Saturday, February 23, 2008

Funniest Fight Ever!

Matt and Natalie fighting is beyond ridiculous. Matt denies, denies, denies, and then says he's sorry. My favorite line is when she complains that he doesn't talk to her all day - it's not "just" because he's not attracted to her. Many of their lines have the entire house laughing.


Lil said...

Doh, new thread.

As I said in the other one...

"You're getting a nice tan"

2 words, that's all you said to me.

Ummmmmm count much Natalie?

Lil said...

I love everyone sitting on couches with their feet up applauding


They need more drinks!

Scott said...

Oh god, they do need many more drinks.

One other thing that made me laugh - Matt's complaining about her always talking about not being fucked in 9 months. I was just going to write a post about that tired line.

She really needs to throw out the fact she's blown him.

Anonymous said...

will he please shut the fuck up? they should have done this 2 hours ago and had the party during showtime.

Anonymous said...

Matt is a douche! This is all an act, he is agreeing with every complaint of hers.

Scott said...

Josh is funny - they can hear the bedroom conversation and he just commented on how they're still arguing the same points they were babbling in the living room.

Michael said...

Matt is so full of shit!! It's hilarious!!