In gossiping about James and Cheslia with Sharon and Sheila, Matt just proclaimed himself as the hottest guy in the house. If James keeps up upsetting Natalie, he's going to be all over Chelsia, even though he's supposedly not attracted to her because she's "not my type". He'll be all over in the hot tub, and constantly licking her neck, etc. Yeah, sure.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Matt Really Does Believe He's America's Pimp
Tune Into Showtime!
Let the drinking begin!!
Actually I don't think they have much - but the feeds begin on Showtime in the next 30 minutes.
Pretty interesting, Natalie came in and saw the alcohol and is mad that she isn't getting as much wine as others are.
Allison says this is only the second night she has had alcohol so she doesn't feel bad.
Natalie really just threw a mini fit and stormed away into the back bedroom - Matt says she will pout all night if someone doesn't go talk to her so Ryan went back.
Mum's the Word
After a brief conversation with Joshuah, Chelsia headed to the hot tub and waited for Josh to finish with his bath to join her. Ryan approached Chelsia about cutting a deal, and she listened. He said he wouldn't promise final two, because that is thinking too far ahead, but he certainly would be willing to work out something for the following week if she and James would vote in their favor.
Joshuah did join Chelsia in the hot tub, and because of microphones being off near the water, I couldn't hear them at all. Dammit. I'm sure Chelsia was telling Joshuah that Allison was making stuff up, or completely misinterpreted something they said.
Meanwhile, Natalie tells Sheila about the possible deal between Allison/Ryan and Chelsia/James. Sheila knows she has to say something to James, or Chelsia, whoever she sees first. It happens to be James, who's pretty mum on the subject. The jerk. James knows if he votes to evict Sheila and Adam, he will be on the block next week if he doesn't win HOH. Sheila keeps pressing him for information, but he's not budging. Adam walked in and said he didn't have to tell them anything.
This is a whole bunch of drama that's not needed. For James and Chelsia's sake, I hope they keep the votes the same. I'd hate to see them royally screw themselves.
Four Cams, One Room?
James/Chelsia want Allison to stay?
I just turned the feeds on and it seems James has told Sharon that he wants to keep Allison and Ryan in the house, and evict Sheila and Adam. Not a big shock, but Joshuah and Sharon are pretty mad. Natalie has told Joshuah and Sharon that she has told Allison she's voting to evict Sheila and Adam, but really vote the other way. There's no need to keep a strong couple when you have the chance to evict them. Allison is still telling Natalie she owes them for voting the way she did
last week. Natalie believes Allison has made a deal with James and Chelsia.
Natalie and Matt are not changing their votes. They want to evict Ryan and Allison and think that Sheila and Adam will be better to keep around another week. Joshuah and Sharon want no one in the house to cut a deal with them.
Ryan just told Allison that he, her, and James need to talk.
Shady shady shady!!!!
James and Chelsia will be screwed next week especially if Matt and Natalie win HOH next week.
But it's Matt and Natalie, so I'm not putting my eggs in one basket.
How Allison Can Survive
Well, she can't. But we've seen weirder last minute switches in the past, so as Romeo Void once sang, "Never Say Never". It's highly unlikely, but her only hope is to do the following (which should have started the minute Josh and Sharon won HOH):
1. Enjoy the rest of the week. Have fun. Appear to be resigned to the fact that you're going, and just be in a good mood these last three day. BUT, don't put on a false front. Truly try to enjoy yourself, but you're not a good enough actor to present a smile while secretly stewing.
2. Avoid game talk. You bury yourself more every time you talk about the game. Don't fall into the trap. If others want to talk, just listen but don't add anything that can be used against you. Most importantly, don't be seen huddling with James, Chelsia, Matt, or Natalie.3. Avoid the dozen or so phrases that nobody believes. Don't tell people you "adore" them, or any of the other sayings you like to babble over and over. If you like a meal, feel free to compliment the cook, but don't repeat the phrase for emphasis or claims it's the best meal you've ever had. They've all picked up on the phoniness of these proclamations.
4. Utilize Ryan. It's time for your partner to do your work. Everybody likes him, and nobody considers him a liar. He's also a very subtle talker. He's the one who needs to get it out there that it was Sheila who wanted the lezbo story to continue on. He's the one who can point out to others Matt's multiple lies to every single person in teh house. He's also the one who can work out deal with other couples, as long as he keeps Allison's name out of the conversation.
5. Wait for Sheila's inevitable meltdown. Every moment that Allison acts like she's enjoying herself is a moment closer to Sheila cracking up under pressure. If she goes nuts either tomorrow or Tuesday, Allison and Ryan could be saved.
6. Pray that alcohol is served. Don't partake, but you have to understand that Natalie is one drunken night away from telling all about her bedtime activities with Matt. Ok, you don't know about the bj's, but you do know she's extremely frustrated that he continually blows her off. Sit back and let it happen, because the entire game could change if this story comes out.
The Wonders of Editing on Reality Shows.
A few thoughts on tonight's show and how it demonstrates the editing for the show.
Allsion didn't change her mind 'at the last minute' to vote out Alex and Amanda - that was decided several days in advance. However - Allison and Ryan kept it from Joshua and Sharon until late in the week and then refused to switch their votes which ticked off Joshua.
According to Natalie Joshua made physical threats against her and that is why she was so upset after the HoH competition. The kinda glossed over that.
The 'lesbian lie' was never a huge reason for Joshua to be mad at Allison - seems to me that BB has pushed that angle for the sake of the storyline.
Shelia was the one that came up with the lesbian lie yet Joshua is fine with her? Allison was the one that wanted to reveal the lie - Shelia wanted to keep it going - yet Joshua holds the grudge against Allsion? That is a combo of selective editing by BB and selective memory by Joshua.
Matt and Natalie - the "cuddling" scene that was shown was from February 15th in the early morning and they didn't just cuddle - Natalie gave Matt a blow job - then told her not to get attached to him.
The portrait that Natalie painted of Joshua - it was implied on the show that this took place after Joshua was HoH. Natalie talked about how she doing things like that would be the smart thing to do with the HoH. But, it actually took place the Monday before Joshua and Sharon won HoH and had nothing to do with Natalie kissing up to the HoH.
This is exactly why I love this show. Because I know ALL reality shows are edited this way and this is the one show that exposes how what happens and what makes TV is often quite a bit different.
See what goes on BEFORE the editing.
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Delusional Allison. Still.
So, here's my formal introduction.
My name is Ashley. I'm a 22 year old fashion design student on the east coast. I'm a city girl, living in the city now, and hoping to move to a much bigger city. I absolutely love reality tv. And I can't live without my sports teams! This is my first full season watching Big Brother, as I got into it close to the end of last season. I've been watching the feeds daily, especially while I'm doing homework.
Tonight's episode just proves how delusional Allison truly is, and how bad Ryan has it. Ryan had to deal with Jen telling the truth and the backlash from that, and now he has to deal with Allison's incessant lying, constant fighting, and use of big words. The whole "education" argument that Sheila brings up a lot came out tonight. Allison does use her education as a way to say she's better than someone else, and did it to Joshuah tonight, and has done it to Sheila in the past.
I feel bad for Ryan. He hasn't done anything wrong, but he hasn't really tried saving himself either. He's this week's Alex. Alex knew Amanda had messed up so bad and there would really be no saving them. Ryan feels the same. Ryan is also the worst whisperer ever. I can never understand him.
As I post this, James and Chelsia were canoodling. Yes, I said canoodling. He got called to the diary room, so no more trying to take off her bra. Sorry Scott.
It looks like it's dinner time in the house, time for some boring conversation.
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 9 Recap
Here we go with another network version of Big Brother? Will this be an all-Allison episode, or will that wait until Tuesday? Or will CBS finally do the right thing to please me and show nothing but Chelsia for an entire hour? We’ll soon see.
Ok, it does look like it will be all about Allison, as the recaps are all about the fake lesbian alliance. Josh isn’t happy. Now we move on to her failed attempt to foil Operation Condor. Good move, idiot. Oh boy, they just announced the lesbian lie will come back to haunt her!
We begin with the reaction to the eviction of Alex and Amanda. Matt makes it all about him, of course. “Come on guys, I need a group hug.” Funny thing is that Allison could have had the eviction she wanted if she hadn’t acted so silly, as Josh and Sharon wanted to boot Matt and Natalie. Josh is already promising to go after that “bitch”, as he was offended as a “gay man” about her lie. Sharon and Joshuah both put on their sunglasses as a sign they mean business. Oh boy.
“HOH is better than sex right now”???? Joshuah, you have been in that house too long. James feels confident, but Joshuah knows Allison feels as “if her heart had been yanked out”. So begins a week of Allison moping around the house.
Yep, here we go with the “I buzzed in right when Sharon did.” Joshuah hears this, and promises to make her life hell. “You’re an ugly skank for one thing. And that dress is so tired.” Leave it to a gay guy to attack her clothing choices.
This was the whole “getting in my face” thing that Allison bitched about for three days? Oh, please. He never got anywhere near her, but that doesn’t keep her from telling her sob story to everybody else. She also lets Matt know that “you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me”. Oh really?
While complaining, Joshuah walks by again. “Watch out, I’ll get in your face again.” “I’m not putting up with that at all”, Allison bitches in the diary room. “I’m not messing around AT ALL”.
Plumber’s Crack Ryan comes to Allison’s rescue as she’s bawling in the bathroom. “I’m the only one here she sees as being sane.” Well, there’s some truth to that. “Everybody in here is intimidated by me”, explains Allison. Keep dreaming, you silly girl.
We come back from commercial to Allison still whining. This time, Matt should feel ashamed for not sticking up for her. “If I were a man, I’d never let a man do that to a woman.” Sheesh!
Boring segment time - the unveiling of the HOH room. At least Allison’s smart enough to stay away. Yes, they get family pics, and Sharon says the room is “fabbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-uuuuuuuuuu-lous”. I like her, but I get tired of her over-emphasizing certain words. She’s not happy about the pic that includes her ex-boyfriend. What was his name again?
Matt gets a laugh out of the tiara. That’s one of the few times I’ve shared an opinion with Matt. Now that he has a room, it’s time for him to gossip. Somehow Sheila gets off scot-free on the fake lesbian thing. “I was just joking around. She took it to another level.” Very interesting. Ryan wasn’t aware of this story, and after Joshuah whines Chelsia fills him in on the entire story. “What was the strategy behind that”, asks Ryan. “She’s so fucking stupid.” You have to feel sorry for the guy.
Ryan confronts Allison, and tells her how “people see how manipulative you are”. “I don’t care. It was Sheila’s idea”. When he pushes it, she tells him he’s being a jerk. “You got us in this position. Nobody likes you in the house,” he replies.
Are we really going to see the Matt and Natalie stuff? Ohmigod, we are. “I’m a good girl,” she claims just seconds before her head goes under the sheets. I need to find a good girl like her. Well, it’s not quite like it really happened. The way it’s shown, they kiss and he pulls away. “You don’t get emotionally attached to me?” she whines. “I’ve never had a guy treat me like this before,” she claims. Ummm, I don’t believe that.
It’s food competition time, and nobody wants to be on slop again. Green asparagus unitards? Well, nothing can make my girl Chelsia look bad. Ok, this is boring – the girls have to grab food close to the girls’ weights. Natalie uses the word “guestimate”. Something tells me she truly believes it’s a word. James and Chelsia win, as does Adam and Sheila, who complains that the hat she’s wearing weighs 15 pounds because you know she can’t weigh 131. “We finally won something, Adam.” Remember this moment, Mama.
Matt and Natalie fail in their task, though. No carbs for these kids. Ryan and Allison, however, are almost right on the mark. Oh wait, the needle is falling. Ah, it’s CBS trying to create some typical reality show drama, as they won meats and cheese for the week.
It’s time for another segment that is so boring I changed feeds when it was originally shown on the feeds. Natalie likes drawing “pretty things”, and since “Joshuah is the prettiest thing in the house” she used mascara to paint a 2nd grade level portrait. “You managed to capture my spirit,” he feebly says to compliment her.
Round 300 of the Joshuah/Allison fight. “Allison has to have the last word”, complains Sheila in one of the rare moments he’s right. “You look so stupid” is the best Allison can come up with. Joshuah is better at playing a catty bitch – “make sure you put a lot of makeup on that third eye…you look like Cyclops. You just look more uglier as you put more makeup on.”
Hey Ashley, how many of the Allison clichés is she using in this bitchfest? I still haven’t heard “I adore you” but I’m hearing the majority of the others you listed earlier this week. “Joshuah, you’re not sending me home.” Uh, yes he is.
Sharon suggests they bring up the rest of the house to talk about Allison. “It was laughable”, complains Allison about not being included. Sheila continues to kiss ass – “it’s a good thing you’re the HOH”. Meanwhile, Allison and Ryan continue to bicker about the lesbian story. “I need you to be my partner so we’re always on the same page.” Where was your partner when you concocted this silly lesbian story? “Josh is easy. I could flip him back if I wanted.” Um, Allison, you can’t.
That doesn’t stop her from trying. She heads up to the HOH to apologize, but it immediately turns into accusations. Add “I totally respect that” to the list of Allison clichés, and she “honestly” throws Sheila under the bus because she wanted to drop the lie. “You know how much I love you.” Where’s the “I adore you” line?
Finally, we get to the nominations. It’s the same scenario as usual – Joshuah and Sharon stare at the picture wall, various people claim they hope they’re not nominated, then we get the nominations. I laugh out loud when Matt claims they’re going to be put up because “people thing we’re the strongest couple in the house physically, but mentally with Natalie there is a weakness there”. Come on, Matt. Natalie is indeed an idiot, but your IQ isn’t any higher. I guarantee that when there’s a future competition involving knowledge of the house, she’ll upstage you.
As expected, the nominations are Allison/Ryan and Natalie/Matt. “You’re the strongest couples…blah blah blah…it’s the worst part of being HOH…blah blah blah…this is a game.” Allison promises “sweet revenge”, Matt’s pissed for being put up again, and Josh can’t wait to send Allison home. Tune in Tuesday for another hour of Allison’s madness!
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OK, and we're off!
I am being regular joe watcher today.
I haven't even really read the blog this week, nor been able to view the feeds. I get to watch as if I know nothing. I almost went to rad all the fun stuff today and stopped myself. I want to see the difference between what they show me, and what really goes on.
Will be back later with my observations!
Allison Back To What She Does Worst
Ryan, Help Me!
Ryan is busy with his normal routine of laying on that couch, hugging the pillow, and being scolded by Allison.
Allison feels that Ryan needs to get out there and talk to everyone to try and keep them in the house. Allison told him Chelsia thinks that he just wants to leave to possibly be with Jen, and he should somehow mention that he's happy she isn't around and that he doesn't really miss her.
Ryan is pretty confident they are going home and there is no amount of talking that will save them. He told Allison earlier that he felt they were screwed because of the fight this morning, and she needed to stop fighting and make nice with the people who will be evicting them. Instead, she chooses to keep fighting and lobby for Ryan to do all the saving.
Allison is currently doing laundry and talking to herself in the mirror, telling herself to keep her mouth shut and keep her wandering eye under control. Maybe she'll listen to herself since she hasn't listened to her partner.
Hudson River Virus
The talk of the house (outside of the usual Allison drama) is the Hudson River Virus. This was first introduced to us last week, although the house guests weren't told that it has anything to do with the show Jericho.
Yesterday, they were informed that a loud noise over the P.A. would be the an announcement that everybody needs to come into the living room. At this point they'll be given some instruction on a task they must perform.
Everybody in the house, and quite a few online commentators, have speculated that this is the big twist that we all know is coming. After thinking about it for awhile, though, I don't see this happening yet. It's just a completion of the Jericho tie-in, and they'll either have to do something cheesy that will be shown on Tuesday or they'll just watch the silly show. Maybe it will be attached to a luxury competition.
I think whatever it is that's planned will have to happen today, though, and that is probably why the P.O.V. meeting was earlier than usual. Their has to be some sort of continuity in what the house guests are wearing, and by having it sometime today they can still easily insert it before the P.O.V. in Tuesday's show. Or maybe the footage will be inserted somewhere into Jericho as an incentive for us to watch.
P.O.V. Spoiler
The feeds just returned, and as expected Matt and Natalie took themselves down, and were replaced by Sheila and Adam. Everybody seems in good spirits right now, but I'm sure that will change the moment Allison believes there's a glimmer of hope or Sheila's paranoia begins to rise once again.
I can't resist another pic of my girl Chelsia. :D
OMG Morning Drama!
After the boredom of last night, I slept in late this morning. I was having my morning (now afternoon) coffee and reading the paper when Ash texted me to say I had to log in:
Good morning! We have drama already.
Sheila is talking shit on Allison for making out with Chelsia for votes, yet she was complaining about them all making out the one night last week. Chelsia screamed "TELL HER, I'M SICK OF THIS." Chelsia walked outside, and told those outside. Ryan went inside to talk to Sheila. Sheila was a little caught off guard, but she really just doesn't tell Allison to her face what her problem with her is. She just enjoys complaining about her to everyone else.
After talking to Sheila, Ryan walked outside and told Allison that Sheila just thinks she's contradicting herself. Allison is saying "she has no idea what I can do to her." Okay. Sure.
Allison is approached Sheila, and Sheila is telling her she's making out with Chelsia for votes. Allison is telling Sheila she's grasping for straws and that some of the things Sheila does are perceived as disgusting.
Stop making out with Chelsia, you fake lesbian.
Natalie is listening in the same room, and Sharon is eavesdropping. I love eavesdroppers.
Allison respected Jen, in case you guys didn't know. She didn't say "Ryan needs to be with someone like me" I guess and that she couldn't wait to be sequestered with him. Allison thinks Sheila is just trying to keep herself off the block by starting a new fight with her.
Adam is talking to Sheila now, saying don't give her fire power. Natalie is very sure that Allison is going home though. Adam seems worried that because he and Sheila are going up on the block, the votes could change and send them home.
I feel so bad for Adam and Ryan. They both got stuck with overly dramatic partners.
Sheila is now in the HOH room telling Joshuah and Sharon what just happened, even though Sharon listened to a decent amount of it. The only people who really want to talk to Allison are James and Chelsia.
Ryan now realizes how screwed they are in the competition. Allison, of course, doesn't think so. Ryan is a smart man. They were pretty much gone on Friday, now it's worse. To me, it seems like James and Chelsia may be the ones to go up, to eliminate a possible vote to keep Allison and Ryan in the house. Since Matt/Nat and Sheila definitely want Allison out, it seems like the better choice.
Oh, the early morning drama.

My favorite line? Allison to Ryan, "don't you dare blame me for this one".