Saturday, February 23, 2008

Matt's An Idiot, Part 5874

They're discussing BB8, and Evil Dick. Matt's saying that he would have been booted off the show because he wouldn't have taken Dick's shit. Amanda asked if he won because he was a good player or if the other players were awful, and he replied by describing how stupid they were.

Sorry, Matt, but you would have been completely outplayed by almost any of them...which says a lot about you.


Michael said...

No doubt...I'd almost bet "Wamber" could have beaten him.

Anonymous said...

Matt is such a cocky asshole.

At first I wanted Amanda/Alex to go home this week, but now I don't even care if Mat/Nat go home. Either way, one of 'em will go. (If Josh/Sharon don't use the veto, which... it doesn't look like they will.)