Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sharon and Sheila's Up - and Ryan's Pissed!

Ryan thinks he's being thrown under the bus, and is raging at both James and Adam. Sheila's nowhere to be found. Oh wait, she's in her bedroom pouting.

Oh boy, she just said if that's what it takes "I would have been up there sucking up and brown-nosing ...I'm not going to forgive him for this."

James told Ryan to just win POV and take one of them off. Natalie is walking around saying, "it's mine. It's mine."

Edit: As you may imagine, Sheila is livid. But I don't really get why they're all so pissed. Adam is not saving James; he's merely ensuring that everybody plays hard in the POV. Look how many times only a couple of people have taken that contest seriously. If anybody besides James wins, he's going to be up and he'll be out.

Edit 2: Ryan is once again confronting Adam, and Adam is again explaining exactly what I stated above. "You threw us under the bus, man." No, Ryan, you're not on the block.


Tony said...

finally adam is playing the game!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sheila really needs to go big time

Anonymous said...

I will say there maybe a god if shela goes

Anonymous said...

I love how Sheila never deserves to be nominated. In a game, where the point is to nominate people and vote them out until there is only two left.
Maybe she really hasn't seen prior seasons??? Or maybe it's just another case of not understanding the rules/question. That seems to happen A LOT.

Anonymous said...

lol @ tonys comment yeah he is finally playing the game like an idiot

would you rather have 3 people who you can be sure will most like not put you up or 1 that u know you cant trust not to put you up

yes Adam that was really smart,it would be funny to see his face if James wins Pov and takes Sharon down

Anonymous said...

James deserves nomanations because hes the best..Sharon cries because her and her sister she have been floting..

Anonymous said...

Please know I am a James fan ..He is our cat ..Let Us Pray He Has 9 Lives

Anonymous said...

"would you rather have 3 people who you can be sure will most like not put you up or 1 that u know you cant trust not to put you up"

Would you rather be in the final 2 against James, who has 2, maybe 3 votes for sure, or Natalie or Ryan who have a lot of allies and haven't really stepped on any toes.

Anonymous said...

bish how do you figure turning your alliance against you when the whole house wants James gone is gonna get Adam votes at the end???

James will automatically have 3 votes but the rest of them are so wishy washy you never know what they will do

the best way to guarantee your self a win is to take Sheila no matter how annoying she is or how much fans want her gone.Nat MAYBE and thats a big maybe the only vote she would get

Tony said...

adam needed to make a move cause if he goes to the finals with nat or ryan he will lose. he made a power move, something this year is really lacking. if adam sticks with james and sharon he could beat both of them in the final two. he can now at least be seen as not afraid of sheila and not led around by nat and ryan. something that will help him

Anonymous said...

You're right about the wishy washy part, but you'd think that they'd remember all the things Adam did with them/for them in the previous 8 or 9 weeks before they were evicted. And that they all more or less piggy backed off each other to get as far as they did.
And it's true that Sheila would probably get no votes in the final two, but there is no way she should get carried all the way to the end and win 50,000 for complaining the whole time and not winning a single competition.
James isn't the most trust worthy person that's for sure, but he has two bigger fish to fry before he goes after Adam.
I think if Adam can convince Ryan it's a better idea to form a guys alliance and get rid of Natalie A.S.A.P, then he could potentially be sitting pretty.

Anonymous said...

yall cant be telling me yall think that if Sheila goes this week she would actually vote for Adam over Sharon,no way in hell

as of right now James and Sharon have 3 guaranteed votes and Adam only has one in Matt.We dont know how Nat,Sheila or Ryan will take it if they leave at Adams hands so those are not votes he cant def count on

Anonymous said...

I can't really picture any scenario where Sharon makes it to the final two. These people aren't that smart.

Anonymous said...

bish if I'm in that house I could care less whether or not Sheila deserved The 50k I wanna win and I'm gonna take the person I'm absolutely sure I can beat and the only person that describes is Sheila,everyone left in that house would beat her in the end.And we are gonna find out just house really stupid these people are when they get rid of her,knowing its a easy win.Since when has BB been about who deserves to stay,never.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Shelia go home, however it looks like Adam maybe backdooring James... If James doesn't win POV, then he may go home.

How about if James wins POV and takes Shelia or Sharon off, then adam should put up ryan, the man with no game play.

Anonymous said...

I think they would all be better off taking Sharon to the final two. You can argue that Sheila has pulled Adams strings the whole time, up until this week of course, and to a lesser extent Natalie and Ryan's. So, I guess, you could view that as playing a good game. Sharon on the other hand, has done nothing but be a pawn so the targets could be voted out. She hasn't won anything since week 3, and she seems to have almost no opinion on anything.
We'll have to wait and see how the whole thing plays out, but I think, as of right now, this was a strong move by Adam.
Also, you have strong opinions, and they are pretty coherent. Start posting with a name so you don't get lumped in with all the other annonymous trolls.

Tony said...

gotta remember people that it's not all about winning, look at Dr. Will. never won a HOH yet won BB and final four'd BB all stars. i think sheila in the finals would be a bad move, james has caught her lying about the show, she goes into the final 4 she might be the winner

Anonymous said...

I usually do post my name but some reason I just said forget it

but back to BB I dont see how this could work out for Adam if James stays,he cant trust James,the only person he would've had to worry about winning HoH was Sharon.But James staying makes him have to worry no matter who wins cause you just never know with James what he is gonna do.

And tony lol nobody likes Sheila nobody so why in the world would they vote for her.She could maybe get some votes if she is in the final 2 with Natalie but thats her only hope.Plus if she does make it they will not give her credit they will all just say she got carried.

Anonymous said...

But Sheila is a 45 year old single mother, with a 16 year old son at home who did not sign up for this!

Of COURSE she deserves to win. *eyeroll*

They should all just throw every competition so she can take home her well-deserved, totally earned pity prize.

Oh, who am I kidding? Sheila wouldn't even win a comp if everyone else playing threw it.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think that other than james, BB9 housguests are the dumbest this show has ever had! No one can keep a secret and no one has a strategy... if james leaves this week I will no longer be watching this rediculously boring show

Anonymous said...

I agree - I've been rewatching season 7, and for the most part, the houseguests were smart, well-spoken and realized that the game is about LYING, not about who God wants to win.

This season is severely lacking in the intelligence quotient.

ale said...

Let's not give James too much credit here, he's made enough stupid moves but it is all overshadowed by these idiots voting him back in, 15 minutes prior to VOTING HIM OUT! Gah!

Ryan and Nat are forgetting that Adam is the HoH, as they did 2 weeks ago. Seriously, let him make his own decisions. I think they're upset because he's secured himself at their expense, before they got to screw him over (as they were planning on doing last week).

Nominations should be later in the night, so the immediate aftermath can be seen on BBAD.