Natalie has been drinking a little, and she's acting all flirty with Adam.
I've noticed this recently since Matt's left that Adam has seemed more interested in Natalie. He's saying he's not REALLY interested, but for me watching him just alone with Nat has been different, a weird different.
Adam just said he might try to hit it tonight. He hopes Ryan wins HOH next week because that's all he'll try to do for seven days when they share a room.
I hope Adam gets some.
Joshuah is giving him some tips to get her into bed, and I'm really thinking he might try.
Ryan: You know she sucks some cock.
Go Adam.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Baller Ballin'
Watch Out For Kimberly!
Let The Piggies Vote!!
I think most of u that saw this segment are in agreement - this was a funny funny bit that the BB producers put together.
Especially for those of us that watch the live feeds and see Sharon do this stupid ritual EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
It is one of the things I am in agreement with Joshua about as far as a pet peeve goes in the house.
Keep Checking - Takes A While For The Video To Convert Once Uploaded.
Matt's Toothbrush
Joshuah found a toothbrush and couldn't figure out who it belonged to.
He went outside to ask the work out boys if they knew who the toothbrush belonged to. Someone said it was Matt's.
Joshuah then said he was going to give it to Natalie so she could brush her teeth with it and pretend she's making out with it.
Line of the day.
Chelsia has joined in the easter egg dyeing, but Joshuah is running around like a mad man with bathroom products trying to locate their owner.
Easter Egg Dyeing.
Natalie and Adam are dyeing the 36 eggs that were hard boiled earlier in the day.
Wasn't it Joshuah's idea to dye easter eggs? Wasn't Chelsia so interested as well?
Chelsia is moping around some more. I have no idea what Joshuah is doing. Being a cockblock?
Adam is done with the dyeing and is now outside working out with Ryan.
Adam: So Chelsia's going home.
Ryan: Have fun in Vegas, sweetheart.
A Perfect Example of "Editing"
On Sundays show we were treated to a segment on Natalie and her obsession with the number 8. The segment managed to tie in the upcoming arrival of Evel Dick on Tuesday's show (Taped on March 21st - which has no 8 in it).
The bit made Natalie seem almost like she had figured out some deep dark secret of the Big Brother House.
Allow me to clear things up a bit. Natalie had her obsession with the number 8 weeks ago. Most of the scenes shown of her counting were from March 4th - at that time the couples were still paired up and Ryan/Allison were on the block against Matt/Natalie. The next night Allsion ended up being evicted. Here is what I wrote on my other Big Brother site that night.
8:50pm Natalie is obsessed with the number eight - she thinks it is related to the game - that there are TONS of instances of eight items in the house. Things like eight vases, eight curtains. Right now she is staring at the deer head in the living room - perhaps it has eight points on its antlers. Natalie is coo coo.So for anyone that feels like Natalie may have a gift for numbers, it was all just a case of creative editing if you ask me ;)
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 18 Recap
Here we go with a week of sad recaps. If you don’t know why I’m sad, just watch the last five minutes of tonight’s episode. It’s shocking and depressing.
As you may expect, we start with the reactions to the various things that happened Thursday, starting with James’ decision to cast the deciding vote to evict James. Natalie is, of course, devastated because she feels it’s her fault. Surprisingly, Adam’s even more angry…and, of course, Sheila’s now pissed and “they’re” going to fight even harder to “seek vengeance”. Funny thing is that just a few days ago she liked the plan to evict him.
A quick note here – reportedly CBS also didn’t want “Matty” to go. James has said on more than once occasion that the producers had hinted to him they wanted James to keep him. No wonder they don’t allow houseguests to talk about their diary room sessions.
James, though, is not apologetic about his move. “I successfully got Matt out of here just like they successfully got me out of here last week. I owed no one nothing in this house..”
Oh boy, back to Natalie. “Matty was my soulmate. I just got to enjoy it while it lasted, and remember all the good times we had, and all the bad times.” Footage is then shown of her trying to get the “last kiss”, since he supposedly got the first kiss. He leans in and lets her kiss his cheek, but of course she wants more. “Matty, don’t push me away. Give me one more hug, Matty. Matty, Matty.” Hehehehehe.
They all babble more about alliances, but it’s really just stating the obvious, so in Lil’s honor I’ll move on to the HOH competition. “I’m pumped. I’m pumped”, claims Adam, although that’s not really the reaction he had at the time he won. Sheila is so happy that she “may even give him a kiss”. I think if he knew that piece of info, he probably would have thrown that last question.
Natalie is also suddenly recovered from her depression over Matt. “Now what do you want, evil side of the house?” My girl Chelsia is bummed. “I think this is going to be a tough week on my side of the house.” Yes, it is, my dear, and also for your biggest fan.
Poor Adam. He’s packing to move up to HOH, and Natalie comes in to gloat. “You gotta win next week”, he tells her. “For sure,”she replies. Good luck with that one. No sooner does she leave does Sheila come in and swarms in to kiss him on the cheek. “Be my hero,” she whispers in his ear.
Then ANOTHER female comes in. Oh wait, that’s Josh. Suddenly, Adam resorts back to claim he “didn’t want to win, dude”. In the diary room, Adam carries on this attitude, which completely nullifies what we saw him say in there five minutes ago. He is already sick of the phoniness, though.
Cue the acoustic guitar music, as it’s time (as I predicted when it happened) for Natalie to feel sad while staring at Matt’s picture. Oh god, they couldn’t have possibly staged this any better for the cameras. Josh predicts that Natalie will be a weaker player (how can she be any weaker) because she’s like a “lost puppy. I’m glad to see them separated.”
But she’s not a weak girl, or at least she says so in the diary room during her Dr. Phil moment. “I’m a survivor. I’ve survived many things in my life, and nothing’s going to get me down.” Blah blah blah. Matt pushing her away now means that he was bummed about being separated from her. Keep believing that, you silly goose. Josh and Chelsia roll their eyes as she babbles her story.
Natalie is mad at James for breaking their promise, and lets Chelsia know this fact. “People can fuck James over,” my girl replies. “I don’t care. I’m playing for myself.” Now we move into what those of us with the live feeds have had to endure for the past four days – Natalie going on and on and on about two of “them” going up. “They haven’t seen the new Nattie yet,” she tells Ryan. “Naughty Nattie. I was nice Nattie before.” Really? I haven’t seen any real change in her. She babbled and babbled before, and that’s what you’re seeing now.
After commercials, it’s time for pure cheese. Ashley, it’s your favorite subject! Yes, it’s Sharon’s fascination with the stupid guinea pigs. I guess we have to get her in this show somehow. “Beebies! Beebies!” Make it stop! Josh again rolls his eyes. For once, I can’t say I blame him. “They cannot understand you! All they want is some food!” We get the point; we need to move on. Of course, they don’t, and we even see the stupid creatures give a diary room chat.
Cheese moment, part two – Adam gets to see his HOH room. You know the drill – they point and laugh at his pics and food and stuff. Ok, it is funny when Chelsia notices that he has baby food in his care package. Adam sort of complains about how this must be his mother’s work, but does admit he likes to eat the stuff. “How much baby food can a man handle?” Ewwwww. Of course, Natalie hopes that Adam shares. “I like baby food. It’s really yummy, and it’s good for you.” Funny thing is that’s the most intelligent thing she’s said the entire season.
Back to the game, Josh wanders into the bathroom while Sheila’s at the beginning of her two-hour futile effort to make herself presentable. “Who’s going up?” she asks him. “You and me,” he responds. This starts one of her typical outbursts. “I don’t think so. I might have been very mean to him, but I don’t deserve to go back on the block.” Again, Josh rolls his eyes. Josh admits he has no idea what anybody is thinking, but “I love to watch Sheila freak out.” Who doesn’t? Of course, she goes on some more about it, even as he’s walking away.
Adam is now coming down the stairs with his laundry, and Josh uses this moment to half-heartedly beg to have a pass this week. Seriously, he’s not very convincing. Oh boy, the fun I could have with lines like “don’t backdoor me” and “I’ll be your bitch this week”. After telling Adam about his encounter with Sheila, they decide to mess with her a bit. The results are predictable. “Unbelievable. This is a shocker. I know I’ve been mean to you, but I’ve apologized.” Josh says he thought it initially was a joke, but Adam is pretty convincing.
It’s now time for their very first luxury competition, or as I like to call it – product placement. The winners of the competition get to see a sneak preview of the movie “21”. Wow, we get the studio name, the stars, the plot, and the trailer. How much did Columbia pay for this “commercial”? Of course, Sheila is the “biggest movie buff ever”. Yeah, we know.
The contest is a Vegas-style casino night. I’ll bet Allison wishes she was there for this. Well, this is exciting, and not really worth the recap except that Natalie was happy that James showed he “doesn’t know how to add. It may take me a little longer, but I know how to add to 21.” Five minutes later, Ryan finally wins and chooses Adam, Natalie, and James. Sheila, of course, is very upset. “That was such a big deal for me.”
Oh wait, we’re not done yet. There’s more product placement – a chance to win a $21,000 trip to Planet Hollywood in Vegas. To play for the prize, Ryan must risk his movie passes, and if he loses the four he didn’t pick get to see the movie. Of course, after the commercial he goes for it. After the commercial? My God, this is an expensive ad for this silly movie. Ryan loses, so Sheila gets to see the movie after all. “It just looks like an amazing movie.”
More cheese – Natalie is praying again. “My Bible gives me guidance in this game.” While reading Matthew 5, the fact that there are eight pink curtains tells her something. She runs out to tell Sheila about her discovery, and they start thinking about everything in the house that comes in eights. Ducks, vases, “things in the bathroom”, and…oh boy…eight pillows! Oh wait, maybe not. They’re at seven groups of eight, so she’s going to go back and study some more. Somehow the deer head communicates some unknown piece of wisdom to her.
Even more cheese – that segment we get every year where everybody is amazed when the table shrinks. Natalie is still studying, because there’s now eight plates and eight glasses and eight…oh, and Evel Dick has eight letters in it, so maybe he’s coming back. Yeah, first we had product placement during the show, and now we have promos for Tuesday’s show. “There’s gotta be some relevance to this whole groups of eight thing.”
Finally, back to the game – Adam still claims he doesn’t know what to do, but Natalie certainly does. James and my girl Chelsia! What the editors aren’t showing us is that she babbled this from the very moment Adam won HOH. Adam throws out Sheila’s name, which greatly upsets Sheila because it doesn’t fit her numbers game. “Think of the numbers. Think of the numbers.” There really is some great editing going on here.
And we finally get to the moment I’ve been dreading since my eyes first glimpsed my girl Chelsia. The producers still want us to think Sheila may be going up, and Adam plays up to it by saying it’s a really hard decision. But of course it ends up what was obvious to anybody from the very beginning – James and CHELSIA!!! Nooooooooooooooo!
The beebee's diary room!
OMFG tooooooooo funny!!!!!!!
The beebee's in the diary room on the chair:
Sharon needs to go on the block this week for sure.
Yeah, she's crazy!
Furr-iends my tail.
Joshuah's Turn To Cry.
NCAA Games Push Back CBS Show
Today's NCAA tournament games are close to ending, so expect BB to start an hour or so late tonight (unless, of course, you're on the West Coast).
A Conversation With Shelia - The Short Version
Hamsterdame from Silly Hamsters is going high tech and has made a video of Sheila and one of her many conversations.
Enjoy and if you are a Sheila fan - take your complaint to Hamsterdame - I'm only the messenger!! ;)
God, Why Did You Take Away My Future Husband?
POV Meeting
Thirty Six Eggs
Last night some of the house guests decided to boil some eggs so they might color them today on Easter.
So they boiled three dozen - every egg in the Big Brother house. No more eggs until Wednesday when the pantry gets re-stocked.
James is pissed - he hates boiled eggs. It doesn't help matters that Chelsia was one of them that decided to boil them all.
As far as I know they don't even know if they will get anything to decorate them with - and will Big Brother even care to bring up Easter after the fact? Doubtful.
Some suggested Zach should have popped in in his bunny suit - now that would have had the potential to be amusing :)
Who's the cockblock?
Last night, Chelsia and James were fooling around on that couch in the bathroom. They started in the sauna room. James was doing his best work to convince Chelsia to have sex in the bathroom. There would be no cams around. He also kept saying "I'll go get a blanket."
Of course, the feeds kept cutting to Adam reading, or the cams were way zoomed in on their faces. You can kind of sense what's going on. No sex.
So they're fooling around and Joshuah comes in, all sleepy, and has to go to the bathroom.
He does his business.
Hello. Joshie. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE DAMN GAME RIGHT NOW. I waited for about ten minutes and decided it was time to go to sleep. I did a little research, and it seems like their buzz was also killed and they talked. Hot.
Joshuah in Porn, Chelsia's Plea
Joshuah was telling Sheila how after he's done with this season, he would like to do some gay porn. He thinks he has a nice ass and would be really good at it. James was laying in his bed, and looked rather uncomfortable. I doubt Joshuah was hinting at James' past, but I'm sure that ran through James' mind.
Chelsia went to Adam and explained the situation with the Vegas trip. She is allowed to take him as a guest on the trip, but she cannot give it to him. She would do this if Natalie or Sheila were put on the block. I think Chelsia's trip idea isn't all that great, and I don't think Adam thinks it is either. If Adam wins the game, he'll have $500,000 to go to Vegas anyway. Here's the video.