Thursday, March 20, 2008
Could the Fun Happen Later Tonight?
Nat Finally Found Somebody To Talk To
Natalie has been doing the baby talk thing with the guinea pigs for the last few minutes, but it's probably been her most sensible chat of the day. I'm praying that she's gone next week. PLEASE! If not her, then her motormouth friend.
Ooooh, Chelsia just informed Ryan of her "offer" to James. Of course, it's now all a joke.
Hi Beebees!!!!
Sharon's daily routine is to greet the guinea pigs by saying "HI BEEBEES!"
Natalie and Chelsia have caught on to this and now they greet the damn guinea pigs by saying "HI BEEBEES!"
Please, ladies, I beg of you. Stop squealing to the guinea pigs. Also, if you're gonna call them "babies" please say it correctly. It's not "beebees."
One of the beebees just bit Ryan. SEE WHAT YOU GIRLS ARE DRIVING THEM TO DO.Also, Sheila had no idea that the black and white photos were of evicted houseguests. Natalie had to explain that that's why they are still in color.
James loves blowjobs.
POV Players Chosen
Did Somebody Go Off On Sheila?
Update: Still No Reason For Neil's Departure
James And Chelsia About To...And We Switch to Stupid Sheila Sleeping!
Ugh! I'm so outraged. James and Chelsia were joking around in the bedroom that they might as well do it, since their status as a couple is the reason they've been nominated. Josh builds a wall for "privacy"...and we switch to two cams of Natalie bothering Adam and two cams of Sheila sleeping.
Isn't the reason for the feeds to show us what's happening in the house? Sure, a cam on Natalie's insanity is worthy of some coverage, but two cameras on a Sheila sleeping? Ugh! Especially when you can hear the laughter from the bedroom!
Oh boy, James just came running out of the bedroom claiming that he...uh, finished.
The New Threesome.
James' french word of the day
Lockdown for the night
By 5 pm their time (8 EST) they will be stuck in the house all night. They were given a 1/2 hr notice for the smokers to get smoking. With the mood already being very high strung, no nicotine for the smokers, and all stuck in the house, I have high expectations for some blow ups tonight.
Sexual Favors for Votes!
Chelsia is gonna blow guys for votes. She's also gonna tell Natalie that if she does go into sequestration with Matt, she will bang him for the rest of their time in sequestration, unless Natalie keeps her in the house of course.
James is asking her not to use her vagina. It will win and he doesn't have one.
Feeds are back on and nominations are made
James and Chelsia, on the block.
Everyone is way over the top right now. Might be an interesting night...
Some Funny Lines Today
It's been pretty laid back most of the day, with the exception of Sheila and Natalie still hounding Adam. But I did chuckle at the following lines:
Natalie, to Sheila: "I know 100% that Ryan is sticking with us. He loves me; I'm a favorite person in this house."
Sheila to Natalie: "God and Big Brother will not allow Josh to make it to the end of the game."
Sheila thinks Evel Dick is coming back soon (wow, she's a pshycic). Adam tells her that "he'll rip you apart." Sheila's response? "No, he's gonna like me." Uh, no.
Table Suffers Shrinkage - When Will We See Dick?
After this morning's lock down the HGs discoved the table had shrunk down to half the original size (it happens every year).
And since I am lazy and only wanted to make one post - let's talk about Dick. I miss all the Dick jokes I could make last year. Here is my thoughts on when he will show up as I posted over on a bit ago...
On Wednesday’s live show Julie Chen announced that Evel Dick would be giving the House Guests a wake up call on next Tuesday’s show. Tuesdays are when the Power of Veto competitions are shown so I expect that that is what Dick will do in the house much like Janelle did last season. The POV competition usually takes place on Fridays and is taped for Tuesday’s show.
I think the tease about a wake up call is that Dick will enter the house early on Friday and wake everyone up in the same fashion that he did the second time he was nominated when the took pots and pans and banged them in the bedrooms to wake everyone up. Rather than re-post them here you can click on this LINK and watch several clips of his actions that day.
So if you want to see Evel Dick in the Big Brother house again and don’t have the live feeds - sign up today for the two week free trial and you will be good to go when he enters the house. The actual POV competition will not be shown I am sure - but Dick entering the house should be shown on the feeds I think.
Brother 9 Live Feeds Are On 24x7Click Here To Get The Free 14 Day Trial.
Could Adam Put Sheila Up?
Adam has not definitely said what he's going to do. For the most part, he's just telling everybody what they want to hear. This is feeding right into Sheila's paranoia, so she just has to reinforce that she's apologized for being mean to him.
Adam replies, "I haven't told you that you are going up. I never said I was gonna put you up!"
Sheila then says, "just know this - if I do go up and I stay here, your ass is mine. Your ass is mine!"
Adam: "Don't threaten me, Sheila."
I hope to God he puts her up.
James Almost Tells All To Chelsia
Late last night, James told Chelsia that he has a shocking secret involving porn.
It Wasn't a Food Comp Last Night
1:40am Post luxury competition We find out that it wasn’t a food competition but a luxury competition. The competition was based on Blackjack apparently Natalie doesn’t do too well only getting one right. Some of the prizes were $5000 in chips at Vegas and three days Presidential suite at Vegas. Josh/Sharon/Shelia/James won a movie screening of Big 2. They find out about Allison being a professional card player and there all amazed especially Josh….