Thursday, April 10, 2008

Power Of Veto Tonight.

As we suspected it will be tonight - probably at 12am.

Ryan and Adam just saw the sign and Ryan is mad because he is sore from last night.

Natalie Is Working It Hard

Natalie is up in the HOH working Sheila as hard as she can. She's suddenly Sheila's only protection next week, and will protect her all week. Sure she will.

Everybody thinks there's a competition tonight, either luxury or POV, because of the work being done outside. Ryan's downing some "Joe" to stay awake for it.

Help Me With Some Numbers

A couple plugs first.... I write for ANOTHER site too - its over yonder @ and some of my posts from that site are occasionally featured on in the Big Brother area. Now with the mini-plugs over here is what I want to do.

I came up with some numbers on a post I made on bbk tonight and I think we can come up with lots more - so help me out.

This is the 10th week, the eviction is on the 16th, and there are 2 guinea pigs in the house. 10+16+2 is 28 and Natalie is 28. That means she is leaving this week!

Or.... 10th week, 2 implants, 4 BJs, 0 times on slop, 2 abortions.... 10+2+4+0 divided by 2 = 7 -- Seven letters in "Evicted" and Seven letters in "Natalie."

THINK THINK!!! Come up with more!!

It's Official - Sharon and Adam Are Nominated

Sharon apparently gave the same speech she's given every week she's been put up, and Natalie can't believe that Adam is (sort of) upset because of course Sheila would never put her up. Sheila's big concern is how well her speech will come off on TV.

Ryan To Adam, 'The Move You Made Last Week Came Back To Bite You."

Adam is not happy that he is about to be nominated.

Ryan is the lead person saying over and over again that he is going up because he didn't nominate James to start with last week and instead nominated Sheila.

Hang on....

Lets pretend for a moment that Adam actually did nominate James and Sharon right away instead of the way it went down. James would still be gone.

So does that mean Adam would not be getting nominated today? Nope - he still would be going up because Natalie, Ryan and Sheila struck a deal last night to put him up.

I was hoping and hoping that Adam would just look at Ryan and Sheila and ask her WHO would be going up if he hadn't done that. Because Sheila wouldn't have an answer - or rather she would have to lie.

Sometimes I think I are so smart and would kick butt in the house. Then I remember I am over 30 and that my odds of lasting long would be slim to none.

Nominations are going on right now. It won't be a shock - Adam and Sharon will be on the block.


What would Jesus do?

Well for starters, he wouldn't be on Big Brother!

On the other hand, he was in his own little reality show wasn't he. He would NEVER drop in an endurance comp. As evidence he spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by Satan. Then to top it all off he won the entire game by hanging in there having been nailed, a spear in the side, with a groovy thorn hat. The 2 other contestants beside him gave up much quicker.

I also think with Jesus in the house, and the ability to turn water into wine, there'd be much more fun and interesting things going on at night and on BBAD instead of the borefest it has been.

Your thoughts? Your ideas? What do you think Jesus would do? (other than now send my ass to hell)