Poor Adam has had to endure Sheila for the last half hour (probably longer, actually). She keeps saying, “I’m not mad, I get it”, but then in the next breath keeps going on about how hurt she is by the nomination.
Here’s some of the garbage he’s had to endure:
“What were you thinking about when you didn't put my key in?”
“He knows if any of us win he better shut his trap. He's not gonna get a vote from me.”
“Did James ask you to put me and Sharon up?”
“I knew why you did it, but it's really risky. It just is. I'm not mad at you. I just didn't think you would put me on the block. I wouldn't have done it. If I had won HOH, it would have been her and him. What good would it do to be angry at you? I'm here now. You know what would be the sweetest victory? If I won POV. He's tortured me. He called me an old bag. He said everyone wants me out and that I haven't done shit in this game.”
“He’s like Batman or Superman. He has super frickin' powers. How does he get voted out and then come jump out of a box with a pink mohawk. Who does that?”
“I was loud while talking to Josh because I wanted James to hear it. I’m not stupid. I knew he'd hear it. If I didn't want James to hear I would've taken him somewhere else. And it motivated his butt to win POV didn't it? It's a vicious cycle with him. He knows no one likes him but he still wants to be here.”
“That's the sorta thing that make me sick. Not only do you [James] disrespect me and I'm old enough to be you mother, you also want to take out everyone who needs the money. That's disgusting.”
“He’s the one that tried to kiss me. He's showing his ass to me and getting nude in front of me. I've seen it. I've seen it in his eyes. I wouldn't make out with him. Are you kidding me? I'm not frickin' desperate. I wouldn't do that. He's 4 years older than my son and my son's more mature.”
Natalie is involved in some of this conversation, but eventually wanders off to bitch to Ryan. She’s completely believing Adam’s story about the diary room working on him to keep James, and wants to leave the BB house if they're going to show favoritism. She demands that BB be on her side now and tailored for her. “If James wins POV, I’m hitting the red button and executing myself.”
Now she’s in the sauna saying that God is telling her that she’s going to win POV. Oh yeah, and they're all going to have to have dreams tonight that the good guys win tomorrow. "God will forgive you, Adam, and redeem you tomorrow." Oh yeah, and more talk about the number nine. Ugh!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Poor Adam
Adam - "I fucked up."
After spending the last two hours defending his move, Adam now believes he made a mistake. Natalie has jokingly pretended she wants to kill him, Sheila alternates between yelling and telling him she gets it, and Ryan is still angry.
Now Sharon is sitting in the hot tub, and Adam just asked if he screwed up. She babbles for awhile without really answering the question, and Adam finally decides he made the wrong move.
I don't think he did, but I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow with the veto. I'm just happy somebody finally made a dramatic move. This should be good television on Sunday.
Big Brother Manipulation Again?
Today was the first blatant case of Big Brother manipulation that I have witnessed this season.
As I watched James pleading his case earlier today he seemed to be losing the battle, Natalie and Ryan were tag teaming James in the HoH room in front of Adam.Ryan was either called to the diary room or left in disgust (we don't know because the feeds were blocked he was just gone when they returned).
Shortly after that James broke down in tears, saying he had been broken, Natalie gave him a hug and Adam said he was safe and would not go up. Right then Natalie was called to the Diary Room which left James and Adam alone to continue talking.
James continued to talk to Adam and they solidify their bond.
Then Adam was apparently called to the Diary Room and he was not allowed to leave until the other HGs were locked outside - preventing him from talking to Ryan and Natalie any more.
I did not witness Ryan or Adam being called to the Diary Room but the feeds were getting shut down at various points during all these goings-ons.
Now Adam has said that Big Brother would not let him out of the Diary Room before nominations and they kept telling him, "Its best for you, its best for you." (To not nominate James - this is what Adam says he was being told by the production staff)
They are now concerned that the POV will be tailored for James - they seem to feel that the last one was slanted to help James - but I am not sure how.
Sharon and Sheila's Up - and Ryan's Pissed!
Ryan thinks he's being thrown under the bus, and is raging at both James and Adam. Sheila's nowhere to be found. Oh wait, she's in her bedroom pouting.
Oh boy, she just said if that's what it takes "I would have been up there sucking up and brown-nosing ...I'm not going to forgive him for this."
James told Ryan to just win POV and take one of them off. Natalie is walking around saying, "it's mine. It's mine."
Edit: As you may imagine, Sheila is livid. But I don't really get why they're all so pissed. Adam is not saving James; he's merely ensuring that everybody plays hard in the POV. Look how many times only a couple of people have taken that contest seriously. If anybody besides James wins, he's going to be up and he'll be out.
Edit 2: Ryan is once again confronting Adam, and Adam is again explaining exactly what I stated above. "You threw us under the bus, man." No, Ryan, you're not on the block.
Natalie Performs For the Cameras
In this clip, Natalie goes from picture to picture and tells us what she thinks of each competitor. Call me a cynic, but I have a feeling this is done for only one reason - TV time.
James Asks To Be "Back Doored" - Cries - Adam Won't Nominate.
James has asked Adam to not nominate him and then Back Door him - he says he saved Ryan weeks ago and kept his word to Adam.
I missed his plea to Adam but for at least a moment it seemed to convince Adam.
Then Ryan got word of it and started telling Adam why it was a bad idea. He then calls Natalie up to the HoH and they proceed with a non stop assault on Adam's (and my) senses.
Ryan talks logic - how if Ryan wins the POV then he will save Sharon and one of them will go home. Which is very true.
Natalie uses her stupid numbers theories and bible quotes about 'evil people' and even goes so far as to say that Jame's eyes are dark brown because he is 'full of shit' (lol).
The one chink in Ryan's argument is that he says if Adam doesn't nominate James that he might win the POV - but when Adam says even if he nominates him he might win the POV they say he won't.
As I type Adam seems to be back on board not to nominate Sheila (Sheila is now in the HoH too).
Adam had one other point - Matt tried to throw Adam 'under the bus' by telling James he (Matt) voted for him to come back in the house when in reality it was Adam. Natalies reply to that is that Matt is no longer in the house.
Adam says that if he doesn't nominate James it will make everyone else play harder. Now Natalie says if she doesn't nominate James she will not play for the POV. Sheila tells him to do what he has to to.
I must admit I love how Adam likes to piss the house off.
Stay tuned - nominations later today.
My gut still thinks it will be Sharon and James but I will laugh if it isn't.Update: James came back up - alone with Adam - seemed to be persuading Adam - then Natalie comes up and blocks his efforts and now Ryan has come up as well. Ryan and Natalie together are a lethal combination - I thought if James had the last word with Adam he might be ok - but with Ryan and Natalie in there now I am thinking it is looking like James will end up nominated. But they are still talking.
Second Update: Trivia on the feeds. Nomination process most likely is beginning. With the way things were when the feeds cut away - I would expect James to be up against Sharon.
Third Update: False alarm - feeds are back and Ryan has left the room. But they are still discussing nominations. Natalie says she won't trust James much like she would not trust a boyfriend that cheated on her. James points out he is talking to James, whom he has never 'cheated on.' Not her.Fourth Update - James breaks down and says they have managed to isolate him. Natalie is called to the Diary Room (producer timing?). Now Adam starts tearing up too. They both end up embracing and Adam says he is not going up on the block. ROFL - I never woulda seem this.
Fifth and final (for this post) Update: What a WILD WILD turn of events. Adam and James hugging - both crying. Adam has said 'F***K the house.' and they are sticking together to the end. However Adam may still put up James if someone else wins the POV. I am not sure on this point. However it will still be an interesting nomination ceremony now.
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Food Comp!
So, the producers allowed us to watch bits and pieces of today's food competition. They had to use mashed potatoes and gravy to create "rivers" that would pour into buckets that indicated various food groups (and other treats). While they didn't win fruits and vegetables, they did manage to do what was required to receive beer, soda, dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, bread, pasta, a grill, and some outdoor toys.
I have a feeling that after the boredom of last week, and Adam's victory last night, the producers realized that they need to spice things up a bit. I doubt they'll be limited to a single beer apiece this week.
Who Will Win Big Brother 9?
I set up a poll last night and I am very surprised to see that the majority of those voting feel like James will win BB9.
I am putting my money on Ryan - then Adam.
I just don't think James can continue dodging bullets. If either Ryan or Adam makes the final two I would expect them to win.
Your thoughts?
The Things I Do. The Things James Has Done.
So by now most of you know that James has a bit of a sordid past. I had seen a video clip of him receiving oral affection from another guy but last night as I was digging around for that link to send into the Ron and Fez radio show that I listen to religiously (Ron and Fez 12-3!!). I came across a new clip from the same video series.
I swear - the things I do when researching for Big Brother info!
Maybe it is just me - but I was able to still look at James without thinking 'gay' knowing what I had known after seeing the first clip.
But after seeing the second I really have to wonder. Do you think he was just 'gay for pay' as some have said or does he swing both ways even when the cameras are off?
If you feel the need to see this video clip you will have to find it on your own, however it is on the site that is promoting a dirtytricks (one word) video series.
So what do you think? Gay? Straight? Bi?