The boys vs. girls plan may be in place.
Ryan just told Adam how he'd rather keep Joshuah in the game, and evict one of the girls. Bad news for Sharon. Bad news for Sheila. Although Sheila leaving will be good for America.James is starting to show how happy he is by dancing around in his room.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ryan: I'd rather have Josh.
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You go ahead and dance James! Dance all you want!
Love it!!!
Better for America? But isn't she one of the "good" people? And what will the "beebies" do? Who is going to talk to them?
Oh yeah, Natalie's still there. They probably understand her better anyway. Or, at the very least, she understands them better then Sharon ever could.
I do not care about the damn beebees. I care about my sanity. Sheila is driving me insane. Maybe big brother will tell them how she's annoying us.
I can't wait to watch Sheila back pedal and kiss James' stanky ass.
Because Sheila came up with the boys vs girls thing, Ryan/Adam may go for Sheila being the reNom. If not, it looks like Sharon will go home. Which I don't mind, I don't notice her in the room most of the time anyway.
Right now, Nat is insistent on not putting Sheila up. I'm waiting for someone to go up to her and tell her some shit about Sheila making out with Matt...that'll change her mind.
yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesfdsafhiq4wj9c0 5 ua4ewioj irjdsal
im extatic,
please GOD let sheila leave [=
these kids.
And the tide changes again.
wonder where all the talkers are that were bashing James, because he was feeling down in the dumps.
I count no less than 5 people that are pissed off and boo hooing.
wait what happened to the good people...i thought they had god........bwaaaaahahahahahah i can't even finish that thought!!!!! hahahahahahahah
Does James only have three sets of clothes with him in the house? If I have to see him wear that ugly pink shirt (or those shiteous purple pants and saran wrap windbreaker) I will jump through my phone and strangle him! LOL
He really doesn't have any clothing. The clothes he brought with him are all he owns, and I believe him. I mean, come on. No one in their right mind would wear those purple pants willingly.
They keep saying "Don't tell Sheila."
I don't think James dresses to impress, or dresses to fit in. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he deliberately wore clothes that made people go "WTF?". Considering his tattoo choices are obviously along those lines too.
And that amuses me, as I don't really like fashion-obsessed people in general.
Because she's a vote, which makes her incredibly valuable for the time being.
Wait. HOLD. UP.
IS RYAN THROWING BALLER UNDER THE BUS?! But, were my boy this week! WTF?!
ryan and nat should start working solely with james. he has no one else, and is the strongest person right now since the rest (including ry and nat) are a bunch of idiots. ryan even said so himself :)
if ryan really wants to win, he will really need to make a power move to show that he deserves to win
W2G James, you rock dude. Go ahead and do as many victory dances as you want its freakin fabulous. And thanx for the drill seargent roll you played last night towards Shiela, I was laughing so hard, you're doing a good job on the show. Keep It UP!!!
Go pInK!
You Have So Many Crazy Fanz!!!!
Ryan tried to make the big move by taking out James, but the producers disagreed (HAHAA)
If Nat and Ryan team up with Josh and James, at least for a few weeks = power move. Think of it as good and evil coming together. Suddenly that's not a big deal to Nat.
Pretty sure this season is going to come down to a popularity contest. Because realistically no one has made too many good moves other than James back dooring Matt and Josh teaming up with Ryan and staying off everyone's radar for so long. Every other week has been fairly obvious nominations and evictions.
There is still a few weeks left, so we'll see.
i hate that natalie loves having sheila in the house so much. natalie could be my favorite person for a day if she put up sheila in james' place on sunday
Think about it, Sheila is the only person who listens to her stupid stories, doesn't cut her off or walk away when she's chuckling to herself about something stupid.
Oh My God this human scum is still in the house eating his toe nails and being a dirty human being i can't believe it.
Let's examine this guy :
1.doesn't practice hygiene very well
2. did porn and will do again if he doesn't win the 500k no matter the kind gay ,straight, tranys ,zoofilia .... has no self respect does anything for money
3.his daily ocupattions before he entered the house was vomiting shiting on the beaches probably doing drugs ....etc. some bad things.
4. he is stupid he didn't got here because he was so strategic(like Adam) and smart he just got lucky getting back in AFTER HE GOT EVICTED and CBS'S GREED FOR RATINGS KEEPS HIM THERE but he doesn't know this he thinks he is good. :) stupid idiot he is.
5. it doesn't inspire anyone like look what a good man or what a smart man or what a funny,charming,inteligent...etc. he is just a stupid bum taken from the streets no skills no education just an idiot that rides the bicycle at 21 YEARS OLD.
The liking of this human scum can be atributed to this :
1.people feel sorry for him because he is poor and feel that he should win the money maybe this will turn his shity life around
2.some stupid idiots think he is smart that he plays the game good and what a fighter winning HOH's and POV's this are the majority of stupid amricans that don't know this shows are manipulated for ratings like(creating POV's for james's streghts) now keeping james a little more creating mayhem in the house and MORE PEOPLE WATCHING
3.some loosers identifies themselves with him and those who do that well i'm surpised they have a TV or a house but they will loose it eventually.
4. some likes him for the good of the show those evil bastards that like scandals and fights in the house.
But here is why you must not like him :
1.he is poor and a looser outside the house by choice he is healthy has parents and he could go to school or work at mcdonalds or anywhere but he choses to be a poor looser that does gay porn for a meal.
2.he is stupid for this reason people like him and nattalie should be evicted stupid people don't have a place in this times and especially on television unless you come to bang your head into a wall or eat bugs or some stupid things you can be good at.
3. he did this
"James Drinks Himself Into A Coma "
"Dirty Tricks Trailer! Crazy James "
and some other clips i don't find involving vomiting and shiting.
bbviewer...seriously get a life. since you have a problem with someone doing gay porn just dont watch the show. james is who he is...I'd be more offended by Nat's moronic knowledge of the bible and sin...or how about the abortions. personally much more offensive then a guy getting his cock tooted on by another man
That was a very well conceived guide has to why we "must not like him".
I think you are jumping to a lot of conclusions and making a lot of assumptions.
I'm not a fan of gay porn, but don't hold it against someone just because they've done it. If you don't like it don't look at it.
Because he chooses not to have a job and doesn't hold material wealth as high on his list of priorities does not make him dumb.
He seems like a fairly articulate man, who has strong opinions. He seems capable of putting together coherent sentences. I can't say as much for half of your post.
So thank you for your opinion but I really don't think you have any pull to tell anyone on here why we "must not like him".
I also like how all the anti-james fanatics harp so hard on his gay porn past, but choose to completely ignore Natalie's three previous abortions or how ever many it was. The moral scale seems to be a little skewed.
bish, they are just like Nat...the worst type of hypocrite with a better moral compass then use and spiritual superior.
bish said...
for one i'm not american i'm from romania and english not being my native language it think i do pretty good expresing my thoughts as most americans barelly knows they'r language (nattalie) and most americans knowing only english as for me i can undersant italian french spanish and of course english so don't jump to conclusions that i'm one stupid american.
As for james's gay porn again tipical american like saying nigg... in a joking manner and people killing that person making him racist same deal here i'm not bothered by him doing porn i'm bothered by HIM DOING PORN FOR A MEAL INSTEAD OF WORKING SOMETHING HONORABLE AND EVEN WORST DOING GAY PORN AND HIM CLAIMING HE IS STRAIGHT.
This means he choses the easy way to make money the way that steps on his pride as a man he has no self respect for himself HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR MONEY.
If you remeber bish even in feeds you catch a moment where james tells matt he would do anything to stay even breaking an arm so here you go a really insipiring man worth of americas vote and admiration.
I wonder how chelsia feels now when she sees what a meesed up man james is.:))))) hahaha chelsia better test yourself for STD's fast before you spread it to other hundreds you would fuc..
WHO CARES IF HE DID PORN!!! it's none of our business what he chose to do to make a living, he didnt break the law...give it up
"Because he chooses not to have a job and doesn't hold material wealth as high on his list of priorities does not make him dumb.
I missed that.
Well bish he is in bb9 for the money isn't he ? so wealth must be high on his list if he is in BB house probably the highets if he would do anything to win.
Agree ? i think you agree.
And it makes him dumb being poor because outside the house he didn;t do very well.
Why so many people can do well and he doesn't ? because he is a looser.
1. I didn't claim you were American.
2. I guess it's true that Romania is full of Gypsies and Vampires.
3. North American Pornography has a very stringent STD and HIV testing policy in place. It's safer than picking up a stranger at a bar.
4. Va te faire foutre, trouduc!
WHO CARES HE DID PORN!!!! it's a's his choice not anyone elses. BBViewer, why is what james much more offensive then what Nat did with 3 abortions... or Sheila in about Ryan hating blacks?
if wealth isn't high on your list, you're nuts.
i could give two flying fucks about james in porn, natalie's abortions, sheila in penthouse, ryan's college, adam's job, WHATEVER IT IS. I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!
Everyone has some skeletons, and contestants on a reality tv game show are allowed to have them too. Natalie stripped for money, why are you not so angry at her? She used her body for monetary gain, like James. Sure James rides around on a bike, but producers thought there was a lot more to him than just that and they thought he'd make the game interesting. he certainly has.
and let's be real. he's in a game to win $500,000 and you're just passing stupid judgement on him. Who's the real winner? It certainly isn't you.
i heart ash
i just want to say, tony and bish are my favorite people tonight.
I hope i become more of your favorite on the 11th of april @ independence hall from 1 to 4
i'm always on tony's side!
you should do it too
I want to be one of Ash's faves!
you're always a fave scott!!!
and tony, i would make a fool of myself.
In my own mind, I like to think I'm everyone's favorite for everything.
so what we can be fools together...whats the worst that can happen. i'm trying to get MLM to go too
oh man. can we take pictures of us with a big brother sign for myspace?
Tony, what are you guys doing on April 11?
there is an open casting call in Philly on April 11th between 1 and 4 at independence hall...i think i may go down and i want ash to go too
Both of you have to do it!
Bring Steph with you, too! (I know she won't, though.) I can't even imagine how entertaining any of you would be...but can you imagine Steph having to endure these cretins?
she wouldnt...she would have committed murder by this point
tony would just flex and say "shut up"
Oh God, that is so true. I love listening to her rant about Paltalk stupidity; I can only imagine how she'd deal with Natalie, Sheila or Matt.
i might throw a "fuck you" or a "cunt "for good measure
Oh man, I would totally go to the Philly cattle call seeing that Independence Hall is just a brief subway ride away from my school. Damn the bar exam in July otherwise I would totally be there!!!
As much as I'd like to think I'd be able to be on this show, I'd probably get kicked out for physically assaulting someone/committing murder on national tv.
Again bish you are very quick to label people
quote from your post "2. I guess it's true that Romania is full of Gypsies and Vampires. "
for the gypsies part i guess you want to be mean but for the vampires part you are just stupid and i undersant now with who i talk.
And yes i don't give a fuck anymore if that idiot james is kept out of pitty in that show to answer your last question.
bb9 viewer, before calling someone stupid, make sure ya do a spell check.
Ashley before you start cheking my spelling make sure you read what i wrote before like saying it's not my native language i'm from romania and i think it's enough to know the words so we can undersatnd each other.
If you have a problem with my spelling then i have a problem with you not knowing my language at all at least i can speak and understand english.
Your own people can barelly spell words ( natalie who happens to be on TV but who knows maybe 5 out of ten americans are just as illiterate as natalie) so please just shut up you are embarasing your country judging my english.
bb9 how come you ignore me when i address you?
i didn;t folow your comments tony but i'll start reading what you said and comment if need it.
Ok tony let's comment on what you say : say why do i have a problem with james doing porn i replyed to that that the porn itfelsf doesn;t offend me but more the fact that he does gay porn when he is actually straight or want people to think that so somehow he is ashamed of that part of his life and when he did that he steped on his pride as a man maybe he was in a though situation not having money to buy food who knows but still he chosed the easy way like natalie selling her body instead of using her brains to earn some money or using her body but in a smart way like flirting with your boss to promote you or some other similar scenario but she is just as stupid as james even more so i don't like natalie at all. say it's not of my business if he did porn well it wasn't my business or anyone elses until HE BECOMED A PUBLIC PERSON APEARING IN BIG BROTHER.
Happy now Tony ? i'd like you to reply to what i say and not take the discution in other directions like bish i want to see a good reasoning of why should i stop bashing james but nobody gives it to me just stupid comments.
bbviewer, who are you to judge what a person does in life? how can you condemn anyone for what they have done. Sheila posed nude...who cares, NataLIE had 3 abortions...who cares, Ryan hates black....who gives a flying fuck, james got his cock sucked by a guy in a porn...again who really cares. how do these things affect any of us and how does this make these people and worse off then your common day folk. actually it doesnt. plus you say these are public people, actually they arent they are people in a game show that will disapear as soon as this season is over. you logic is baffling. it really seems like you have a problem with sexuality namely gay men. if the reasons you dont like his is because he did gay porn then that is on you and just because you have a problem with sexuality in that backwater eastern european country doesnt mean we do here. if you hate it so bad why bother watching the show. i hate nataLie so i will not go on the feeds as long as she is HOH. why dont you step away from the TV till james is gone.....IT'S ONLY A STUPID GAME SHOW!
That's why i consider americans stupid they just don;t get these things.
Then hollywood stars should be left alone by paparazi and politicians again left alone ....etc. public persosns but who i am to judge these people.
so what are "these things" that we dont get and you do exactly? you dont really explain yourself very well. even when you try you have holes the size of the grand canyon in your explanations
These people are in the house for a reason. Do you honestly believe that these HG's histories weren't looked into before they got into the house? If so, in the words of Sheila, are you frickin' kidding me?! CBS knows exxxxaaaactly what they're doing. This season, they've picked people with controversial pasts to illicit this kind of debate about the HGs. Morality has never been an issue for these people, and it never will be. We can judge them all we want, and we do because they're on our TV and computer screens on a daily basis, but it's nothing to be passionate about..or to sit around and come up with 50 reasons to hate someone.
Ok, James was in gay porn. ARE YOU BEING FORCED TO WATCH IT? No. So STFU, and stop complaining about it. Nat was a stripper for 5 years, I'm not seeing anyone say anything about that. He practices bad hygiene, omg let's hate him! He passed out from drinking, let's burn the fucker at the stake! And did I see you include the fact that HE IS POOR AND UNEDUCATED as a reason to hate him? God, is that you, in the form of an ignorant shmuck on a blog, passing judgment on him? Didn't think so. Because as a human being, you have no right to pass such judgment on people for such petty reasons. So, I didn't shower this morning, and I blacked out after coming in from the bar last night. Start hating on me, fucker.
Wow, great comment Ale. You really do rule.
It's just frustrating reading some of these comments!
But, thank you :)
i like that i have a partner in crime in ale...a very good egg in my far ;)
So you get my point ale about public persons and why they can be jugded and commented about thank you.
BUT you play dum as why i pick on james.Do you want to copy paste what i said earlier or are you stupid ?
He did porn and even worst gay porn because he is stupid he has no qualifications to work anywhere and even if he gets accepted anywhere if he tryes still doesn't want to work the honorable way he wants the easy way that's why he is in BB house.
Why do i pick o him being poor ?
i said it before he is poor by choice at that age he could've stayed with his parents go to school have a part time job like most normal people that succed in life have families kids ...etc. but no he choses to drink himself to death and bicycle around america actually not the world i don;t see him having the money to come to europe.
And what does he want to do with the money ? party and drink himeself to death he said it himself :) what a great man ALE you must want to be like him don't you ?
ale said "Because as a human being, you have no right to pass such judgment on people for such petty reasons."
:) are you being natalie now feeding me that crap quoting from the bible ?
Well ALE coming from a nation that kills innocent people for oil starts wars for economic reasons have TV shows that encourages scandals and a lot of bad things that i don't have the time to discuss i think YOU ARE LYING AND YOU JUDGE PEOPLE LIKE RIGHT NOW(quote from your post "God, is that you, in the form of an ignorant shmuck on a blog, passing judgment on him? ").
Then james is on national TV so it's not only me judging everybody there it's everyone that watches the show you have tons of youtube clips with idiots talking about big brother you have people at work talking about them you have even people here and on CBS's forums talking and judging how stupid natalie is and how they can't stand sheila anymore ...etc.
so WTF is your problem and everyone elses ? that i pick on your favorite looser in the house ? or that i PICK on HIM ,HIM BEING A PUBLIC PERSON NOW ?
I watch 2 shows 1 from britain top gear and one from america jay leno and top gear from time to time makes fun of how fat and stupid americans are and jay leno makes fun of how stupid american kids are and fat people in general.
I was laughing all the time but not believing it so much as they are comedy TV shows but when i talk to you people i'm starting to believe that you people really are very stupid and fat.
At least fat are you ? and don't give me the crap about not judging ...etc. i don't give a fuck.
Ok, now I know not to pay attention to bb9's rants. He's a Jay Leno fan...that's all I need to know.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I bombed poor innocent people for oil in my spare time. I deeply
apologize for that, buddy.
Are you off your rocker?! You ARE ignorant, that is not a baseless've proven so by your endless ramblings. So, you lose there too. This show, and this topic has nothing to do with politics. There are international versions of BB all over the world, some with their own share of "scandal." I guess they're packed with fat, ignorant liars who oppress the innocent too.
You know what displays your ignorance the most, though? The fact that you're judging me, someone you only knew existed a day ago along with all other Americans, based on my country's foreign policy. Would you like me to judge YOU for coming from a country that supported the Nazi regime in Germany? Can I now accuse you of being antisemitic, and blame you for the Holocaust? No. I'm not trying to open up a gory discussion here, but your basis for hating a guy who's existence does nothing to decrease the quality of your own is ludicrous.
ps. It's all about the CONAN. I cannot wait for him to take over for Leno.
Still you didn't answer how you can judge human beings like me and me can't judge anyone including yourself still you didn't answer why i shouldn't pick on james or judge him when everyone does this.
I know this show has nothing to do with politics but i like making fun of some things that are obvious and i like making fun of fat stupid and selfish americans who sit on they'r fat asses and drive expensive cars ...etc. because your leaders kill some innocent people for oil and other natural resources they could come handy to americans.
Is just some obvious things you americans know and don't condemn YOU STILL FIGHT FOR FREEDOM :)).
That nazzi thing and all that didn't happen in my days idiot i don't care what happen before i was born but what happens now with your country it happens when you live and you reap the benefits of that killing that goes for oil you live better than an average european you have more money than an average european and that has to do with that killing that goes in the world for oil.
I think I'm falling in love.
It's not the fact that you don't like him and that you have your own opinion on him, it's that you are telling us why we can't like him, and then when we defend him you tell us how stupid we are for liking him.
And for someone that hates America and American culture so much it seems a little odd that you are watching an American TV show that seems to focus on all the things that you claim to despise about America. Not only that but you come to an American blog about said American show, just to complain about how terrible this Gay American Porn Star is, which leads you accuse everyone on here of being a fat, lazy, American and continually trash their country. If you hate James so much and American culture and American foreign policy then stop watching the show. It's pretty simple.
At least stop watching until your favorite American James has been voted out.
As much fun as this "discussion" has been it's gotten a little out of control.
This is getting out of control and i'll stop now.
I don't hate american culture i like movies and tv shows and a lot of entertaining you have but i speak with some people here that makes me reapeat things or don't understand some things and that makes me say to them they are a bit slow or stupid.
Bish i can tell anything i want why or why not to like james one thing i could've done is not ofend anyone in that process but the huge stupidity that goes around here made me do that(around here can be interpreted in many ways like around the block around the world ...etc. not this blog necesarly you can understand anything you want).
As i said i'll stop trashing anyone and i'll stop posting here because it's obvious i'm wasting my time not because of some stupid people just because i have something better to do and I LOVE YOU ALL :))))).
Stay in school kids and be happy.
BB9, don't stop reading or commenting. My only advice to you is to not confuse opinion with fact. If YOU don't like somebody that's fine, but a person isn't dumb or ignorant or whatever just because they don't agree with you.
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