Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?

James just asked Chelsia if she liked the way he looked tonight. She replied with "You look fucking hot."

They started kissing in the supply room. Earlier he was biting his toes. He didn't brush his teeth after it either. So Chelsia just made out with foot.

James seems to think he's a pawn to get Joshuah out of the house. He says he will win POV if he is put on the block.

Right now, it looks like Joshuah is just gonna enjoy his time left in the house. Wink wink. He told Chelsia and James that Adam said it was his time to be on the block since he's never been up for eviction. That sounds like something Adam would say, right? Joshuah is playing James and Chelsia like a fiddle right now. He's mentioned twice that he's "waiting for his funeral." He's dressed in all black, but he's definitely referencing the fact that people in the house want him out.

Ass Kissing Time

Joshuah is saving his ass, like I predicted. Adam is straight up with him saying he thinks he is going to put up James and Chelsia. Joshuah says he'll keep this a secret, especially from James. Also, everyone thinks Joshuah is going on the block, so it would be a surprise.

Joshuah also says it's a good idea to keep him in the house. The girls would be more inclined to put him on the block before Adam.

Joshuah is explaining that Adam is in a good situation because he doesn't have to break a tie.

Joshuah is pretty good at saving his ass. I hate him, but man can he convince people he's good to have in the house. He's creating alliances with the people who've won HOH as singles. He did it with Ryan, he was in with James, and now he's working over Adam. Ryan and Adam are eating it up.

There's going to be a food competition tonight, supposedly in about two hours. The girls are getting ready all fast, and the boys are just lolly gagging.

Joshuah came downstairs and ran into James and Sharon. Joshuah said that Adam was straight with him, and that he was definitely going on the block. Adam wants Joshuah gone. James believes him. Joshuah said that no one else was mentioned, just him.

Food Competition At Midnight?

Sounds like there will be some type of food competition at 12am. The HGs think it will be a gross out eating competition.

I'll be sleeping no matter what.

I would think it isn't for slop this week since the teams cannot be split evenly - most likely it is days of the week or food groups - so I guess they might have to eat slop on some days.

The HOH Room and Possible Nominations

For me, I had trivia when Adam was let into the HOH room, but I understand those who have Showtime saw it. Ya lucky bastards! I'm sure there was a lot of ass kissing going on.

Natalie's been hanging around Adam, trying to convince him who to put up. She keeps saying Chelsia. Ryan came in to listen to a CD, and Adam said either Chelsia and James, or Joshuah and Chelsia.

Ryan is not going to put Joshuah up. He believes he has a secret alliance with Joshuah. Joshuah knows Ryan thinks this, and is using this fully to hid advantage. Ryan might run to Joshuah to tell him what Adam's thinking, which will mean some major ass kissing time for Joshuah. I don't know why anyone would want to be aligned with Joshuah. He's only won things with Sharon. Last week, he dropped within 15 minutes of the last HOH comp. Today, he was the first one to sit. Is he really that good to have as a partner?

Natalie keeps talking about how they need to get someone out from their side. Ya did. James. But then your dumb ass voted him back in, ultimately fucking your boy Matty over.

So, as of right now, it's either Chelsia, James, or Joshuah. They all believe that James can win the veto. They're considering putting him on the block, hoping he wins the veto, and ultimately taking himself off the block. They'll put up Joshuah in that case.

It's still early. But at least we have SOME idea as to where Adam might be going with his nominations. Be prepared for some Nasty Naughty Natty. She's warned us a few times.

Natalie's mourning

Natalie is crying in front of Matt's b/w picture.

Boo Hoo.

Ryan is trying to be nice and make her laugh, but we all know Natalie's gonna cry herself to sleep tonight.

Adam And His New Cronies Celebrate, Everybody Else Is Shell-Shocked

What a difference an hour makes. Adam is celebrating with his new BFF's, Natalie and Sheila, while in the dining room everybody else is sitting with a shocked look on their faces.

Meanwhile, the backtracking has already begun. Sharon is making her case to Sheila that she had no clue about what Josh had planned (liar, liar), while Chelsia is making a similar case about James to Natalie.

As a person who detests both Sheila and Natalie, my only hope is that they bother Adam so much he ultimately puts one of them (hopefully Sheila) up to shut her up. Wait, that won't work, either.

Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 17 Recap

All right, here we (finally) go! Will it be Ryan or Matt that’s evicted this week? Will Josh unload his fury onto Sheila? Will my girl Chelsia flash? God, I hope so!

Let’s begin with a little complaint. Why couldn’t this episode be aired at the proper time? Do people still watch stupid Survivor? I saw a bit for the first time since season 2, and nothing has changed.

As usual, we begin with the familiar footage of James being evicted and getting a second chance, and everything else that has happened this week…and Julie repeating what we just saw. Thankfully, there seems to be no plan for some goofy twist this week.

“But first”…we have to go back once again to the moment where Matt replaced an always tearful Sheila as a nominee. I must say I love the look on Matt and Nat’s faces. Nat calls James a liar, and Matt whispers to her “I’m fucked”. In the diary room, James explains the whole third vote theory. One good thing does come out of this for Matt, though. He finally has a real excuse to blow off Natalie. “I got to be alone right now.”

Natalie starts bawling because “it’s really, really hard” and “I’m very, very, very sad right now”. Matt confronts James, who again refuses to state the real reason he’s been put up. “You’re playing with Natalie.” Matt replies that it’s not his fault she clings to him, and also plays a Sheila-ish card by saying he’s letting his mom down by not winning the game. Wow, he actually sheds a couple of tears!

James acts concerned, but is gloating in the diary room. “Boo hoo, Matt. He came out and started crying how he promised his mommy he’d bring her a prize. But Matt, everyone in here has a parent that they want to help out.” That’s probably the most truthful thing ever said on a game show.

Matt walks back into the house, and finally has to deal with a bawling Natalie, who feels she let him down by not winning HOH. “When I’m gone, you gotta go after him”, he tells her. She continues to cling on him, but he can’t disappear quickly enough. He then wanders around the house bawling. OMG, enough with the crying!

Meanwhile, Josh is promising Ryan his vote, and claims that Adam will also vote for him. “It’s gonna be 5 – 1.” Sheila also claims she’s going to vote for him, saying “you have to understand that when I make a decision, it’s a decision!” Really? Has that yet been true?

Ok, back to a moping Matt, sitting outside with Adam. He also thinks it’s going to be 5 -1, but Adam says he has his vote. He gives Matt a pep talk, and tells him to point out to everybody he’s “did nothing wrong to you”. Wow, it works, as suddenly Matt is suddenly cocky again. “I might have to play the sympathy card with some of these girls because girls are normally sympathetic towards things in life.”

His first move is towards Chelsia. “What do I have to do for your vote? I don’t want to spend my birthday in sequester.” Oh boy. “I’ve never spent a birthday alone.” Chelsia plays along, but in the diary room she claims she had to fight against laughing at his pathetic ploy.

This same “birthday” gimmick is then played on Sharon during her limited cameo appearance, and she also laughs. “Matt totally thought he had me eating out of the palm of his hand. Whatever. Get away from with that crap.”

Sheila, believe it or not, also doesn’t seem to fall for this line. “I don’t understand why Sheila, Sharon, and Chelsia are not promising me a vote. It’s really aggravating.” Hahahahaha!

He once again confronts Chelsia, who doesn’t want to talk about it. “Just leave me alone. Ryan’s not coming up to me campaigning.” Again, Matt attempts the Sheila method of “not campaigning” while actually campaigning. “I want to know what it is that I have done to anybody in this house.” He even pulls Sheila’s “I saved you” lines, and completely throws Ryan under the bus.

Of course, the Sheila argument seems to work on…wait for it, Sheila. You know, the woman who just five minutes ago says that when she makes a decision, “it’s a decision”. It never was before, so of course it’s not tonight.

Sheila heads up to the HOH to talk to James about this issue, and having sat through this when it happened live I’m going to fast forward. Imagine this two minute clip repeated for 45 minutes, before eventually thinking she has actually gotten through to James. Yet when she leaves, James celebrates.

Finally, we get back to Julie. And we’re going to have an update with Evel Dick and Dannielle! I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on these fools.

We come back to the commercials with Julie’s inane conversation with the house guests. She immediately asks James about his “word”. His response is about what you think it would be, so we move on to Natalie. For some reason, she puts on a fake southern drawl as she calls him a “little bit of a hypocrite. I hung up there like a warrior princess to make that deal with him. His word doesn’t mean anything right now.”

Julie goes for cheap applause by calling Matt, Adam, and Ryan the “Bible buddies”. Adam gets just a little bit too pumped up to answer Julie’s question. Can you imagine what he was like back when he was snorting. Ooof.

She then moves on to last week’s mystery box, and asks how many people thought it was going to be Allison coming back. Sheila, Josh, and Natalie raise their hands. It is shown that it was indeed Alex, and everybody (particularly Natalie) is shocked. It’s now asked who would have voted for him to return, and Sheila, Matt, Ryan, and Natalie raise their hands. Nothing is said about what would have been done in the case of a tie.

We now get the Dick and Dannielle update. Dick is at the Vegas Hard Rock Hotel, and greets his daughter at the door. WTF? Dick is going to meet Barry Manilow? His pals at the metal message board aren’t going to like this turn of events. Oh God, Dick has to name drop the various musicians that are supposedly his fans, and that he no longer has to pay for Lakers tickets. Sure, you don’t. Ok, even I’m getting a bit nauseous listening to him talk about how famous he thinks he is. “It’s almost like rock star-ish.” “Almost” is the key word.

Dick says he took Dannielle to Europe with the money, but she seems to be the same whiney brat she was last season. She does admit that her trip was a lot of fun, but she admits that their relationship is not “perfect”. I would imagine the car he bought her helped bring it a bit closer to perfect, though. They both agree that they’d probably still not be talking if it hadn’t been for the show.

We find out Nick and Dannielle are no longer dating, before we move on to what we do want to hear – their thoughts on this season’s crew. They both think that James is actually playing the game, but despite Dannielle’s teasing Dick says Sheila’s voice “drives him crazy”. You’re not the only one, sir. “Her and Natalie – they just never stop talking”, he adds. “That’s all you did”, replies Dannielle. Touche. Dick thinks this is the one season he could have possibly flown under the radar. Oooh, we’re told Evel Dick will be on the show next week!

It’s now time for the eviction, and Ryan’s final speech is as boring as his previous attempts. He just wants to right what he’s done wrong, blah blah blah. Matt says he’s humbled, and also wants to “rectify what he’s done wrong”. Chelsia goes in to vote first, and votes to evict Matt, as does Joshuah and Sharon. Natalie, of course, votes to evict Ryan, as does Adam and Sheila.

So it all comes down to James, just like CBS wanted. First, we have commercials. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Finally, we hear James vote to evict Matt! As expected, Natalie wants to cling onto Matt, but he can’t get out of there quick enough.

Julie is quite the journalist – “Matt, you look devastated.” “Yes, I am.” Julie just can’t wait to get to the more pressing issue, though. “Let’s talk about Natalie. You guys have had your ups and downs, but we saw some tender moments between the two of you.” I don’t know if “tender” is the word I’d use as she’s ducking her head under the covers. We conclude with the usual idiotic goodbye speeches, except for Natalie’s insane belief that she still thinks they may be “soulmates”.

We finish up with the HOH contest, and Julie again reads the same script about how it’s the most important position in the house. It’s a question contest about diary room comments, gussied up in a medieval setting which boggles my mind. Due to a supposed “random drawl”, James and Joshuah begin the contest. Josh is eliminated, and Chelsia picks Natalie and Sheila to hear the second question. Neither lame brain is in a hurry to answer the question, but Natalie surprises the world by first figuring out how to buzz in, and then by answering it correctly.

Natalie then picks Chelsia and Sharon for the next round, and again my girl Chelsia answers correctly. She then chooses Adam and Natalie, who Adam squeaks by with the correct answer at the last second. Chelsia’s back up, this time with Ryan, and Chelsia once again is correct!

The final question is between Adam and Chelsia, and Adam comes through with the correct answer! Wow! Natalie and Sheila are ecstatic! Poor Adam will never get rid of either of those two this entire week.

For the final scene, we return to the living room, where Adam is actually a bit more subdued then I’d thought he’d be. Julie then informs us that Evel Dick will be on next Tuesday to give the house a “wakeup call they’ll never forget”. Oh boy, that means a recreation of last year’s incident where he decided to intimidate the entire house.

Matt Gone, Adam's HOH

All right!

Show's nearly over and Adam is the new HOH, beating out Chelsia in the final questions.

Matt was evicted. It was a split vote, and James wasted little time telling Matt he was gone. Natalie cried, of course.

Should be a fun week! Adam's been playing everyone's side, so we'll see who he nominates.

Live Show Comment Fest!

Live show is on.....

Will the pull off the 3-3 tie and then evict Matt?

Will Joshua blow up at Sheila or did BB tell him to knock it off?

Who will win HoH??

It's On!

I turned the feeds off because it went to trvia for an extremely extended period. I guess they came back on a couple of hours ago, and Sheila had run-ins with both James and Joshuah. Obviously, the Joshuah discussion was much more heated, and culminated with her begging Josh to physically assault her.

Big Brother Airs An Hour Later Tonight - 9pm Eastern

Because the Men's NCAA Basketball tourney starts tomorrow - CBS has moved Survivor back one day and it will air at 8pm.

So Big Brother will be on tonight at 9pm Eastern - live eviction - live voting.

See ya then.

I Really Don't Get It

The feeds today have been pretty much just like a Showtime episode. It's all Sheila and Natalie babbling nonstop about absolutely nothing. Their opinions on Madonna, Britney, modeling, marriage. Sure, Chelsia, Adam, and Sharon have popped in and out, but the focus constantly remains on the two biggest idiots in the house. I know everybody is awake - can't we have some sort of choice in what we endure?