We're almost an hour into BBAD, and the cameras have yet to leave the HOH. Natalie has played the pity game, and I must give Sheila some credit for throwing some of her actions back at her. She claims to not have even heard the term "Team Christ" until a couple of days ago. Natalie's not a great liar, though, and I've counted at least five fibs.
"Alex" just sits quietly in his chair. It's too bad he's not eligible for votes.
Adam is sick, or at least that's what he's using to keep Natalie from begging for his vote. Ryan is walking in and out of the HOH, but isn't really saying much.
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Sheila and Natalie Show
Sheila Is Obsessed Over the Alex Doll
It's as boring tonight as it was today. They're all now eating mac and cheese, and Sheila just said she should have brought "Alex" down to eat with them. Earlier, Adam was teasing her that she was crying because he had threated to thrown "him" over the railing. She said when she's evicted Alex will be walking out with her. Ryan's response? "You might be piecing him back together."
There was one interesting tidbit tonight. Natalie put the heat on Ryan once again, and he told her she's going to try to get Adam to come on board to save her. According to Natalie, the fact that Sharon and Sheila said nothing during their "meeting" was telling. Please don't let that happen.
And with that note, I must turn off the feeds because Sharon has been yelling "beebies" for the past five minutes.
Slowest Day Of The Week Is Still Monday
No we haven't all stopped posting. Just not a lot to report today.
So far for excitement I watched as Natalie complained to Sheila about being called out yesterday and then a while later I watched Sheila talk Ryan's ear off in the HoH room about her concerns that Adam might vote to evict Sharon and create a tie she would have to break.Ohhhh late late last night Adam and Ryan did talk about what they might do if they both made the final three. The winner would give second place some cash to even things out a little. They they were admonished by Big Brother and told they could not talk about those sort of things.
As you can see by the picture, Ryan is so lethargic today that when he flipped over one of the toy cars he didn't even go flip it back over, he simply put his head down for several minutes.
Hate to say it but chances are tomorrow won't be much better. The one thing they get tomorrow is the HoH picture taking session and Sheila will get to make her HoH blog entry.