Chelsia and Matt just snuck into the food closet to make out for a few seconds. Ewwwwwwwwwww! Not just friendly kisses, either.
I was too shocked to take screencaps.
(edit by Mike - found one for ya Scott!)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I'm Heartbroken
Oh Sheila!
By revelling in Allison's upcoming nomination, Sheila's also doing everything she can to ensure that she's not nominated. She wants to be able to vote, so Allison will know it was her that got her evicted. But putting her up as a pawn would be a mistake, because they're not good at competitions. Josh agrees with her assessment, but refrains from promising not to nominate her.
Meanwhile, Allison is claiming she's going to get Joshuah kicked out because he supposedly threatened her and got in her face while they were arguing.
I didn't hear this part of the conversation but Joker's Wild reports that "Allison saying Josh said he was gonna strangle her and then got 2 feet from her face and called her a cunt and whore and swung key in face. Ryan keeps saying dont let him get to you this is what he wants. Meanwhile josh and sheila and nat laughing in bedroom cause diary room told josh to keep his distance cause allison thinks josh is nuts and sincerely wants to kill her."
Poor Allison (Sarcasm)
This is getting interesting very quickly. Joshuah and Sharon have wasted no time in proclaiming that Allison will be gone next week. For some reason, Matt is asking them to be civil, which makes Joshuah laugh. Meanwhile, Allison is proclaiming that it's because of her that Matt and Natalie are still in the house. Deluded girl.
Oooh, it gets better. Allison told Matt that her protecting him has screwed up her game and put her in this place. Allison explains that Josh wanted Alex and Amanda to stay and says says this (being nominated) wont affect me one iota and that will drive Josh nuts. Alllison says she was ready to answer one sec behind Sharon and "knocking people out is wrong". Say what? Allison also says she would never ALLOW ryan to talk to a woman the way Josh talked to her before and saying she hopes to push him till he hits her. Good move.
In another room, Sheila is saying how she wants Allison to leave so she can "get the help she needs". Um, as messed up as Allison is, it's Sheila that needs the help.
Julie States Next Week's Evicted Couple "Gets a Surprise Nobody Will See Coming"
It's in the recap, but I want to point out again that Julie (more than) hinted that the couples are going to be split up this week. So they are going a full season!
Edited to add: I guess many of us heard it wrong. Here's Julie's exact quote - "You won't want to miss this. The evicted couple will get a surprise that nobody will see coming." It could mean a lot of things, such as choosing a couple to return or mixing up two couples of their choice. Or it really could mean that only one of them will go.
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 8 Recap
Here we go with another live broadcast! There are so many questions we’ll have answered tonight. Will Amanda’s sweet ass get the boot? Who will be the new HOH? Most importantly, what horrendous outfit will the Chen-bot wear tonight?
As I’m waiting for the show to begin, I’m wondering about what we’ll see before the eviction. Will the strip show/naked pool party see any air time? I sort of doubt it, but I have a feeling we’ll see some material from the rest of Bikini Day, as there’s no way CBS would waste a whole day of pleasurable footage.
I predict we’ll also see lots of footage of Allison making her claim as the scheming House Bitch. Yesterday, she was horrendous as she made her way around from person to person complaining about how she was treated the first 14 days, and how she forgives Alex and Amanda but will still be giving them the boot. Shut up, you silly twit.
Ok, it’s finally time for the show to begin. Ugh, I tuned in a minute two early and am immediately frightened by two old fogies – Sally Struthers looking every minute of her 59 years, and host Mary Hart and her patented fake excitement about anything trivial. Please start the show!
Um, a powerful alliance of four? Hahahaha, too bad two of them are leaving tonight. James, stop the Operation Condor crap. It’s beneath you. Shockwaves through the house? These recaps are just plain silly, although Allison proclaiming they all have to change the way they act in the house is beyond humorous given her babbling last night.
Does Julie Chen every change the way she stands? And can we also stop the “XXXX, the XXXX from XXXXX” descriptions? Here we go re-showing the recap. Why?
James!!!! Stop the Operation Condor crap! Matt’s “I can’t campaign against my boy” babbling is silly. Of course he’s been campaigning all week.
Matt campaigning with Adam is a real meeting of the minds. Now they’re boys? Or should I say boyzzzzzzzzzzz. Um, Natalie, please close your legs when you’re lifting weights. That’s not a pretty sight. So at this point Allison decides they should leave because they’ve been eating all week, while Alex and Amanda are bound to be weak since they’re on slop.
Adam’s not happy because the one time he’s been included in a plan it’s gone to shit. Plus, Matt’s now his friend! Sorry, Bubba, but that friendship will end tonight.
Matt gives Natalie advice on how to campaign, and she runs off to Sharon to test his plan. Joshuah shows up, and she basically jumps him to prove how much she wants them to save her. Natalie, even your big fake breasts can’t tempt that gay boy.
Ryan, however, doesn’t agree with Allison. He wants Alex and Amanda to leave.
Funny how in diary room footage Sheila and Adam seem to love each other. These pre-eviction interviews never turn into usable (or interesting) chatter.
Ooooh, we’re already going to the houseguests. No stripper footage tonight, though. Of course, Julie has to start with the medical problems. Amanda claims her and Allison have gotten closer. Then we move on to Allison and Sheila, and Sheila again claims Allison was talking behind her back. “I have learned in this game you have to keep some things to yourself.” What a self-deluded twit. James gets a hand for helping Amanda, and he says that he thought she was dying. Oh please.
Ohmigod, Julie, enough with the medical crap. Amanda fainted and Allison had an allergic reaction. It was never that severe! But we move on to the self-appointed “America’s Pimp” talking about the hell of drinking out of bowls. Moving on, Sheila begs for applause because she’s lost five pounds on slop. Ooooof.
Yes, it’s time for a segment featuring my girl Chelsia. Please get rid of the romantic Muzak, though. Both are way too edgy for that crap. James is leaving something out of his little bio, though. He also seems to be hanging out with some of Evil Dick’s frazzled friends.
Chelsia, meanwhile, says she was a brat as a child. I love her more every second. Her sister Jenny, though, wouldn’t look out of place with James’ friends. I think she’s had her share of late-night fun times.
In her interview with the pair, Julie goes straight for the jugular. “You promised Matt you wouldn’t nominate him. What happened?” It’s easy to see why she’s a network morning newscaster. Well, we all know how Mrs. Moonves got that job. The rest of the segment is the typical blah blah blah crap, although I chuckled at James saying he hates how materialistic the rest of the morons are. Ooooh, Chelsia loves dive bars!!!! Come to Sioux Falls, girlfriend. Maybe you’ll even meet Tattoo Johnny!
Wow, CBS really wants us to believe that Matt and Natalie are heading out. Say what you want, they really know how to surprise the rubes and hayseeds.
I’m sure you all know the drill of the eviction process. The four get to say final words that Julie promises “could make all the difference” but never does. WTF kind of shirt is Alex wearing? “Keepin’ it Real”? Oh God, he puts it into his statement.
Natalie has to babble about the Beaver state once again, and proclaims that this is the best cast ever! Um, no. As for Matt, the less said about his statement the better. As for the votes: Adam/Sheila vote to evict Amanda and Alex, as does Joshuah/Sharon (love their disgusted looks) and Ryan/Allison.
One little tidbit thrown into the process – Julie announced that if a pair can’t agree on a decision they’re immediately evicted. We’ve never heard that before, and it will never happen.
Time for the tears, as Amanda’s bummed by the vote. Like you didn’t know it was coming, but I for one will miss that perfect ass. They’re lingering so long, though, that Julie has to tell them to get the hell out.
Ryan’s pissed about something, though, when we return to the house feed. Hmmmm, tonight could be interesting. Matt babbles something to James about how they’re now “even”. What does that even mean?
Julie again goes into reporter mode, asking why Alex blames Amanda for being nominated. He is smart enough to understand that campaigning would not have helped them, but still gets a shot at Amanda. Julie, why did you say “no bueno” to Amanda? She barely understands English; how would she understand another language?
Why do we get multiple video messages this week? Last week, it was only the opposing couple. Allison whines again, and the rest basically tell them how much they love them. Matt has to throw out another “you were my boy”. Jerkoff.
Another question HOH contest? Oh boy, they have to remember the author’s of the stupid “love” quotes. Good luck with that, Matty. Or Adam, but at least he has Sheila. Did I just write that? Oh boy.
Sharon jumps to the lead (as expected). She’s even smart at who she eliminates – leaving Natalie as her last competitor. Natalie say nary a word as Sharon unanimously wins.
Oh boy, Ryan screws up the first question. Wait, Pat Benatar shares wall space with Shakespeare? Ooof. Joshuah also sweeps, and he and Sharon are the HOH! Expect lots of catty behavior this week!
Our final shot is from the living room, and Sharon and Joshuah can't wait for pictures! Stupid "America's Pimp" gets almost the final word, before Julie states that coming this week the game will change! Oooh, do we finally get to see the splitting of the couples?
Amanda and Alex Out - Joshua and Sharon new HOH.
Vote was 3-0 as expected.
Joshua and Sharon DOMINATED the HoH competition answering 5 questions right - the only one they didn't answer was one Ryan tried and missed.
They just saved their butts - otherwise they would have been nominated along with James and Chelsia. Only couple that should be safe this week beside Josh and Sharon is James and Chelsia. Allison and Ryan should be very worried.
Live Vote? Endurance Competition?
The show begins in about 30 minutes - looks like the vote will be live tonight.
However I will bee completely shocked if Alex and Amanda stay.
Once they are evicted - assuming they are - if anyone but Joshua and Sharon win the HoH competition, expect them to be nominated along with James and Chelsia.
There is the possibility that tonight's show MIGHT be an endurance competition, however the HGs seem to have practiced some type of quiz contest earlier so I would put the chances as slim.
Dirty Natalie!
I spent some time scouring Joker's Update, and found these quite scary stories from Natalie. How did I miss this?
Tue 12:30 AM Natalie just told a story about having a rotten tampon inside her - she forgot about it (More..) - Bloody_Mary
Now she's telling the story to Sheila, Amanda and Ali. Nat says it was in there for 5 or 6 days and her boyfriend could smell it. She couldn't dig it out, but finally she got it and it was "brown and red and nasty."
They asked her if her boyfriend had oral sex with her. (I missed her answer but I think she said no.)
Tue 12:10 AM BBT Natalie in the hot tub explaining why her breasts produce milk... - KWren11
She explains that she got pregnant at 19 and had an abortion -- then at 23 she got pregnant again...
Both times she was using 'birth control' and condoms and she must be 'fertile Myrtle'...
Her first abortion she had to wait so she was two months along.
Her second one she found out she was pregnant the night before her boob job (she was only one month along, with a different/new boyfriend)... which was scheduled because she says after her first abortion her breasts thought she had a baby, filled up with milk, and then shrank...
So the night before her boob job she had her boyfriend give her his 'pee' to use in the pregnancy test they use at the hospital...
Then she had her boob job the next day and two weeks later had an abortion (#2) and that is why she thinks her breasts squirt milk...