I swear Matt was one sentence away from kicking himself out of the house. The guy just cannot shut up. It's now clear why he was paired up with that skank Natalie.
He saved himself by revealing his insipid America's Pimp plan, which also explains his constant mugging for the cameras. He keeps saying he can't wait for everybody to see his diary room tapes. I don't think he'll have that same opinion when he hears what people think of his "character", and I doubt if the Young and Restless will be calling him for that "easy" gig.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Oh Matty!
Keep talking Matt!
Matt is in the HoH room talking to Alex, Allison, Ryan, James and Chelsia.
He would be smart to keep his mouth shut - because he keeps digging a hole for himself.
Ahh - meeting just ended and I think he managed not to offend Allison enough to have her change her mind.
Looks to me like Alex and Amanda are going - I think that was Alex's last chance to save himself.
But - 15 hour until the voting so who knows.
Allison - Get off your high horse!!
Let me preface this by saying I am completely biased at the moment.
I want Alex to stay in the house - I could care less about Amanda. I am tired of Natalie and Matt's shtick is over.
Allison has made a deal with Matt - Matt has promised to never nominate her - to take her to the end. I don't even know if she has told Ryan that. She has been manipulating things to keep Matt and Natalie in the house and it is working.
And it is driving me CRAZY!! She is telling just as many lies and everyone else but no one is catching her on it.
She just denied saying she would nominate James and Chelsia yet she suggested doing just that to Amanda earlier in the evening.
She criticized others for being cruel to Amanda when she was attacked by Josh - but she was laughing and applauding when he broke her down - but only Josh saw.
Honestly - if she pulls this off she may be a contender for winning the show.
I need to start making a list of the top players - because some are certainly starting to shine over others in their game play.
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 7 Recap
Tonight’s the night for The Very Special Episode of Big Brother! You know, the one where not one, but two people almost died! Get ready for plenty of drama and even more tears.
As I wrote that preceding paragraph, the promo for this episode aired. Ohmigod, they really are going to milk. IN AN INSTANT EVERYTHING CHANGES!!! Wow, CBS is desperately going after ratings. Too bad it won’t help since that stupid American Idol is also on right now.
But first…we have to recap everything we already know. Jen’s gone, my girl Chelsia’s HOH (with James), and there was a food competition. Wait, they’re showing Amanda’s gossiping from last week? Oh, right, that’s called foreshadowing.
Great line from Matt, though. “Never trust anybody with pink hair.” Oooh, and we’re going to see Sheila and Allison fight. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
As you may expect, we start with the reactions to the nominations. Alex sums it up pretty accurately, albeit in a cocky way. “I would say probably 75% of the responsibility that I am on the block is because of Amanda.”
Matt’s not happy, as he was promised to not be put on the block. “America, you got that”, he gestures to the cameras when he confronts James. “The kid with the pink hair must go down,” he adds in the diary room. James feels no remorse. “I do not feel sad or bad or wrong…you’re supposed to lie, cheat, steal, whatever to get to the end.” In a nice touch, he tackles my girl Chelsia and steals a couple of kisses. Hey, you gotta get it when you can.
Meanwhile, Natalie sees this as an opportunity to get some alone time with Matt. Too bad we don’t get to see exactly what kind of alone time where she excels. “We have to win P.O.V.” You think?
Alex tells Amanda to get away so he doesn’t lash out at her. Typical Amanda retort when Matt says he has a negative attitude right now -“just towards me?” Uh, yeah. Truthfully, they would have gone up even without Amanda’s big mouth (unfortunately, a different kind of big mouth than what we see from Natalie). “There wasn’t one thing said about me,” adds Matt. Stay positive is all Amanda can say.
Amanda does perform one smart move. She puts a bug in Sheila’s ear that maybe Allison is playing her. Meanwhile, Allison is playing cleaning supply games with Natalie (yeah, I don’t get it either). More foreshadowing.
Matt again confronts James, saying he thought he was a “straight up dude”. After walking away, Alex pretty much does the same. They’re both acting a bit cocky because…well, how dare he put up the two studs of the house. “I know I wouldn’t be on the block this week if I didn’t have a partner,” claims the clearly delusional Matt. James is unfazed. “It’s a game. When it comes down to voting for people at the end, you’ll say ‘you know what, that person played the game’.” I like Alex, but this is the sort of attitude that bothers me every year.
Psycho Sheila is back at it. She confronts Allison, claiming that she’s getting a “really weird vibe”. Allison tries to say there’s no problems, but Sheila doesn’t let her get a word in. “Listen, listen.” Finally, she gets in a sentence or two where she explains she’s trying to get to know her partner.
P.O.V. time, and Sharon and Josh get to be the extra couple in the competition. More brainstorming between Matt and Alex before the competition, but James interrupts them. Matt talks a bit more smack, but James just smiles and tells them to “keep talking” as he walks out.
Silly CBS tie-in time, as the contest is a puzzle that involves Jericho, the show that’s on after Big Brother. Both Chelsia and Matt think they have an in, because either they or their father have had construction-related gigs. Oooookay. I won’t bore you with the details, except that Matt was confused by the different lengths of cables. “It was a puzzle.” Um, yeah.
Sharon and Joshuah win, narrowly beating Alex and Amanda. The extra prize is they get to read some news headlines. Amanda jumps for joy at the news that John McCain has won the Republican nomination. “I didn’t think that Amanda would be a Republican,” comments James. “Then again, I didn’t think she’d be much of anything.” Priceless. It turns out she has two favorites, as she also cheers the news of Barack Obama taking the lead in the Democratic race.
Of course, Joshuah cares more about the Britney Spears stories. They’re all confused, though, when a story about the Hudson River virus is displayed. So is most of America, judging by the ratings of Jericho.
Back to the Sheila/Allison situation. Poor Sheila – she’s not getting to dominate Allison’s time. “That bitch”, she whines to a bug-eyed Natalie. “I trusted that girl. I feel like an employee.” Holy shit, she’s psychotic. It’s bad when Natalie becomes the voice of reason. “She needs to learn how to keep things in.”
She then moves on to Matt, and becomes even more heated. Even Matt thinks she’s a mental case, and he would know. But Sharon says she has “street smarts”. Hahahahahaha! Sharon overhears and tells Allison how Sharon’s telling everybody she “saved” her, and it’s ON! Again, Allison isn’t able to get a word in, and the majority of the house enjoys the ensuing battle.
Allison lets off some steam by running laps and talking trash to Sharon. In the middle of whining about Sheila, THE BIG DRAMA BEGINS. She took off to the diary room, breathing heavily. Meanwhile, Amanda and Natalie are doing their nails, unaware of Allison’s allergic reaction. Amanda complains about feeling tired, and faints. Natalie is probably the last person I’d want to be around during a time of crisis, but at least she gets help. Amanda comes to and starts hyperventilating, and the nurse runs in.
Paramedics arrive, and Amanda is wheeled out (as is Allison off camera). Cue the piano music, and Natalie pretends to be touched. “They’re still like our family.” Matt seems to think he’s saved. Everybody has their moment of sappiness, but let’s be real. They were both gone for three hours. Oh, and Matt now has a newfound respect for the “crazy pink-haired freak”.
We get our happy ending, with more sappy music. Of course, Amanda is more worried about her appearance as she was lying on the ground. Everybody makes up with each other, though, (although Sheila has to make it all about her once again) and they all lived happily after…
Oh wait, we have the P.O.V. meeting. It wasn’t used, although we still went through the charade of showing Sharon and Joshuah staring at the wall of pictures, and everybody’s comments on how it should be used on them. At least we got final bikini shots of Amanda and my girl Chelsia.
See ya Thursday!
Stuff May Be Going Down Tonight!! Joshua Bringing The Drama.
Sharon and Joshua realize that there is no convincing Allison and Ryan to switch their vote so unless they do something drastic Amanda and Alex will go home.
Joshua plans to tell people that Matt has said he wants to get a BJ from Allison before he leaves - apparently as a way to get Allison mad at Matt.
Now Sharon is telling Chelsia that they need to expose Matt. They want it to happen but do not want to be the ones to bring it out. They want Amanda to bring it up but Amanda doesn't want to make more drama - she says she can not handle another incidents like the hot tub one last week.
Something is going to happen tonight.
The vote is going to take place and 12pm tomorrow. My guess is the feeds will be off from noon until 5pm (BB time) so that we have no clue as to how it may go. We might know tonight if this blow up happens like I think it will.
What's the Smartest Move - Nat/Matt or Amanda/Alex?
Over the course of the last few days, we've seen the tides turn back and forth over these nominees. At first, it was going to be Amanda and Alex, and then it turned back to Natalie and Matt. After the events of today, it seems to back to Amanda and Alex.
Which is the smartest move? It would be pretty easy to say Matt and Natalie. They're both beyond annoying. Natalie can never shut her mouth (unless a body part of Matt's is inserted), but Matt babbles almost as much as she does. He's also always playing for the cameras like he really is auditioning for that daytime soap opera gig he once stated would be his dream job.

Yet the smartest move is to eliminate Alex and Amanda. Yes, they're easier to live with. Now that Amanda has toned down her gossiping, she's come off as just a sily, pleasant girl (with a perfect ass). Alex has also come a long ways in recent days. He seemed to be just an typical "himbo" in the early days, but he's now coming off as quite possibly the nicest person in the entire house. He doesn't spend his entire day conspiring and rehashing his theories. He just hangs out, and always seems to be pleasant with everybody. Last night, one of the least eventful nights in the house, it was Alex that came up with activities that kept a few people occupied.
One mistake that's constantly made on Big Brother, though, is voting out people based on the likeness factor. Too often, strong players have been kept around simply because others think of them as good people. I'm sorry, but Sheila's "it's better to keep the strong players around to carry you" theory is pure insanity. You have to make the move when you have an opportunity to get rid of somebody who is a real threat.
Of these two couples, Alex and Amanda are the biggest threats to win. Both are very athletic, and Alex is also quite possibly the smartest person in the house (and I don't think Amanda is as stupid as she acts). Matt and Natalie may be a physical threat, although I don't think Matt is nearly as athletic as he thinks he is, but they have no shot at winning any challenges that involves their brain or their knowledge of the house or other competitors. Their only win so far happened because Amanda threw a P.O.V. (or so she claims). The smart move is to keep them around for at least one more week.
Either way, I don't think it will make much difference as to who gets nominated next week. Both of these teams would clearly nominate James and Chelsia if they won HOH, and while the plans of the other couples is pretty unclear at this point (beyond some quiet chatter that could change at any time), I don't see any major changes based on who survives tomorrow night.
BTW, I find it hilarious that Natalie is begging Matt for some private time tonight just in case it's their last night together. She just cannot handle rejection.
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The cat is out of the bag - Alex knows he needs to campaign.
Word got out today that Ryan and Allison are thinking about voting out Alex and Amanda.
I am watching James, Allison and Joshua discussing who to vote out. They are all worried that they will be a target next week if they don't evict the right person.
Ughhhh - there are six couples in the house right now - when one is evicted there will be five left. One will be HoH and will have to pick between four remaining couples. It is TOO SMALL a pool of people for three to be discussing whom to vote out when they each feel they have 'deals' of some type with others. They can't all agree and they are trying to convince each other.
Joshua and Sharon have deals and reasons to want to keep Alex and Amanda - Allison and Ryan have deals and reasons to want to keep Matt and Natalie. James is helpless because he isn't casting a vote and has made himself a target by nominating both couples.
I can't see these three agreeing - they are all busy trying to cover their asses for next week.
I'll say it again - this 'couples' thing stinks this year.
Last chance for one couple to save themselves.
Amanda and Alex need to do some fast ass kissing to save themselves and I don't think it is going to happen.
Alex is trying this noble 'I'm not going to campaign' thing and he was their best shot to stay in the house cause Amanda won't be able to convince anyone on here own.
He has done a tiny bit of campaigning but Ryan feels that he and Allison have a better shot at winning if Alex and Amanda are gone. Mainly because they feel Matt is more loyal AND more controllable.
Today should be pretty quiet unless Alex gets busy or Natalie ticks off the house to where they want her out.
Did you see a preview for tonight's show? They will be showing the medical emergencies that went on Friday night. Did you miss it?
Keep in mind - they were both back in the within three hours. It certainly was serious but I have a feeling they are going to really build the drama on tonight's show.
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