James has decided to sleep away the rest of the week. I have seen him out of bed for maybe 2 hours today - or less.
Meanwhile Sheila has been working overtime to secure the votes from Adam and Ryan.
I think tonight she made some headway. I really feel like Adam is more worried about ticking off Sheila than he is about the possible ramifications of keeping Sharon.
So to me it is really beginning to look like Joshuah will be going home on Wednesday - however James still has one more day to work on Ryan and Adam. I just don't know if he has it in him anymore though.
Monday, March 31, 2008
If Joshuah Leaves, Blame James.
I can't stop laughing
I turned the feeds on about 5 minutes ago. Sheila and Ryan at the hot tub "talking". Well more like...
Sheila: blah blah blah blah blah ME ME ME ME ME blah blah MY SON blah blah blah blah
Ryan: uh huh
Sheila: blah blah ME blah ME ME blah blah (5 more minutes of blah)
Ryan: hmm
Sheila: blah blah blah blah blah ME ME ME blah blah blah blah oh and did I say ME? I have to win HOH, ME ME blah blah blah
Ryan: uh huh
I can just imagine how long this has been going on for.
Why aren't they showing us sequester house?
A New Day Soon To Dawn - Who Will Be Staying? Josh? Sharon?
Man the folks with only Showtime must be starting to hate Big Brother. I went to bed @ 10pm BB time and they house was half asleep by then - just one hour into "After Dark." When I got up this morning I checked out what I missed and it looks like I missed Natalie taking a bath and Adam and Ryan eating pickles.
Riveting stuff!!
The funny thing is - the feeds have been pretty decent - just not after 12am Eastern most nights. Big Brother isn't even making then HGs stay out of bed and they aren't plying them with booze either.
I am sure there will be some more plotting today - unlike last week when we were pretty sure Chelsia was the one going home - today I still don't know. I am thinking that this eviction will re-algn the alliances if Joshuah goes - with the women possibly taking control - if Sharon goes then the guys will have a 4-2 advantage. However there is still a good chance that no matter who goes home this week, James will be the target yet again next week.
Oh and Joshuah must have decided against his 'penalty nomination' plan. He never ate any food that would have gotten him in trouble last night.
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