Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poor Chelsia

Chelsia is crying on the bathroom couch to James about how badly she doesn't want to leave the house. No duh. No one wants to leave the house. Chelsia is so cute when she cries. James is trying to force Chelsia to cry more so I guess he doesn't have to deal with the tears again..he is so bad at trying to sympathize.

You won a Vegas trip, girl. That's more than Matt got for his mawm. *tear*

Another Nat Lie

In reporting her conversation with Chelsia, Natalie told Ryan that she claimed Ryan had promised her his vote. When Ryan offered to call Chelsia out on it, she quickly backtracked.

Oh yeah, and she also bragged that America would rather see her and Matt have sex than James and Chelsia.

Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 19 Recap

Here we go with part two of my weeklong nightmare. At least we get the return of Evel Dick Donato, but I’m still stung by the news that my girl Chelsia is on the block.

Of course, we start with the reactions to the nominations. James notes that Adam is no longer a floater, and is definitely aligned with Ryan, Natalie, and Sheila. Well, duh. Chelsia admits it’s a smart move because if she wasn’t up against him she’d do anything to save him. They pretend to celebrate in the storage room.

Josh is proud of himself for not being on the block, and Sharon is so starved for some – any – notice that she asks him for a hug. Chelsia adds that she knows it’s James everybody’s after, and they’re just going to try to have fun with the nominations. “Who’s going to be backdoored”, Josh sarcastically adds. “Will it be Joshuah or Sharon.”

Up in HOH, Adam celebrates with Natalie. “Good job, Adam. D-U-N, done.” The sad thing is that’s probably how she thinks it’s spelled. She goes on and on about how that’s the best move he could make. Well, it’s the best move for you, Natalie, but nominating Sharon, Josh, and/or Sheila would be just as strategic for him.

James and Chelsia continue to play around, and it is disgusting Sheila (of course). “They’re kids. It’s to be expected that they’re going to be childish.” So it’s better to cry and mope and yell at everybody like you have done when you’re nominated? Sheila heads up to HOH to complain. “They’re all down there talking smack. She’s just losing it.” Huh? They’re having fun. I won’t even report the stupidity Natalie says in the diary room.

Hang on for a second here. They both keep saying how it “took a lot of guts” to put those two up. Weren’t they the obvious choices? Wouldn’t the really guts move be to put up some unexpected people? I can think of two that would have rocked the house.

The next morning, Josh and Chelsia chat in the storage room about attempting to get Adam to backdoor either Sheila or Natalie. Good luck with that. Josh informs her that of the two of them, she’s safer.

Looking especially beautiful, Chelsia gives James the evil eye from the green chair in the bedroom. They both agree that it really sucks they’re up together, but James talks about throwing the POV competition. He informs her that it’s only fair, though, for it to be her turn as he’s already been evicted. “I want to stay in the game, though”, she replies.

Time for a meeting of the minds. Sheila and Natalie talk about the POV, and Natalie says God knows that it’s important “they” win. “This POV is more important than any one of them”, Sheila claims. Really? Whatever.

We jump ahead in the timeline to tonight’s extended commercial for the movie “21”. Those who get to see the movie are given a bucket of popcorn, and inside one of them is the trip to Vegas that Ryan lost the other night. The buckets are emptied, and my girl Chelsia wins!!! I know who she should take with her!

They head up to see the movie, and Natalie’s pissed. “I’m going to just sit here and eat this popcorn.” Sheila’s happy because they’re serving milk duds, but movies are “her life” because she takes her son to them. Uh, so does the majority of American parents.

It’s time to fast forward a bit, as we really don’t need a recap of the commercial for the movie. Let’s just say that of course they loved it. Sheila calls it “amazing”.

We move back a day or so to pick player for the POV, and they’re all shocked it’s happening at night. Adam is the first to pull a name, and he gets Josh. Chelsia gets Sheila (lucky her), and James gets “houseguest choice” and picks Sharon. Ryan’s pissed he didn’t get picked, and whines to Adam. James, meanwhile, continues to act goofy, but Sharon’s not so pleased as she knows she’ll probably go up if either of them get saved.

Here’s the moment we’ve been waiting for. It’s early morning, and Josh is snoring as Evel Dick walks in. He grabs a frying pan and a pot, and…we go to commercial.

Ok, we’re back. We see everybody sleeping, and Dick comes into the bedroom pounding his pot and pan. I’m a bit shocked that he’s pretty reserved in his pounding, but Josh wakes up scared to death! Natalie has some serious bedhead- can somebody please send me a screencap of that awful face?

Sheila claims she hates Evel Dick, but jumps all over him and tries to say she has come to respect him. “I had to get you up because you dream about me every day”, he tells her. I had to stop that shit right away.” Natalie is still going on about the number eight. “Evel Dick has eight letters, this is week eight…” Enough with the numbers! Tee hee – Adam locks himself out of the HOH.

The competition involves ten “evel” drinks, and each drink consumed is rewarded with a croquet shot. Plus, if anybody beats Dick’s score last year of 33, they get a Gibson Les Paul. If nobody beats him, he gets to keep it.

Sharon’s up first, and she doesn’t appear to do very well (we’re not initially told how many they downed). Josh comes out next, and tells Dick that people call him the “gay version of you”. Dick corrects him – “I heard you call yourself the gay version of me”. Josh appears to do a bit better than Sharon, but quits before he’s finished.

Sheila’s up next, and it seems that she’s as bad in this competition as in any others. Chelsia is belching as she downs them, which seems to impress Dick. Adam seems to do so-so, and it’s down to James. “I’m way more determined than anybody in the house”, he claims, and it does seem that he might have drank them all.

It turns out that Josh came in last place, followed closely by Sharon and Chelsia. None of them did well in the croquet. Sheila drank seven of the ten drinks, which James says “blew my mind”. She even did reasonably well in croquet, taking the lead with 23 points.

Adam downed eight shots, and his croquet score (28) easily beats Sheila. Chelsia admits that she kind of hoped that Adam “rocked” the croquet. James finished all ten shots, and his first croquet shot was awful. He improves as the game goes on, though, and with one shot left he’s two points behind. Sure enough, the last shot was just enough to win, although still behind Dick’s 33.

Josh and Sharon are worried that they may now go up, and Chelsia knows she’s probably out of the house. “I’m royally screwed.” Yes, my dear, you are.

James and Chelsia escape into the storage room, and after a hug James says whomever escapes this week must go on to the end. Surprisingly, he throws in a “I love you”. Josh knows he has to figure out a way to ensure that he’s not put up as a replacement. He heads to his buddy Ryan and lets him know that Sharon is the best person to ensure Chelsia’s departure. Ryan promises to try to help him out.

He also convinces Sharon that she’s a better candidate than he is. “The thing I love about Sharon is that Sharon loves Joshuah,” says an over-caffeinated Josh. Sharon throws out the “no I in team” cliché, and runs out to tell Adam she wants to go up. “I know it’s a tough week for you”, she tell him, “and I’m trying to make it easier. I would be ok with you putting me up.” My girl is screwed!

Sharon explains her decision to Natalie, who for the very first time has an insightful opinion. “I suspect that Joshuah has something to do with it. He’s very sneaky.” You think? She takes her suspicions to Adam, but adds that “God has to help me get rid of James”. She wants Adam to put up Josh, but Ryan has come into the room at this point and puts an end to that idea, saying it’s more important to weaken James.

So we conclude with the POV ceremony, which is just a formality. James performs the obligatory pose in front of the pictures, and rounds up the crew for the meeting. Although CBS continues to attempt to create suspense, to nobody’s surprise James pulls himself off the block, and Sharon is put up. It doesn’t look good for my girl Chelsia!

One More Thing About Sheila's Rampage

Why was it ok when Sharon and Ryan were brought back into the game, but James' return is a disgrace and he should be immediately bounced back? Especially considering they were the ones who voted him back. It's not his fault that the well-liked Alex was in the box.

Who Do I Hate The Most?

It's becoming harder and harder to deal with some of these people. Obviously, I'm not talking about Chelsia. James may not be the most hygenic person in the world, but he rarely annoys me. Ryan and Adam are just lovable goofs; I just wish they would have had the guts to nominate Sheila and/or Natalie.

Sharon just exists; outside of her daily (or multi-daily) "beebies" chant, I probably wouldn't even notice she's there. Josh is an ass, but I do sort of admire how he can bring the worst out of people. Chelsia's rampage Sunday night was completely created by Josh's urging.

Nope, I have to go public now with my hatred towards two women who think they're the "good people", yet whose actions are just as guilty as anybody else. Sheila is just plain loony, plus she's needy, arrogant, and a complete bitch. Bow to the former porn queen, because she's a 45 year-old single mom. Everybody else is evil for even thinking that they should win any prizes that are certainly there just for her. Her shrill, fake southern hick voice immediately gives me a headache.

Let's not forget about Natalie, the born-again former stripper with a supposedly meaty vagina, fake tits, little-to-no art skills, oral "talents", and a seemingly third grade education. Her sins are different than the others because she prays for forgiveness. Yet her use of the Bible is laughable. Her favorite book in the Bible is Matthew, and it's not because of the story involved. She has a fixation with numbers, yet can't count - somehow the fact that there are eight plates when there's eight people left in the house somehow significantly indicates the next HOH game. She counts wallpaper designs, and then asks how many times four goes into eight. She begs for compliments, and then repeats the question so she can hear it again.

I don't know who bothers me more, but I can honestly say that after my girl Chelsia leaves tomorrow these last few weeks are going to be pure hell for me. Please let Josh win HOH and get rid of one of these cretins.

James' Disgusting Habit

At least once a day, James bites his toenails.

And then kisses Chelsia without cleaning his mouth first.

I can't imagine the germs transfered from foot-to-mouth-to-mouth.

Sheila is still stirring shit. It's not real shit. She's making it up as she goes along.

Natalie Goes Right to Ryan

After finishing her conversation with Sheila, Natalie went right to Ryan to tell him what was said.

See, you guys hate Natalie so much but she actually did a good thing here!

Ryan is truly the best whisperer in the house. Even with a microphone on.

Basically, Sheila is making shit up and trying to start drama. She's 45 years old, everyone. She knows things. Ryan is telling Nat what she's heard from Sheila is not true - there is no way Chelsia is staying.

Enough About the Money!!!

I just turned on the feeds, and Sheila is just starting shit the night before an eviction ceremony.

We all know Chelsia will more than likely be evicted. Why is Sheila telling people that Sharon might leave?

Sheila: if there is a tie we will know
Nat: there are 5 votes, there cannot be a tie
Sheila: that is my point, there is a traitor in our group


She was also bitching MORE about Ryan winning the $10,000 and being greedy and trying to win a $21,000 trip. BEING GREEDY? HE'S IN A GAME TO WIN AS MUCH AS HE CAN. And ya know what? He deserved the 10k and deserved to win the trip since he can add to 21 better than the rest of you!

Oh my god.

Sheila: I am a single mom, you are so greedy if you do not want to see me win this game.

It's gonna be a long night, I can feel it.

My Girl Chelsia's Mom Speaks!

Natalie Commits (Another) Sin

After spending the afternoon laying out in the sun, Chelsia and Natalie had their first real conversation in days. Is my girl finally campaigning? Yeah, it's too little, too late.

In the course of the conversation, though, Natalie broke one of her beloved Ten Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Lie. She completely denied the oral sex story, and claims that this "rumor" has angered her so much that she wants nothing to do with Matty ever again. "I now know Matty's true colors." Yeah, whatever.

James' Gay Bar Expertise

It's a pretty boring day in the house, as everybody is laying out in the eighty-six degree temps. Josh asked where the best gay bars are in town, and James named one or two, and talked about how at one he met a bunch of porn stars. Shouldn't he call them co-stars?

Sheila, of course, has to top any story anybody has, babbling bout meeting Cher's daughter at a lesbian bar and hanging out at Studio 54 with all the "rave kids".

Video of Discussion on Natalie's Past

Too bad this footage doesn't show the corresponding chatter between Natalie and Sheila. My favorite moment was when Natalie called Chelsia an adulterer, the sin that comes "right after murder" according to Nat, because of her claims that she messed around with Matt. Sheila's quick to correct her that it's only adultery if you're married. “Oh, I thought adultery was anything sexual acts whatsoever”.