Adam, Ryan, Joshuah, James, and Chelsia are trying to figure out Natalie's past.
They want to know when exactly she did all the things she claims to have done, and what she was doing in the three years that they claim are missing from her story.
I'm hearing stories of drugs, bad boyfriends, the bunny ranch, and finding Jesus.
Joshuah is now blasting her NFL cheerleader story, which she admitted to not being true when she was talking to God one night. No one else knows it, but Joshuah feels it isn't true.
Adam is really taking this the hardest it seems. He knows drugs, sex, and alcohol are involved in her past and he wants to know when and soon. He believes she's gone to rehab, and this is where she found religion. She has faith, but she really doesn't know about Catholicism or other types of Christianity.
Adam and James just walked outside. They all definitely want to ask her about her past. This is a case of cabin fever. Natalie's past does not make a difference in this game. Also, there might be something in Natalie's past that Big Brother does not want her talking about.Sheila just got called out for knowing more than she lets on about past seasons. She claims she was forced to watch 10 episodes from seasons 3,7,and 8. Sure.
James dyed his mohawk pink. He also dyed his face a little.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Natalie's Past
Big Brother is Historical
Natalie and Sheila are sipping their wine discussing how they are part of this huge historical giant that is Big Brother.
The only thing Natalie will be remembered for is voting James back into the house after just evicting him. When people do lists of TOP FIVE DUMBEST MOVES IN BIG BROTHER HISTORY, this move will be in that top five.
These two are making the weirdest faces as well.
Stay Calm.
The feeds are back. I assume Big Brother had some technical difficulties because I got a computer screen on the feeds.
These are the douchebags standing in the living room watching the "fireplace" reboot.
Anywho.The houseguests received some alcohol. I wouldn't mind the alcohol so much if Sheila was not allowed to have any. She's now talking about her mother, and I'm sure it'll be a tear jerker. She's talking to Ryan, and it's obvious he does not care.
How Much Does Sheila Know?
Sheila is constantly claiming how she's never watched an episode of Big Brother and she had no idea people were so mean to each other.
Yet I constantly find her telling other houseguests specifics about what has happened in past seasons.
I think her big secret is she has watched Big Brother.
Dun Dun Dun.
Edit: Nat just said she wanted to get her boobs done again in ten years and was going to go to Dr. Will. Sheila responded with "He only does faces." Dr. Will is a cosmetic dermatologist.
Natalie and Sheila At It Again!
Nothing beats when these two brain surgeons get together for their own version of "c-chat". What's interesting is that Natalie is the only person who can slow down Sheila's rambling monologues. Some of the "highlights" of this conversation include Natalie saying she could never stoop to "their" level, that "they" beat the toughest girls in the house, that Chelsia is jealous of her relationship with Matt (yeah, if you say that enough times it just may be true), and that her relationship with Matt turns people on. Stupidly, she also hinted to Sheila that she's now working with James.
Wednesday's HOH Quiz Could Lead To Interesting Aftermath
While it's commonplace for Big Brother contestants to wonder what America thinks about each of them, I think this season's cast is easily the most obsessed. Many of them think they're going to walk out of the season finale as stars; others have a bit more realistic view of what lies ahead for them.
This Wednesday, the house guests will see the first real indicators of America's opinion when the HOH competition involves the results of a poll. Well, it's true they sort of got a glimpse with the "Mystery Guest" fiasco, but even two weeks later they don't understand why America wanted Alex back in the house.
I think the aftermath of this competition will be very interesting. I doubt if the guys really care, as they seem pretty level-headed, as does Sharon. It's the other two I'm worred about. Will Sheila and Natalie's heads explode if by chance it appears that America does love them? Or conversely, how shattered will they be if they don't come out of this looking so good?
Here are the questions from the poll:
1. Which candidate’s word would you trust the most?
2. Which candidate would most likely forget the words to the Pledge of Allegiance?
3. Which candidate would you most want leading you into battle?
4. Which candidate would most likely name a holiday after themselves?
5. Which candidate would spend the most time in front of the mirror before a press conference?
6. Which candidate would most likely re-carve Mount Rushmore to include only their face?
7. Which candidate could best talk their way out of a scandal?
8. Which candidate would give the most inspiring speech?
9. Which candidate would be in most need of a makeover?
10. Which candidate would you be most embarrassed to take to a fund raiser?
11. Which candidate would most likely win an election based on their looks?
12. Which candidate would most likely lock themselves out of the White House?
13. Which candidate would most likely stop their motorcade to let a squirrel cross the road?
14. Which candidate would most likely give their Big Brother winnings to a charity?
15. Which candidate would most likely sell their life story to a tabloid?
16. Which candidate’s biography would be the most interesting to read?
17. Which candidate’s sense of humor would most likely win you over?
18. Which candidate is most likely to have their constant gossiping get them into trouble?
19. Which candidate would most likely grace the cover of a fashion magazine?
20. Which candidate would most likely be impeached due to a scandal?
Sheila's Future Plans
Sheila was telling Sharon how she really wants her own southern cooking show. Sharon told her to keep it to herself so no one steals her idea.
Right. There aren't southern cooking shows on television now, and I think someone watching this would definitely steal the idea. Perhaps someone named Paula Deen.
Lockdown time. The houseguests are all outside.
Joshuah Is Convinced Matt Is Sheila's Son
Joshuah had a conversation with Sharon this morning and told her that he is sure that Sheila has a secret - and that secret is that Matt is her son.
He explains how Shelia has said that she has a secret she can't share with anyone and Joshuah thinks that Big Brother wants her to hold off on revealing the relationship until the end of the show.
Sheila has hinted her son has a disability, Josh thinks it was Matt's messed up eye. Sheila maintains that she and Matt had a promise to go to the final two.
There is tidbit after tidbit of things that Josh has put together to show that they are related and by the end of the conversation Sharon seems to be a believer as well.
Totally nuts!
Getting Technical - Youtube Hates Firefox.
Good morning everyone. I wanted to address an issue that came up for me last night and I know has been causing problems for others.
The problem is that some of us that use Mozilla Firefox as a web browser have been having issues watching Youtube videos. Yesterday when I would try to play a video on this page it would play about two seconds and stop - and there would be no audio. I know others have had this issue because they have been looking for alternative ways to present their video due to complaints.
The real problem appears to be something between Adobe Flash and Mozilla Firefox - Youtube is just a casualty of that problem. I went to a Mozilla related forum and there is an 11 page thread discussing the issue with lots of suggestions as to who to fix it. My solution was to re-download Adobe Flash and install it.
Problem solved!
Chelsia is insane.
Wasn't Chelsia so interested in dyeing these damn eggs, did not participate much in it, and decided to break them...because she hates Nat?
Make up your mind.
It's not Jesus' birthday.