Monday, March 3, 2008

James Versus Matt

James has figured out Matt's play to make James and Chelsia look like the bad guys. He's promised to vote for both Adam/Sheila and Ryan/Allison, which obviously he can't do with only one vote...and he wants Josh and Sharon to believe they voted to save Allison. After promising Josh that he's not going to screw him over, he goes down to confront Matt.

Unfortunately, Matt's in the middle of a game of pool. You can't interrupt that! He patiently waits by borrowing a smoke from Adam.

Finally, we get to the conversation. Matt does a good job at deflecting the criticism, but Ryan and Adam both seem to get that Matt has been playing both sides.

Dumb Natalie has to throw in her typical dumb comment - "you're just afraid of me and Matty". Um, no.

It's now going around and usual. It will be interesting to hear what Ryan and Adam say about this later tonight.

No Worries, Drama Time!

James just ran into the HOH room, saying Matt is a "cocksucker." Takes one to know one.

Ooo sorry.

Anyway, James is pissed that Matt is telling people he and Chelsia are in an alliance with Allison and Ryan, and he plans on evicting Sheila/Adam to blame James/Chelsia. Yes, they are working them over, but they're NOT changing their votes. James gave Joshuah his word.

Time for drama! Will update in a bit!

Allison Working Overtime

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Words of Wisdom From James

In a discussion of gay sex and drugs, James tells Chelsia, Josh, and Sharon that he has a rule to "never do drugs alone. In case something goes wrong, I need a safety net." Josh agrees. We won't go into Josh's description of using coke to numb a certain body part in preparation for gay sex.

My Girl Chelsia Shaving

Why do the showers have doors? Or why can't Chelsia be more like James, who just showed all (again)?

Aliison's Desperate Attempts At Creating Tension

As I predicted earlier, it didn't take long for Allison to attempt to create dissension. First off, she's convinced that Joshuah is infatuated with her every move. When she finished her workout and went inside, Josh also came in to check the time. That was "proof" he had to see what she was up to. This opinion was duplicated every time he made any move - even if he didn't come anywhere near her.

Finally, she confronted him - "do you wanna talk, or do you wanna just hate each other for the rest of our lives?"
Joshuah: I don't hate you. I don't anything you...I'm just ready for you to be gone. Good luck getting a vote.
Allison: I just don't understand why you're angry with me.
Joshuah: Was that not what you came up with? Was that not your master plan from the beginning?
Allison: You were the one who said you wanted Matt and Natalie out first.
Josh: No, you were the one who came up with the whole plan to get Matt and Natalie out. Then you went on this crazy power trip.

This goes on for several minutes as she tries to bait him. Surprisingly, he keeps his cool, besides this great sequence - "It's just your continual manipulation of everyone in the house. I'm actually hoping it goes one-one, so I have the pleasure of voting you out myself."
Allison: All I'm gonna say is, I don't understand why you're so hateful to me, when I've done nothing to you.
Josh: The whole thing is just funny, and you will be portrayed as the psycho-bitch on tv. I can't wait for you to see how badly I've ripped on you in the DR. And how embarrassing for your family.
Allison: I think you're in for a very rude awakening.
Josh: You have fun in sequester where everyone's gonna rip your ass. Cuz they all hate you. They were just being polite to your face while you were in go make out with some people for votes.

Similar attempts at garnering support are directed at Matt, Sheila, and Natalie. Nobody's really biting. At one point, she claims to Sheila that America will somehow keep her on the show because they'll see what a good person she is. Yeah, the three "Allison is psychotic" episodes will do a lot of good for your public image. :)

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Extremely Boring Day (So Far)

Everybody is pretty much just laying out in the sun. Allison is working out her frustrations on the treadmill. Nobody is really talking at all, and Josh has promised that the first sign of game talk he's heading back to the HOH. We should do a pool to see who comes closest to guessing what time that will be. I give it ten minutes.

Silence is definitely better than what the viewers had to deal with last night on Showtime. For way too long, we had to endure Sheila and Natalie's insane theories as to why they're going to be the final two couples. "When you have faith, you get rid of anger, jealousy and greed," claimed Natalie. "And they (James and Chelsia) don't have faith. When you don't have faith, you have greed, you have jealousy, and you have anger...the more people put you down and talk about you the more God will redeem you and protect you. So I'm not scared. I'll win this game." Yeah, the Jesus freaks have done so well in the past.