pics are what we will be watching in exactly 12 hours on Showtime. Yes, supposedly tonight's cable show will NOT be live.
Today is definitely eviction day, and it's pretty clear already that we're not going to see part one of the HOH least not on Showtime. Come on, BB, give us online viewers a break!