Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A note to the cameraman

I was watching cam 3, and had minimized cam 1. I pulled cam 1 up to see what was going on and I see this picture.

I thought OMG are Chelsia and James finally having sex?

I've been thinking she might give it up, since James might be leaving.

I unmuted cam 1, and listened closely.

No. I think Matt was taking a dump.

Next time, cameraman, please just put the hamster on.

Oh, and I'm sure you're wondering. Matt did wash his hands.

Everything has pretty much calmed down from earlier. Ryan was joking with the girls, and Chelsia was reading. It could pick up at any moment though.

Shelia is worried that Natalie will vote to evict Sharon.

Shelia is very concerned that Natalie will force a tie by voting to evict Sharon. Matt says it won't happen. Shelia feels that Natalie is bound and determined to get Sharon out.

Shelia is telling Ryan that he HAS to vote James out if it is a tie. Ryan is not committing, he just isn't saying anything either way - but he did give his word in front of most of the house that if it was a tie he would save James.

The house is on lockdown for the night. I am expecting an endurance competition tomorrow now (one can hope right?).

Expect Matt to put some serious pressure on Natalie tonight and tomorrow.

Currently James is working Natalie really hard - and Natalie seems to want to keep James but she is the most fickle player in the house - I think she truly believes whatever she is saying at the time - much like in previous years - she seems to be the player that you need to make sure you talk to RIGHT before the vote goes down.

After James leaves Shelia alone in the sauna she proceeds to pray - she wants a sign to know what to do.

Perhaps she really is torn and may vote to evict Sharon, but I would not count on it.

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Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 13 Recap

Here we are with another night where I just didn’t want to shut down the feeds. There’s just too much going on right now, just like this past Sunday night. Yet the cast has created a scenario which should play well tonight…although given the track record of the producers I wouldn’t be surprised if they screw this up.

As we see the extended recap, I still can’t watch the Allison eviction without laughing. What a silly twit. Yet I’m hoping that CBS rigs the votes and has her return to the house.

Yum my girl Chelsia looks hot when her name comes up in the nominations. Yeah, I know – you all get it. I just can’t help myself, though.

So here we go with the reactions to the nominations. Sharon claims it shows you “who you can and cannot trust in this game.” But she claims she’s a fighter. Really? You haven’t really shown it yet. My girl Chelsia is sad because she’s on slop but yet must “kiss everybody’s asses”. I’ll refrain from the obvious sexual fantasies about my girl Chelsia.

Ryan not only claims Matt and Adam as his “boys”, but he also says he struck a secret deal with Joshuah to watch each other’s backs. Well, I bet Joshuah wants to watch Ryan’s back (and other body parts).

Sharon does finally get a good line in when discussing the situation with Chelsia, Joshuah, and Sheila. “Penises stick together.” “He’s got one too”, replies Sheila, pointing to Joshuah. Josh claims that his gayness is an advantage in the game. “I can bond with the guys, and the girls still trust me.” Hmmmm, I don’t know about that.

Up in the HOH, Ryan promises Joshuah that if the POV is used, Joshuah won’t be going up. Funny thing is, I think Joshuah would like to be backdoored. Oh snap! Joshuah says for the plan to work, he can’t hang out with Ryan. “Let me hang with the girls.” Josh does admit that Matt is the only person that’s keeping him from fully trusting Ryan.

Chelsia doesn’t believe anybody has her back, but James tells her to trust him. Plus, he uses the opportunity to steal some kisses that she clearly doesn’t want to give out. “I have you this week,” he says, “but you get me next time. I’m not going to let you go home.” Oh, if he only knew then how this would play out.

Wow, it’s almost a quarter into the show before we get our first Natalie/Matt situation. Natalie’s stating what she plans to do with any prize money she wins, and Matt calls her plan “boring”. “Once again, Matty loves to rain on my parade and put me down.” She has a fit and runs off – “I can’t be around negativity.” Ryan gives Matt shit, saying that if he doesn’t watch out Nat will put him up if she wins HOH. “No, I’ll just have to say I’ll make out with her.” Sadly, he’s right.

Natalie runs downstairs to complain to the girls about Matt’s meanness. Of course, Sheila’s there to feed her ego. “Natalie, I’m telling you he is walking.” Josh senses an opportunity, and comes up with a deal. “If we go to him and say if you get Matt out, we guarantee you safety for two weeks.” Unfortunately, he included Natalie (and Sheila) in this conversation, and after Matt apologizes for being mean (“we’re still partners”) she tells all. Well, not all as she leaves Sheila’s name out of the list of people plotting against him.

Matt’s got a great point – “why would you ever tell the girl who is obsessed with me that you want me out of this house?” It clearly is the dumbest move in this game so far…even worse then Jen telling all about Ryan being her boyfriend. Matt sprints upstairs to tell Ryan, and they decide to play dumb about the plan.

Josh is elected to tell Ryan the plan, and I have to admit Ryan is great at keeping a straight face. “The whole Matty thing is freaking people out. Everyone thinks you’re in an alliance and that you’re definitely a target for next week.” Ryan pretends that he agrees to nominate Matt as a replacement nominee. Ryan then surprises Josh by telling him he knew that he was coming to him with the plan, and nods when Josh asks if it’s Natalie who told Matt. Yet Ryan doesn’t completely blow off the plan.

Josh immediately informs Chelsia and Sheila about the leak. “She is blinded by him”, Sheila scream-whispers. Ryan and Matt chit-chat about who to put up, and Ryan lies in the DR that he’s still thinking about putting up Matt. Sure you are.

It’s time for the veto comp, and besides the nominees and Ryan, the other players selected were Adam, Sheila, and Joshuah. Natalie whines that she wants to play. Before we get to the actual competition, everybody heads up to the HOH to confirm the two week plan. James points out that they won’t get this opportunity next week, and Sheila just has to top it by saying she “guarantees” they’ll NEVER get a chance like this. Chelsia points out his doubletalk, and how he’s double-crossed Ryan twice. “I know”, replies Ryan.

The veto competition I sort of a combination golf/pool match, very similar to last year’s ice contest that resulted in Jen’s infamous unitard. It’s a pretty boring contest at first, and Sharon comes closest to the target. Sheila, as usual, ends up farthest from the hole, and ends up with the veto? I don’t get it. Sharon is eliminated in the second round, and wins a motorcycle. Chelsia’s bummed, as she’s always wanted a bike. Sharon wants the P.O.V. more, though, and trades the cycle for it. Now I get how this works.

Chelsia gets a hole in one in the next round, and Joshuah is eliminated in this round. His prize is a letter from home, and he couldn’t be happier as he’s a “huge mama’s boy”. Chelsia is nervous as she’s now against the “pool sharks”, but Adam is knocked out next. His prize? $10,000. He trades it for the motorcycle, which “shocks” Sheila. Ryan wins the last round, but Chelsia trades the slop pass for the POV. Ryan’s prize for winning? Jen’s unitard – and he shocks everybody by trading it for Sheila’s ten grand. “I was devastated,” she whines.

When we return from commercials, Sheila’s still complaining about the lost money. “Some people need the cash.” Menawhile, James and Chelsia celebrate with a makeout session in the supply room. “It couldn’t have worked out better,” brags James. Oh yeah? Wait a few minutes. Before we get to that, though, Ryan walks into the celebration, and everybody reiterates the two week promise.

Sheila’s putting on her unitard, and brags how at 45 “she’s still got it…Jen is probably so jealous right now”. Oh boy. She does thank Adam for trying to give her the money. Chelsia then pisses off Sheila by telling her to not “play the single mom card”. She promises to get back at Chelisa, along with the rest of her crew. Funny how she’s angrier at Chelsia then she is at the person who actually yanked the cash away from her.

Sheila goes off on this situation to first Adam, and then Natalie, who has little to say other than “um hmm”. Ohmigod, she just said that the strongest people in the house are the ones sitting right here. Sheila and Natalie? Bwahahahaha.

I have to give her credit, though, as she goes right to Ryan with her plan. “Who do you trust more? Joshuah, Sharon, James, and Chelsia?, Or Adam, Matty, Natalie, and me?” Little does she know that Ryan’s already been chatting with Matt about this very same subject, but we’ll let Sheila have her moment in the sun.

So we here we go with the veto meeting. My girl Chelsia looks hot as always as she does the customary “stare at the pictures” gimmick. She’s excited that “it’s Matty’s time to shine”. I’m going to be sad in a couple of minutes.

Josh is all Queen as he thinks he’s “pulled off the biggest strategic move in Big Brother history!” Um, just hold onto that thought for a minute or two longer, Josh. As expected, Chelsia pulls herself off the block, and they all expect Ryan to give it to Matt. Ryan complains that he’s being pulled in two different directions to nominate a certain person. When Ryan says James is being put up, the house goes deadly silent. Matt immediately flies into cocky mode…and I must say he should. “It’s on, now!” Josh is still cocky that he’ll “win the war”, as is Sheila (“I’m the mastermind").

vince McMahon really should be watching this season, as they're schooling him on how to put together a swerve. Wednesday is going to be fun!

You should never look cocky at a 'ceremony'

Yea Joshuah, you know I mean you. Sitting there all cocky with that smirk.


This is one of the reasons I will watch the broadcasts. To see the ceremonies and competitions. Along with diary room.

Ok, I'm Back to Hating Natalie

Does she ever shut up? She's out back playing basketball, and is giving a running commentary on her shooting ability.

Meanwhile, it seems that James has admitted defeat. Regardless of what you think of him, he has tried everything possible to stay in the house.

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This post will get buried really fast the way things have been going in the house so I am also posting it on the left hand side of the blog.

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Ohmigod, Who Do I Hate the Most?

One minute it's Matt, who thinks he owns the house (despite his current denial in the HOH). The next minute it's Natalie, for so many reasons (stupidity, cockiness, Jesus). But right now, and the majority of the time, it's Sheila. There's nobody who has accomplished so little yet believes she's the Queen of the House. Don't you dare complain when she screws up a competition, yet she can bitch about anybody. She's there for anybody to confess their sins, and then runs to everybody to report them. She hates that "The Game" is so hard on her, but loves "The Game" when her "side" comes out on top. I can't wait until her pals turn on her.

Bad News.

No more fucking.

That's it.

Ryan and James are done fucking.

Ryan really couldn't keep a straight face when James was saying "From this point on, we're done with the fucking. I fucked you once. Now you're fucking me. We're done with the fucking."

James just left the HOH room, and the plan to evict James is still on.

Adam Comes Alive!!!

"I'm tired of fucking being pressured. I've had enough, and you guys and you guys. I don't give a fuck who stays in this house to be honest with you, you know what I'm saying. Fuck it, James you just dont stop - I've been hearing this all day. Let everybody decide on an individual basis period. Nobody owes anybody anything in this house. I dont care what anybody says nobody owes anybody shit. As fucked up as it is, yesterday is yesterday. Who the fuck knows what all the people in the house are gonna do? You gonna take everybody's word in this house? Fuck that shit - you know what im saying? I've had enough."

What's great is this outburst was just as much directed towards Matt as it was to James.

James vs. Matt?

James has a plan for Matt to go head to head with him on the block next week. This would require both Matt and James throwing the HOH competition. Matt isn't down for throwing it, and is not down for putting himself on the block in any point in the game. Sharon is also saying she will throw the HOH competition as well.

James to Matt: You're a dumber player than Sharon.

Sheila Talks Tough...Until James Walks In

For the past few minutes Sheila has gone on and on about "The Game". This is "The Game". This is how you play "The Game". Now she has had to quickly backpedal as James entered the HOH to make another attempt of a deal. Suddenly, she knows nothing about what's going on, and she has no deals. Blah blah blah.

Calmer Heads Prevail

Sheila, Natalie, and Adam are up in the HOH with Ryan, and the original plan appears to be back on (despite Ryan earlier telling James he'd break the tie in his favor).

I love Sheila lecturing people that they need to shut up.

No Switch?

Adam, Natalie, and Sheila are with Ryan in the HOH room. All four agree - the votes will stay the same like they discussed before and James will be going home. They want to make Sharon sweat during the next 24 hours, and play Joshuah. Again.

Shaking hands means nothing to anyone in this room. So expect some good meaningless hand shakes coming up tonight.

If Sharon stays...

Sharon just told Matt that if she stayed in the house, she would throw the HOH competition OR if she does win it, Matt is safe.

If Sharon does say to Matt she'd throw the competition definitely, then Matt can tell this to Natalie, and Natalie's vote won't change.

Matt told Sharon she runs her mouth to much, even after the couples split.

James is telling Natalie and Sheila keeping him would be best because Sharon is mentally capable of winning.

It's going to be a lot of back and forth all night.

I really can't wait for tonight's episode on CBS. I'm excited to see Joshuah's face when Ryan says he's putting James on the block.

Divine Intervention

Natalie is finally broken.

She's pretty much torn between evicting Sharon, and keeping her alliance with Matt and is asking God for help. They were fighting about Sharon, but it ended up Natalie just telling him that she didn't like that he hid from her and that despite his efforts, he's still treating her like shit.

Matt went outside to get Thing1 to get some advice on what to do with Natalie. Matt doesn't want to lose Natalie in the house, because she's always been on his side through everything. Matt's ready to cut all ties in the house with Natalie, especially if she chooses to keep James in the house. Thing1 says to Matt she is going to evict James. Matt wants HOH. Bad. If, and that's a big if, he does he might put Natalie up on the block. Yikes. That'll be a huge breakdown for Natalie.

Matt is now talking to Adam. Matt asked Adam to talk to Natalie. He walks into the room and instantly strikes up the conversation. Natalie is telling Adam she doesn't know who she can trust. Natalie wants to get rid of Sharon solely because she can win HOH because she's mentally strong. Nat tells Adam that "they" said he's going to keep James. Of course, he is denying it. Adam is telling her not to believe the devil. Adam is leaving the room now saying James is way smarter than Sharon.

Natalie Runs to Matt

Natalie is telling Matt about her gut instinct to vote out Sharon instead of James. Matt is flipping out on Nat because of this. It didn't take too long for Matt to find out. I guess Natalie thinks that Matt wants to keep her in the house because they have kissed before. He says he'd vote her out, and tell her to her face right now she's going home. But (there's always a but) Natalie and Thing1 shouldn't stray from their original plan. Matt won't have their backs, especially Natalie's, when they're in trouble. Nat doesn't trust Sharon at all, especially in HOH competitions, and Matt doesn't think Natalie should trust James because he threw pickle juice on her. They're going in circles. Just read everything I just typed four times, you'll get to where the conversation is now.

Oh, and this conversation is so bad. Matt is constantly interrupting Natalie, and she has the memory of a goldfish and forgets what she was about to say.

Oh, and Joshuah? Shave.


Scott sent me a text telling me to turn on the feeds, man what a change!!!!

Sharon thinks she was a pawn this whole time and no one wanted her out. Lie, but let's sidestep that. Joshuah and James are scheming, and both have had secret sessions with Ryan, trying to rekindle their deal in case of a tie.

Natalie and Thing1 are Pro-James now, and Anti-Sharon. They just hugged James and said they both wanted Sharon out. James reassured them that Joshuah and Chelsia will also vote to evict Sharon. Natalie and James are going to use the pickle juice incident still to make Matt think that she's still going to evict James. I never thought I'd see the day that Natalie would vote against Matt, but here it is. James is making a deal to keep Thing1 and Natalie in the house longer as long has he has their votes. Nat and Thing1 will give them their votes, as long as another outburst like after the POV meeting doesn't happen again. James said he can keep them both in check because he can handle them. They just gave their word, and said they will continue to act like James is going home.

To everyone in the house, Sharon is acting as if there is no way she can be evicted. Well, James keeps saying he's going home so obviously that means she's staying.

Oh, the drama.

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OOOOFA!!! The Kiss May Cost Sharon.

Oh man - I came back to the feeds to find Joshua and James scheming.

It appears that they are trying to swing the house to get Sharon evicted and it may be working.

Natalie is citing the kiss between Matt and Sharon as a reson not to trust him anymore.

She seems sincere but its more than 24 hours until the eviction so nothing is set in stone.

People seem to be making all kinds of promises - James told Joshua that he had a handshake from Adam to vote out Sharon as well. James said something about promising 'half' but I have no clue if that meant that James was promising him prize money if he voted that way.

Wow..... love it!!!

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