Saturday, April 5, 2008

OMG Drama!

Just when you think nothing is going to happen, the shit hits the fan. Natalie made a flippant remark that if she lost to Sheila, she'd deserve to be sent home. James told Sheila, and it has led to her telling Adam to take Sharon down instead of her...and James better be sent home unanimously!

Of course, now Adam and Natalie think Sheila's working with Sharon and James. What good would that do any of them? James has, though promised her that he's going to tell everybody what he thinks of them before he leaves.

Oh, and an update on Natalie's ignorance - she doesn't know a vasectomy is. Or a virtue, which she thinks is a "superhuman power". She also had never heard of the Taj Mahal, the crusades, or the holy grail.

Double Eviction Wednesday? Season Ends April 22nd?

I have absolutely no inside info but I have speculated on my audio podcasts as to the possibility of a double eviction show on Wednesday.

Someone said to me that Julie would have mentioned it if there was one so I went looking to see what I wrote last year around this time. Here is a quote from this entry the day before the double eviction show for season 8:

Some people ponder a double eviction night tomorrow and others keep ‘poo pooing’ it.
So it wasn't hinted at by the production staff last year either (I am re-checking the actual shows to see - since that comment may have been about the HGs talking - not Julie). The show also ended 12 days after that eviction show. If they follow the was things went last season - they the show will end 14 days from Tuesday.

UPDATE: I have reviewed the tape (ok the dvr)! I still have season 8 saved on my DVR and I went back to the 8/30 show and Julie did tease that the next eviction would be a double. So maybe this Wednesday will be a normal eviction.

James Warns Sharon To Not Trust Ryan

It's been a pretty uneventful day, outside of my earlier report regarding Natalie's ignorance and her obsession with Matt (which is still going on this very moment). James and Sheila actually spent some time quizzing each other on "favorites".

James and Sharon are currently in the hot tub, and she is informing him on how Natalie and Sheila call him the last "evil doer". His plan is to stir the pot in the jury house by going right to and telling him that Nat's been saying she's never blow him. Sharon informed him of her deal with Ryan, and James is telling her he thinks she's being set up to go next week.

One thing about the POV that has been brought up a few times is that BB allowed the others to help Ryan with his answers. If true, I guess it really was James versus the house.

Twelve Hours Later, Natalie Is Still Complaining About the Matt Story

Natalie's silliness continues, as she's obsessed with two topics:

1. The term "cup of Joe". It's funny how a coffee girl has never heard this line. Since she heard this term this morning, she's constantly questioned why it's "Joe". "Why is it not a cup of Nat or a cup of Adam?"

2. Matt's "lie" about their late-night activities. Tune into the feeds at any given moment since last night and you're bound to hear her complaining. This is why Matt was evicted - God is punishing him for "lying". "Dont talk to me, you liar. I'm glad you left, and thats called karma. God was have to be holy. That's why it cost Matty the game. God was having no part of it. Chelsia went down, too, because of God. You judge and you shall be judged by others." But according to Nat's rules, Matt and everybody else can still be saved. "If you repent and say you don't mean it you will be forgiven."

Oh, and ladies, both Sheila and Natalie believe that every woman should get implants because it will help you feel better about yourself.

She really is a nutjob.

Here's Adam teasing Natalie about the term "cup of joe".

Liar Liar: Natalie Again Denies Oral Treats

After I shut down my laptop last night, the (somewhat) drunken talk last night centered around the allegations of Natalie's late night escapades with Matt. Ryan and Adam gave her grief for close to a half hour, but Natalie never broke down. Of course, silly Sheila believes Nat's story.

Luckily, our good pals at Big Brother Couch Potatoes has the video:

It should also be noted that late last night, Natalie told Sheila that she's heard voices in her head since the age of 5 or 6 that she's "the chosen one". Oh boy. Oh, and when Sheila suggested naming the guinea pigs John and Yoko, Natalie asked who is Yoko.