Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Adam Comes Alive!!!

"I'm tired of fucking being pressured. I've had enough, and you guys and you guys. I don't give a fuck who stays in this house to be honest with you, you know what I'm saying. Fuck it, James you just dont stop - I've been hearing this all day. Let everybody decide on an individual basis period. Nobody owes anybody anything in this house. I dont care what anybody says nobody owes anybody shit. As fucked up as it is, yesterday is yesterday. Who the fuck knows what all the people in the house are gonna do? You gonna take everybody's word in this house? Fuck that shit - you know what im saying? I've had enough."

What's great is this outburst was just as much directed towards Matt as it was to James.


Ashley said...

it was so awesome to see him yell! i hope it gets on to the CBS show, since Adam is kind of a footnote.

Scott said...

All CBS has shown of him so far is him lying down next to Sheila or Natalie listening to their crackpot ideas yet never really answering their questions.

Tony said...

adam is so capable of winning this game without the anchor on him.