These people could work for a cable news network the way they spin the truth. Joshuah and Sharon continue to babble over and over (along with Sheila and Chelsia for awhile) about the same tired points.Meanwhile, after being told by Matt that Natalie's not allowed to speak because she's easily swayed by anybody (hehehe), Allison takes her into the sauna. After two or three "I adore you's", Allison tells her that the plan is to act like being nominated doesn't bother them. Yeah, right. Oh, and that she has never said anything bad about any of these mean people. "I'm just a really nice person." Sure you are.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Plotting and Scheming and Gossiping, Oh My!
Does anyone listen to the podcasts?
Just curious cause I have no stats on it. See the little thing on the right? I call in and record a few times a week and I know on people listen to it - but I wasn't sure if anyone did here.
Let me know!!!
No Surprises In Nominations
Allison Will Try Anything To Save Herself!
Let's start with the late morning blowup with Joshuah:
Joshuah: I can't wait to send you home...
A few minutes later..
Allison: You're a crazy motherf'er.
Joshuah: No one likes you... you cyclops.
After Josh makes fun of her for wearing the same "ugly dress" twice on national television:
Allison: I can't wait to meet Chase...I wonder who Chase (Josh's boyfriend) is out F'ing right now.
Joshuah: Don't worry... nobody wants to do that to you.
Allison: I don't want to get butt f'd. Only gay people do that.
Joshuah: C-nt.
She now gets in Josh's face:
Joshuah: Stay back and give me the 5 feet.
Allison: That only applies to you. The producers said you have to stay 5 feet from me.
Josh and Sharon then have a meeting with the rest of the house, where Allison is pretty much a unanimous choice to be put up...with Matt and Natalie acting as pawns.
After the food competition, there's a conversation involving Joshuah, James and Chelsia:
Joshuah: Sharon's taking care of Matt and Natalie. I'm gonna pull yours and James' key second...I'm gonna tell Ryan, I've really enjoyed you in this game, and I think you got a bad deal having Jen here, and now having Allison. Allison is the fakest, most manipulative person in the house, and for the house's best interest, I think she needs to go.
Chelsia: Allison's so mad, she may just win PoV out of spite.
Josh: No problem - then we vote out Matt & Natalie. You and James win HoH next week and get rid of Allison then.
Chelsia: (imitates Allison) "I determine who wins the money"
A few minutes later, Allison tries to make a deal with Sharon and Joshuah. She blames Sheila for the lesbian story, and Ryan for voting out Alex and Amanda. Joshuah says the producers told him they never said he had to stay five feet away, and she responds that she was told differently. Furthermore, she thought everything that happened yesterday was a big joke, that her medications are the blame for her actions, and if they were to team up they could "take down the whole house" because (time for one of her cliches) she "adores" them.
I found YouTube vids of much of Allison's insanity. They're worth watching.
Allison's a Broken Record
My beautiful friend Ashley (who is frequently seen in the comments sections here) summed up my feelings about Allison earlier today on RadioGoldFans:
Words/phrases i never want to hear out of Allison's mouth again but i know i will:
to be honest
i was on the block for 14 days
amanda made my life hell
jen made my life hell
that's not how i meant it
i've only watched one season
that's not why i made my decision
ryan makes all the decisions
I would also add "that doesn't bother me" and "I'm not mad but...", and I think we should make a drinking game out of her babbling.