While Matt, Adam, and Ryan plot her partner's demise, my girl Chelsia chats with Joshuah about how her and James became closer during their reign as HOH. She says she always made fun of reality "showmances", and now finds herself in one. There's also some laughter over the stupidity of some of their fellow house guests.
Natalie's line of the night - "Just because I have big fake titties doesn't mean I'm dumb." Yeah, it does.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Chelsia Gossips With Josh
No More Operation Bro?
I'm depressed once again. Matt is up in the HOH, and knows all. Now him, Ryan, and Adam are in cahoots together, and James is now the target. I fully expect that to happen.
This is scary, since everybody seems to think Alex will be the person that returns next week. Those four together could run for quite some time.
Shelia Tells Natalie All
Sounds like she is bitter about not getting anything out of the POV except the red suit. She says it shows her what the other HGs think about her so she isn't going to keep quiet about the plan to back door Matt.
She has not told Natalie that the plan is on to back door Matt - that they need to work on Ryan NOT to put Matt up. She tells Natalie that Ryan told everyone how Natalie had passed on the info.
And NOW Shelia is telling Ryan that all the other HGs have said that they know Ryan will never win the final prize. Ryan is either a really good liar or he is believing what she says - she has told him that his two biggest allies are Natalie and Adam (huh?). She is encouraging Ryan to put up Joshua in Chelsia's place instead of Matt.
I LOVE NON COUPLES BIG BROTHER!!! The plot changes every couple of hours!!!!
My Girl Chelsia!
I don't know why I didn't do this earlier, but I have just unveiled My Girl Chelsia. There's not much there so yet, but I do have a great archive of pics that I'll be uploading over the course of this weekend. :)
We're Stronger Than They Are.
Natalie and Sharon are feeding each other's ego currently. Sheila just told Natalie that they are stronger than "they" are, meaning Joshuah, Sharon, Chelsia, and James.
Wow. Ok.
Sheila explained to Natalie Ryan's new plan - to have Matt evicted, and he never really wanted Chelsia to leave. Natalie says this is not true, that Ryan gave her his word that Sharon would be the one to go home even if Matt was on the block because he would be the tie breaking vote. Both agree that Ryan would be stupid to side with Joshuah, Sharon, Chelsia, and James. Sheila knows Natalie is a pawn to get Matt out of the house, which isn't sitting well with Nat.

Natalie will be in the HOH room at some point tonight to give Ryan a piece of her mind, and also to paint him in bright sparkly pink nail polish on a paper towel.
Sequestered Sharon
If I get tooled on for this, so be it. It just hit me that Sharon was sequestered, so she probably has an idea that someone is coming back, just no idea when. I'm sure she expects it soon, and hopes that it is someone who would be on her side. Since being put up on the block, she hasn't been so trusting of anyone, not even former partner Joshuah. She definitely hasn't said anything to anyone, or else we would have heard about it.
Matt fell asleep on the hammock, and Natalie is still sleeping. Crazy.
Adam and Matt are talking about who Ryan might put up. Matt isn't worried, and Adam says Joshuah would make more sense to be put up.
Natalie just woke up, and immediately went outside. She's about to do Laundry and wants to do dear Matty's.
Matt did say he was doing to make an effort to be nicer to her, but I don't know how long it will last.
Funny conversation I just heard.
Matt: They're gonna backdoor me Natty.
Natalie: Says who?
Matt: I'm joking.
Well, they won't be surprised if Ryan puts him up.
Sheila played the 'single mom' card during POV comp!
As Sheila is yapping away to Adam, she just said that Adam gave her the money and Ryan took it away even though she's a "SINGLE MOM"!!! Apparently someone made that comment to her that ohhh you played that card! but I didn't hear who it was.
She is trying to tell Adam that he's not safe and they're all out to get "them". Saying that none of them are his friends. Funny how much she likes him now. Why she keeps saying "us" to him like their still a team, I don't know.
Another thing I've noticed with Sheila is she is always yapping about the game. She never just sits and shoots the shit.
OH NOZZZZ the return of the red bodysuit
Chelsia's Safe - I'm Back!
As I stated yesterday, I refrained from watching the feeds ever since I heard that my girl Chelsia was nominated. I did view a bit of Showtime last night, but it was so boring that I was actually asleep before my customary 1 a.m. bedtime. The only entertaining portion of the broadcast was Natalie stating she doesn't believe in evolution, and changing the subject when Matt started talking about how Genesis is not to be taken literally. Oh yeah, and my girl Chelsia describing the piercings she has on her surely flawless "special" area.
But today is another day...and it's much improved. Everybody has figured out that Matt is full of crap, and that Natalie cares nothing about the game and only about nabbing "America's Pimp". God, I hope the plans to give him the boot go through as planned.
Yet not all is perfect, as you can see by this picture of Sheila in a unitard.
Hey Mr. Big Brother feed cam chooser!
Can you give us something better to watch? I'm sure there is something going on somewhere in the house. I really don't think all 4 cam feeds need to be on Matt and he lays alone in the hammock.
Even if the 2 close up cams make it look like he's jacking...
Matt's Alone Time
Matt has found ten minutes of peace.
So what does he do?
He lays in the hammock. Before laying in the hammock, he was in the HOH room with Ryan. Matt thinks Ryan is going to nominate Sheila because Matt said Sheila was freaking out to him. Ryan told Matt he has two days to think and he's not spilling the beans.
Oh, and my cam froze on this image of Matt in the hammock. It's really scary looking.
I actually haven't seen Natalie around him since the feeds came back after the POV competition. I assume she's sleeping because Matt has now been alone for 15 minutes out there and I haven't seen Natalie around for an hour.
Could this be a turning point? Probably not. But it shows some kind of promise.
When does Alex come back to the house?
I just put this as a comment but then figured it needed it's own lil post.
We all agree that Alex will most likely be the one coming back in the house. My question is, when? It would make for some interesting spin if it was before eviction.
Matt Wants the Backdoor
Matt apparently has been asking the houseguests to backdoor him. I guess he feels enough people will vote to keep him in the house, and he will just use this against Ryan.
Well, enough people want Matt out, so this plan will ultimately backfire on Matt.
This, of course, assuming nothing changes, which I doubt it will.
Ryan is pretty stoked that Chelsia won the POV, and neither have stopped smiling since the feeds came back.
Chelsia wins POV
It looks like Chelsia has won the Power of Veto, and Sharon is freaking out. She is being told by James, Chelsia, and Joshuah that Ryan plans on putting up Matt to backdoor him. Sharon is explaining herself to Ryan, because she feels like Ryan is coming after her because of the Allison situation. Ryan tells her that he trusts her, and that he knows she isn't gunning for him.
Everyone is seeing through Matt's attitude and lies. If nothing changes from now until the POV meeting, Matt is probably going up against Sharon, and so far three people are voting for Matt's eviction, and Ryan will tiebreak is necessary.
The feeds have been on for about five minutes, so I'm keeping an eye on what's being said.
Everyone be happy for Scott for another week!
Ryan likes the backdoor
Ryan is telling Chelsia, James and Sheila that he would like to stick to what the house wants...and that's to try to backdoor Matt. They're all commiserating about Matt's script he throws at everyone. Natalie is known as the "wild card" in the entire operation due to her insanity. Girl loves punishment, I guess.
Overnight stuff... POV hint.
Late last night BB let the HGs in the back yard and they saw a huge pool table with holes in a line. It is assumed it is part of the POV competition for today. They got to proactive for a while with it but are back to being locked inside again this morning.
As far as strategy - Shelie, Josh, Sharon and Natalie all discussed trying to get Ryan to back door Matt if the POV is won and used.
Natalie took this information straight to Matt who in turn took it right to Ryan. So when Josh approached Ryan very early this morning he wasn't shocked (he didn't let Josh know he expected it).
Natalie is gonna kill that alliance - lol.