Today was the first blatant case of Big Brother manipulation that I have witnessed this season.
As I watched James pleading his case earlier today he seemed to be losing the battle, Natalie and Ryan were tag teaming James in the HoH room in front of Adam.Ryan was either called to the diary room or left in disgust (we don't know because the feeds were blocked he was just gone when they returned).
Shortly after that James broke down in tears, saying he had been broken, Natalie gave him a hug and Adam said he was safe and would not go up. Right then Natalie was called to the Diary Room which left James and Adam alone to continue talking.
James continued to talk to Adam and they solidify their bond.
Then Adam was apparently called to the Diary Room and he was not allowed to leave until the other HGs were locked outside - preventing him from talking to Ryan and Natalie any more.
I did not witness Ryan or Adam being called to the Diary Room but the feeds were getting shut down at various points during all these goings-ons.
Now Adam has said that Big Brother would not let him out of the Diary Room before nominations and they kept telling him, "Its best for you, its best for you." (To not nominate James - this is what Adam says he was being told by the production staff)
They are now concerned that the POV will be tailored for James - they seem to feel that the last one was slanted to help James - but I am not sure how.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Big Brother Manipulation Again?
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I think that the only way last weeks POV was "tailored" for James was bc he was smart enough to figure out the point of the game.
As much BB manipulation I remember seeing last year to help people that I couldn't stand, I am happy to see if finally benefiting someone who needs it.
this type of stuff makes me not wanna watch BB,I mean don't pick a house full of idiots if you feel you are gonna have to tell them what to do to keep the show interesting.True fans are gonna watch no matter what.I'm glad James and now Adam is telling on them cause I think its fucked up.You picked them to play a game so let them do it.
i hate the producers... just let the idiots do want they want...
I'm neutral on the whole subject.
Production can instruct the house guests what to do, how to act, etc. -- but as long as the HG isn't disobeying any specific rules of the game, their actions and their choices are THEIRS to make.
Production is like that extra HG whispering in someone's ear. It doesn't mean they actually have to take the bait.
This SUCKS BIG TIME ! THIS ISN'T FAIR TO THE VEIWERS OR TO THE HOUSEGUESTS...You know this is all rigged for a certain idiot to win. This is a game and should have nothing to do with others except thoughs who are playing the game. I truely think you have lost a lot of VEIWERS on account of this bullshit the producers are doing!Why do you want the gross pigs like James to Win?? Don't you see your making it harder for the honest people in this world to play fair.Why do you want the sleazest people to win by playing unfairly;and these producers helping them out?? Why can't you just stay out of it and Let the Game Play out NATURALLY? You think your helping - all your doing is hurting the game and the veiwers.I guess thats is how Evil Dick won hey? You helped his filthy ass win didn't you ? Man You Suck Big Time BIGBROTHER!
I'm not sure BB had much to do with this. James was the last person Adam spoke to, and I think that stuck in his head. There are people who are. I'm not sure how long HoHs are usually kept in the DR before nominations, but I really don't think it matters in this case. The guy was hugging and crying after the James soap opera, what else can you expect?
I AM SO HAPPY!!! I love James!! he deserves to win this whole thing because he's the only one actually playing this frickin game!! He should win the POV, take Sharon off the block and the 2 of them can get Natalie out of the house because if I have to see her for another week I might shatter my TV screen with a baseball bat!
Other sites are saying Adam is just using the producers as a scapegoat.
I might agree with that, but you have to admit the DR calling on Natalie in the middle of the soap moment is a pretty fishy coincidence. That's the only bit of manipulation I see.
Generic, homophobic excuse as to why James shouldn't win and everyone else is so much better because they read the bible!!!1!!
"Honest people" playing fair...
ROTFLMAO Is Natalie somehow sneaking onto blogs?
Adam says he was trapped in the Diary Room
Natalie says she was called away and Adam was called in right after her so the could not talk.
She also says James went right up to talk to Adam after being in the Diary Room - so they think he was pumped up by the producers to go talk to Adam.
Look - it has gone on before - it will go on again. In this case I was sort of happy to see it happen because I didn't want James to get nominated. Other times I have been furious with BB manipulation.
This years BB9 is rigged for James. Why you wanna know? A CBS Lawyer is a sponsor of James on his bicycleing tour. That has been confirmed by the media.
IMO James is a complete JERK that has made fun of handicapped kids with his "Ride the Little Bus" comments and walking as if something was wrong with him and calling Sheila, and Nats family retards. His BUTT Buddy got sent packing and crying and now CBS will protect James. The FCC has already been looking at BB after the last 2 years shows where HGS admitted they had help or was manipualted by the Production.
Game is obviously fixed for James. Jimmy Boy got voted out BUT then get sent back in. Alex should have been returning because America voted him back in BUT when Jimmy was outed they changed their plans. It's come out to that they told Josh that Allison might be the one returning and Sharron that Jacob was a fan favorite and could be walking back in. They told Adam that the person returning was a person that he had been targeted by so obviously those 3 would vote for James to return.
Give us a break this game is rigged for Pinky.
Well, last bb Evil Dick was picked by the producers to win, worst person on the show and now the producers have pick an even worse and more immoral sicko to win. Is bb tired of doing the show why don't they just cancel it instead of picking the worst of the worst to give all that money to. Dick is snorting all of his and Lord only know what James will do start his own Porn movie business probably using underage children is about his speed. Chelsia will probably be the president of his porn movie business. What a sham this really good show has become SHAME on CBS. Either get a new producer or cancel the show. enough is enough. People with children cannot watch the show it is so nasty
Ok..... some of you need to relax a little, it is just a tv show.
Seriously, bb has always influenced the show, we have known it forever, and it has always seem to have been done to keep interest up - the people that it has helped has varied.
Some years I have 'liked' the person it has helped, some years I haven't, but I'm not going to make a federal case out of it ;)
Btw - this goes on on OTHER reality shows as well - we just don't see it because the show is 'in the can' before it airs.
You think there is no production influence on Survivor?
Think again.
The bottom line is, they can only do so much to "help" a certain person. The competitions are not rigged, they're completely fair game for everyone. Last week's PoV could have been won by Ryan, easily. But he messed up, and James won. If they were so rigged, HoHs would be tailored to James, and the previous few have not been at all. I don't think DR has any influence on the outcomes as it does in psyching out the players. The HGs themselves have said, they ask questions in ways that make them think, implying certain things. They don't actually tell them what to do. But that merely plays on the paranoia of the players, without actually telling them what to do. I never watched last season, because I hated those people and had no time. From feed footage, I did see that there was one instance last season that stood out to me, where Jen claimed that she was not allowed to cast the vote that she wanted to cast because they told her her reasons weren't good enough . That is an example of true manipulation, and I don't think that happened this season.
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