So she was continuing to play hide and seek, and her and the boys came across the red unitard. They told her to get naked (a "nudietard") so she did. "They" meaning Ryan, Adam, Matt, and Joshuah.
They're still playing hide and seek. Nat scared Joshuah when she hid under the sink, and he screamed like a little girl, as most men do when they are scared.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Natalie in the Unitard
They Shut Natalie Up!!!!
Hide and Seek gets Natalie to shut up.
This is one of her hiding spots.
Oh no. Matt just found her.
This hide and seek game is gonna go on forever. They're trying to kill time.
Calling Natalie's name is just as annoying as Natalie speaking.
Nat's new hiding spot. The dumb bitch didn't cover herself all the way.
James and Chelsia Show It All.
Sheila takes over the stupidity, what a night
Now Sheila and Nat are discussing the final 2 and the vote. For all Sheila claims to have always watched BB, she keeps proving she never has. She just mentioned how "america" votes for the winner, to be corrected by Nat that duh, no, the sequestered vote.
The Sheila asks Nat how many are in sequester, Nat answers her 7. Now wait for it, wait.....
Sheila: So who breaks the tie?
James' turn to show how stupid he is
As James, Chelsia, Ryan and Joshuah sit around the hot tub, they discuss grocery shopping, from James we hear:
"I love foie gras. It's like a dip, you dip bread in it. It's like caviar. You'd eat it with like creme brule."
Ummmm okie dokie dumbass. How about this, foie gras? it's PATE. PATE, you don't dip bread in it either, ugh. And can anyone please tell me how goose liver pate is in any way like caviar???? Ok, the goose will be around water, in which the fishies swim.
"I'm going to get rid of Matt"
It's going to take some balls...
Just said by James as he and Chelsia are chatting in the HOH bathroom. Guess Chelsia was sent on a recon mission and is now filling in James on what she heard.
Operation Matty Fan Club
I haven't been able to watch much because I'm working on finals, but I don't have to use my computer anymore so I can just watch. Yay! I've been reading the blog when I can, and Sheila is STILLLLLLLLLL burying herself.
She's in the HOH room talking to James, trying to create some drama against Ryan. She brought up Natalie, and that Natalie might vote the way Matt does - to keep Ryan and evict Sheila. Sheila's argument why Ryan should go home? He's got $10,000 and his girlfriend has $5,000.
I hope I get to write a list of things I can't wait to not hear anymore. Like I did for Allison. Included will be such catch phrases as "I'm a single mom" and "I don't care about the frickin money." Oh, also "Do you not see that?"
James is assuring Sheila she is not going home, but she has to keep her word straight.
And Sheila is starting Operation Matty Fan Club. Good name, whacko.
Sunday "Pre-Cap"
Ok, so you're all going to be spared the 10,000 word essay this Sunday as I am currently in Minneapolis and will be watching Springsteen while the show airs. So here are my predictions as to what you're going to see tomorrow night:
1. The recap of Wednesday's epsiode will be much longer than normal, so the can include the reactions to James' evictions, the "Mystery Guest" vote, and James' return.
2. The beginning of the HOH comp, with reactions to looking at the contraption they had to hang from. I sooooo hope they use Sheila to describe how the competition works. They'll show the first few people drop (and their explanations) before the commercial break.
3. It's down to four, and we'll then see Sharon and my girl Chelsia drop. Right before the next commercial break, we'll see Nat and James start to negotiate.
4. Continued negotiations up to the point Nat falls. Look for overly-dramatic music as she pukes and stumbles around, followed by sweet piano music as Matt comforts her. Segment ends with James and Chelsia diary room celebrations.
5. Lots of Sheila, and I mean lots. Her "revelation" as she was watching Natalie in the HOH comp, and her telling this heartwarming story over and over to everybody. Expect a teary diary room comment or two, along with laughter from the others.
6. James gets his HOH key. Natalie will be shown being bummed that she didn't get her pictures, but will be happy that James asked.
7. The big question of who will James nominate? Footage of him and Chelsia talking about it, and various people (particularly Ryan and Matt) having words with him. Diary room entries from Matt and Nat hoping that he's a man of his word.
8. The actual nominations.
I'll be checking Monday morning to see how I did!
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Ryan Tells Joshuah He Is Safe
I hope something happens soon
It's so boring today, that they are now taking bets on when Chelsia and Nat start their periods. Oh yea, and Sheila has informed us that once again she is spotting.
James Just Told Ryan He Will Save Him
He just informed Ryan that he will save him tomorrow and is asking Ryan to 'look out for him' down the road. No huge promises.
These two have been doing quite the 'dance' lately - Ryan says to James that he is indebted. He will be putting up Adam - he explains that he is putting up Adam because he 'broke my trust' last week.
Saturday - Late Night BJ Again. 2 to 5 ?
Early this morning Natalie went down on Matt yet again. That is at least three times that I know of.
Difference is now pretty much everyone knows, Matt confirmed it to Ryan and Adam this morning and James told Chelsia and Joshua that she did it again last night. James thinks that is why Natalie is so hung up on Matt.
They have made a reference to 2 to 5 a few times - I think it is in reference to Natalie thinking the internet feed is off between 2am and 5am - of course she is wrong.
In other news.... James is contemplating taking Matt off the block and putting up Adam - the reason being I think is to get Shelia out because she is driving the whole house crazy (see the post below).
However - as I type this Shelia is telling Sharon that she is worried she will go home and sounds like she wants James to put up Adam as well (lol - little does she know Adam would probbly be safer than Ryan is).
BB gave them the croquette mallets from last season so they think some type of luxury competition might be in the works. I don't think so because I think they have enough film for Tuesday and Wednesday's show.