Chelsia is telling James she's well aware what he's trying to do, and who he is trying to make deals with. She doesn't trust Matt at all because "he's a fucking liar," she says.
They still trust each other. They were great as a couple. Like Scott said earlier, the split isn't good for James. I'm fairly confident Chelsia can hold her own in this game. Their connection isn't dead yet, and I'm sure they will tell a fair amount of secrets to each other until one gets evicted.
Oh, and James really likes Chelsia. I know he's very attracted to her, but watching the feeds, I don't think she's that attracted to him. Sure, she'll make out with him, as she just did, but she never initiates it. Of course, I don't know what is truly going on in her head, just going off what I see. We all know girls like that. They crave attention. James is pretty forward, and is constantly telling her how much he likes her. That'll be a phrase I look forward to retiring.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Talking About the Split
Ryan as HOH
Well, Ryan was just let into his room. Everyone's looking at pictures and acting all happy. Well, except Joshuah. He's got a sour face on, and hasn't taken it off since Ryan won HOH. He's pretty scared right now. He wasn't a nice HOH, and even though most of his problems were with the now evicted Allison, he didn't make too many friends while he had a room to lock himself away in.
Ryan was obviously the best choice to keep in the house and will probably be a good HOH. He's pretty forgiving and understands why the two couples did vote him out. Matt and Natalie were hanging out in the room with Ryan, I'm sure sucking up to him. Especially Matt. It seems the whole individual player thing hasn't caught up with Natalie yet. She's still following Matt around like a lost puppy.Ryan's a good guy. I don't think I've ever read one bad thing about him. He's dumped the two dead weights, and can now shine on his own. He's not telling anyone what he's thinking, which is good. He's gonna finally have fun.
And who do I want to come back?
Alex, although if one of the drama queens (Jen, Amanda) came back I'd love to see how they impact the house. If Allison came back, I'd start throwing things.
RIP "Honestly, seriously, that's not what I meant, but what i said was, I adore you" ET CETERA!
The CBS Poll Is Up - Vote Through March 11th.
The CBS Poll is up so you can vote.
Link To CBS Voting Page
According to the page voting will go through Tuesday at 11:59pm.
There is no indication how many times you are allowed to vote. I was allowed to vote twice with no indication if it was not permitted.
This is the wording on the page, "Which evicted Houseguest do you want to give the chance to return to the Big Brother game?"
It all seems pretty vague to me - I assume that the vote is just for fun - my guess is the producers will actually decide who goes back in - I still think it will be Alex.
Winners/Losers of the Twist
Obviously, splitting up the couples has drastically changed the game. Weak players may have gained some power, while supposedly strong people have reason to worry.
Here's who I think comes out as the winners and losers of the split:
1. Matt. Nobody wins more than the so-called America's Pimp. He no longer has any duty to Natalie (look for her meltdown soon), and the probability of Alex's return will solidify his place as a contender. Only the double-deals he made earlier this week could harm him.2. Ryan. He's had two dead weights from day one, and they're both gone. Finally, he can step up and play the game...which he did tonight by winning HOH. If he plays his cards right and goes after strong players such as Matt and Sharon, he also could become a force to reckon with.
3. Sharon. Sharon has yet to really interact with anybody other than Joshuah. With this split she can continue to work with him while also aligning herself with Chelsia. I think she also has the capability to play Matt into continuing to think she has a thing for him.
4. Chelsia. She's in a similar place as Sharon. She can carry on her partnership with James, play with Matt's emotions, and finally become one of the girls.
5. Adam. He still has little chance of accomplishing much in the house, but he finally has an opportunity. His demeanor should immediately improve as he doesn't have to worry about his every move being criticized by Sheila, and he proved in the HOH that he's not nearly as simple as he was earlier portrayed.
Losers1. Natalie. It's going to be hell for Natalie for the remainder of her time in the house...which I don't think will be long. It may not be this week, but sometime in the next couple of weeks she's going to be evicted. So far, Matt has been encouraging in his demeanor towards her, but there's no doubt he's going to cut his ties to her real soon. Outside of Sheila, the worst player in the house, she now has no allies. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
2. Joshuah. He may be a strong player, but he burned quite a few bridges during his reign as HOH. He's almost as emotional as Allison, and I don't think he'll handle a nomination very well. Sharon may be a source of comfort for him, but I think she'll distance herself if she feels he's hurting her game.
3. James. Chelsia worked with him well, but will she continue to work with him now that she doesn't have to? He's now in Matt's sights, and probably will be in Alex's if he returns. If Natalie pulls through this week and somehow miraculously becomes the next HOH, he's the person she'll be after.
4. Sheila. The worst player in the game just got weaker. Despite her constant drama with Allison, she really was her only true ally. Adam will clearly wash his hands of her, leaving Natalie the only person she has to listen to her bizarre theories and Bible verses.
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Who Will America Vote To Return?
So America will get to vote someone back into the house.
At first I was unsure thinking it could be anyone.
Then I got to thinking and the answer is obvious if you have been a BB fan for any period of time.
Who was the most liked of the evicted HGs?
The majority of BB fans are female (yes this is coming from a guy) and I think every woman that has been voted out has been disliked by most outside the house. No one even knows Jacob. Parker was too angry.
That leaves Alex who was seen as eye candy for a the ladies and was shafted by being partnered with Amanda.
Mark my words - he will be back.
I made a poll at the left - please vote away and let me know who you think will be coming back.
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 11 Recap
Welcome to eviction night! And twist night! And HOH competition night! And Allison Insanity Night, Part 3,452! And whatever else CBS can squeeze into a one hour program.
I must say that CBS has done a fantastic job in setting up one of the most anticipated episodes of Big Brother in quite some time. Speculation is running rampant as to what will happen tonight. Will the evicted couples return? Will everybody be split up? Will Nat’s oral skills finally be revealed? Most importantly, will my girl Chelsia express her love for a chubby, middle-aged South Dakota boy she doesn’t know exists? (Hey, a boy can dream.)
Tension is at an all-time high. Nobody trusts anybody, and this Hudson River virus scheme isn’t helping. Plus, there’s also Allison’s big mouth, which never ceases to create problems.
Finally, it’s showtime! But first, we have to sit through the standard recap of the past week. Here’s my advice if you need to fix a drink – skip this segment and just read previous posts on this blog to get the true story of what happened the past few days.
Oooh, a new opening for Julie Chen – she starts off by the tv monitor, and dramatically crosses her legs as she sits down. How long did it take her to rehearse these five seconds?
Ugh, again we have to see the same crap they just showed us in the recap. Yeah, Sheila’s not happy to be on the block. Duh. Allison is happy to be up against her for insane reasons. Matt thinks he now controls the house. Oh really?
Everybody is coming up with theories about the siren. Sheila’s scared…as usual. Natalie’s breasts think it means an old couple is coming back. Matt doesn’t think the couples will split. Blah blah blah.
Wow, Allison finally has a clue. “I don’t think it looks good for us”, she tells Ryan. “Do you really, really, really, really, really trust Matty?” (Think you have enough “really’s” there, Allison?) She commands Ryan to talk to Matt, who tells him he’s voting for him. “You are set up. It’s guaranteed.”
Later he tells Adam the same thing. “You got my vote. It’s set.” He basically tells Allison and Sheila the same thing. “No matter what, I’m going to look like a hero”, he explains. Oh boy.
Stupid Allison believes him, of course, so she goes to Chelsia and James. We get a few “totally’s” when James explains that they’re not promising a vote to either couple. Oh, and a few “seriously’s” and “really’s” for added measure. Girlfriend needs a thesaurus.
Sheila asks James the same question, and informs James that Matt/Natalie have also promised them the same vote. James knows this could possibly hurt him in the end, so he interrupts a pool game to confront Matt, whose entire excuse is “that’s Big Brother”. Ugh. He’s really not the master manipulator he thinks he is.
Wait, Julie thinks Matt and Natalie have been “fierce” competitors? Bwahahahahahahahah! And we end this segment with diary room crap that tells us nothing about who is going to be voted out. But damn, my girl Chelsia is looking cute.
Time for silly Julie to ask dumb questions to the houseguests. She asks what the sirens could mean, and nobody says anything worth repeating. Really, this segment stinks. For some reason, we’re shown Matt and Natalie winning the veto competition. She’s really starting to remind me of the late Tammy Faye Bakker.
Oh, here we go with interviews with the friends. We’re set up with footage of Matt pushing away Natalie. They head to the Beaver State to talk to Natalie’s co-workers. Um, why couldn’t it be either of her hot friends that were put in the house? Carmel says that her problems in the past with men is because “she kind of lets guys walk all over her”. You think? Damn, even her sister is cuter, but she has that same nicotine voice that so annoys me. Of course, Matt’s friends are as big of tools as he is. “He’s going to keep breaking hearts.” Double ugh.
Ooooh, Julie just announced the siren’s going to go off when the evicted couple reaches the front door. This could be interesting.
So the front door will be locked, and the couple has to return to the living room. They WILL be playing as individuals, and only one member of the evicted couple will remain.
No live vote tonight. By a vote of 2 – 0, Allison and Ryan are (sort of) evicted. Hugs and tears…and the door is locked. Poor Allison is trying and trying! Hahahahah! Allison thinks she’s saved! Matt’s clearly not happy. (Truthfully, this is sort of anticlimactic.)
Almost everybody couldn’t be more pleased that the couples bit is over (except for Joshuah, Sharon, and (obviously Natalie). It is announced that only Allison or Ryan will remain, and the house will now vote. Suddenly, Allison’s not so sure of herself anymore.
Before the vote, they still have to go through the sham of talking to the house guests. Ryan enjoys everybody, and the time he’s spent in the house, blah blah blah. Allison’s speech begins with tears, and she also really wants to be there, blah blah blah.
Adam votes to evict Allison. My girl Chelsia votes to evict Allison. Yes, this looks to be unanimous. Matt also votes to evict Allison, as does Sheila, Natalie, and James. Even Allison isn’t surprised, and tries to rush out without any hugs (Sharon grabs her for one, though).
Hahaha, Allison is beyond bitter! Julie again goes right to the jugular – why did you pretend to be a lesbian? The goodbye messages are silly – Natalie is as dumb as always, Joshuah is pissed about the gay thing, Sheila cries. Ooof, Allison claims she came into the game with a plan to go with the flow. Uh, you never did that. Why didn’t Julie ask the obvious question – how does it feel to be such a horrible player that you’re the first person to ever be evicted twice on one show?
Another question game for HOH? The producers really need to work harder. The questions involve the order of events in the house. Yes, Natalie goes out early! So much for Matthew 3:5! Ohnoes, my girl Chelsia’s out! After multiple questions between Adam and Ryan, it’s Ryan FTW!!!
One has to hand it to Adam, though. With Sheila he’s had no role in any competition. Within minutes after losing her, he almost pulls through with a win.
Wait, Julie is promising that the fans are now going to have a role in the game. I don’t like the sound of that. Oh, it's no big surprise here - we get to vote a person to return. I want Amanda’s sweet ass!!! And I want her to return to the show!
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So the commercial just hinted that the evicted couple WON'T be leaving. Plus, there's another very surprising twist.
The next 15 minutes can't go by fast enough!
Goodbye Allison (I Hope)
No Practice For HoH Usually Means Endurance
Things are shaping up for something special tonight. The HGs have been on an inside lock down all day with no 'walkthrough' for the show. In the past when this has gone on it has meant an endurance HoH competition. Things might be different this time because there is the couples thing going on.
Inside the house right now Ryan says that the remaining HGs WILL be getting split up - however I think it is just him speculating.
Allison has revealed a lot of her info to Ryan today - for example she told him she was a professional gambler.
OHHHHH New Trivia on the live feeds screen saver it looks like as well (It just popped on).
Update: The feeds went to trvia around 7:15pm It is 'all new' trivia - which is a nice change - but whomever put it together has some of the 'slides' out of order. I just saw 4 answers in a row with no questions in between - and I know I saw two questions in a row without an answer earlier.
Fear not - I am recording the screen just like I did with the other one and I will post it in youtube format later tonight if I have time.
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Speculation Is Rampant About Tonight.
I posted this over at as well.......
Speculation has been running rampant with the Big Brother community with people guessing what might happen on tonights show.
Here are some of the rumors I have heard (and my own thoughts mixed in as well):
- Tonight after the Showtime broadcast ends the alarm will finally sound, then the HGs will assemble in the living room and somehow the evicted HGs will return. None of the evicted HGs have been seen so some or all of them returning in some manner does seem to be a possibility.
- When Allison and Ryan are voted out they will be told they can't leave and have to stay in the house for some period of time even though they are out of the running.
- Allison and Ryan will be allowed to mix up the couples after they are evicted - thus messing up any alliances that have been made.
- Allison and Ryan will somehow help run the HoH competition. Perhaps it will finally be an endurance competition.
- The couples will be broken up and all will play as individuals.
As I type this Allison is speculating with Ryan - she feels they may not being evicted tonight even if they are voted out. She feels she hasn't spent enough time in the Diary Room discussing their potential eviction and there is a reason for it.
I for one have no clue, I think the couples need to be broke up - I feel it has been an interesting 'twist' but it is hurting the gameplay - the feeds would be more interesting to me if everyone was playing for themselves.
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Every season there's that 1 person...
Who doesn't fly under the radar. Isn't really liked and is wanted out. By the house guests, the tv viewing audience and the feed viewers. Yet someone always comes along every week that needs to go 'more'. Either because of a personal grudge, strategy, or what have you. This disliked person winds up going much further in the game then ever thought possible.
This year, to me, that person is Sheila.
I think her main saving grace has been Adam. The other guys like him. If not for the couple twist I think she'd be long gone by now.