Friday, February 22, 2008

Amanda's Having a Seizure!

I nabbed this pic right before we got trivia on the screen!

She was complaining last night that she needed a special slop waiver for health reasons.


Anonymous said...

wow, this is fuckin scary. i really hope everything is okay with her. cbs might get their asses sued if this has anything to do with the diet she was placed on.

Lil said...

I was wondering as she wandered around complaining. Wouldn't this health issue have been raised during the initial interviews? As slop is an integral part of this game, to not have to be on it would be an unfair advantage.

Maybe it's just me but....Good game play Amanda! Now you probably won't be voted out.

Barb said...

holy shit that was disturbing to watch..

someone screamed out someting about sugar?

Scott said...

I've always had a problem with the food comp losers going on slop.

Scott said...

Would you want your life to be in the hands of these morons?

Anonymous said...

lil, i was thinking the same thing. this just ensures that alex is safe especially if amanda has to go home.

IndyMike said...

Wonder if this will help the ratings?

Lil said...

I'm sorry, but cry me a river. Everyone knows slop is a part of the game. If you have dietary issues that would be affected, DON'T GO ON BIG BROTHER.

I'd say that there is a dietary questionnaire that gets filled out. Come on now. Food allergies, illnesses, etc.

Scott said...

Here's a nightmarish thought that just crossed my mind. Let's say she has to leave - would they bring that cunt Jen back? God, I hope not.

Lil said...

If I get bitten by a mosquito, I will die. I'm now going to apply for Survivor.

Just saying...

Scott said...

From another site:

Amanda just went into convulsions and fainted. The guys came running into the room and Ryan asked for someone to press the panic button. This is huge, guys. I don’t know what’s happening as we’ve got trivia right now, but please keep your eyes peeled and I’ll update when I can!

Scott said...

From Jokers wild

She was complaining about being Hypocolsimic or Low Blood Sugar or Diabetic one, not sure how to spell the first one.

Then she met up with Nat and continued to tell her that she needed food, or sugar. And that she had been trying to get into the DR.

Then she fainted, when they rolled her over she started having confulsions, or a seizure.

Ryan yelled for someone to hit the panic button. We got alot of trivia and jumps back to the house, and when the panic button finally worked we get trivia.

Expect it for a bit folks.

IndyMike said...

It isn't "HUGE" - good lord. April had a rapid heartbeat on BB6 and the paramedics took care of her and she was back.

Amanda may very well have to leave the show - but please - a 'huge' event?


IndyMike said...

btw - Aprils incident was never even reported on the show, if Amanda is able to return this may be glossed over as well.

Scott said...

Come on, Mike. We're bored and looking for some excitement.

Anonymous said...

they wouldn't bring jen back. alex would have the option and most definitely take parker. amanda leaving would change the game a decent amount.

Lil said...

Scott always overreacts to a pretty girl, come on now Mike.


Scott said...

Now you sound just like everybody else on Paltalk, Lil!

Scott said...

I guess right before the feed was cut, as chelsea was coming in the house she said "I guarantee Amanda's just being dramatic cuz she hates being on slop...I guarantee it."

I do love that girl.

Scott said...

Last night, when she was explaining how she needed a special waiver, she told this convoluted story about being at a bbq with her boyfriend's family in Mississippi. They had made a tent out of 2x4's, and one of them crashed down on her head. When she was taken to the hospital, she was asked if she had been attacked. Lil, this is a perfect story for you to comment on.

Anonymous said...

feed's back i think

Lil said...

OMG Scott, it's soooo HUGE they're laughing and romping in the hot tub!

Scott said...

I didn't say it was huge...that was one my crossposts from another board!

Anonymous said...

Man you go out on a Friday night and look at what you miss. Well, thanks to you folks for keeping me up to date.

Andrea said...

You people are heartless. This could be a serious thing. Jesus christ.

Scott said...

Uh, it wasn't.