Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Some aftermath..

Chels and Josh are now totally convinced Matt and Nat are dating.

Matt is grilling Natalie for not voting in the mystery houseguest. Poor Natalie was frantic before voting, and she even said "Sheila wouldn't tell me what to do."

Pictures in the HOH Room

The HOH room isn't open yet, but James hopes that he can convince Big Brother to put some pictures up of Natalie's family because that was one of the reasons she stayed in the competition so long.

Everyone is just hanging around, discussing the day, and Natalie is taking a shower.

The only two I have seen discussing who James might put up are Joshuah and Sharon. Joshuah thinks there is a possibility he is going up, but both agree Ryan definitely will be put up for eviction. Sharon thinks Adam will be put up with him. I think it will be Sheila. James thinks she's the smartest player because she's playing all sides, as he said to the Chenbot. It makes sense to eliminate some good players, right?

Also, James is adamant about Chelsia sleeping downstairs, and not with him. He says they're not couples anymore, and they are both playing for themselves.

James is HOH

James is HOH. But Matt is safe for the week.

Natalie starting feeling very sick, and immediately started throwing up when she fell.

James promises not to fuck anyone over, and be up front with everyone. But remember folks Matty won't be on the block.

Oh, Natalie is safe of course too. But why would Natalie care about herself?

The three James will probably put up: Ryan, Sheila, or Adam.

It's James!

OMG, James May Pull It Off!

Ooooh, James promises not to put up Matt!

They're Both Struggling

The Two People Most Concerned About the Outcome

Possible deal?

James asked Natalie if she was about to fall. If so, he would cut her a deal so she could get down. She said she was fine, but if he wanted to drop, she would protect him and Chelsia for the week. It's coming up on four hours right now.

I'm really surprised and happy for Natalie. Everyone does see her as this weak player, but she's holding on and definitely making some people on the ground worried. She's smiling, and still talking. James looks exhausted.

The Stripper Vs. The Bicyclist

With Sho2 on expect the pace to pick up.

I don't think they want this to go on three more hours - so expect the pace to pick up now.

Sorry Scott....

Down goes Chelsia.

Down Goes Chelsia!

And then there were two!

Natalie vs. James

Ohnoes, Chelsia's Out!

New Rule!

No squatting!

Even In Pain, She Looks Amazing!

And Then There Were Three!

Sharon's Out!!

Left: Chelsia, James, Natalie

Two Hours and Holding Strong!

Audio's Back - Matt and Ryan Are Pissed at Nat!

They cannot comprehend why she voted for James to return. Frankly, I don't either.

Still No Change

Natalie's Going to Win!

Matt just (sort of) promised that long-avoided massage.

More foam

The remaining houseguests are getting foamed again.

Natalie matches the stars on the ground too. Or something. She had to point it out.

Here are some pics :)

Ok, She's Found!

Now I see her!