Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And Then There Were Three!


Anonymous said...

Go nat go!!!!

Ashley said...

go natty!

Anonymous said...

nat for the win

Scott said...

Pizza's on!

Ashley said...

aw they got pizza

Anonymous said...

Go, James!!! Matt needs to go!!! Needs to go back to Boston and sell Coke!! Not Coke Cola either!!

Raven said...

Go Nat!

I love how we're rooting for one of the most annoying house quests BB has ever had.

Scott said...

Sharon's more concerned about the food comp than winning HOH?

Anonymous said...

well big brother after dark starts in about 20 minutes..does that mean that if this is still going on that we will get to see it..or will they not show it???

Tony said...

i cant take a week of matt as faux-HOH

Scott said...

No, they'll show it...but look for them to cut quite often to the other conversations.

Ashley said...

i hope they show it f=]to you guys. then we can just watch it together and comment

Ashley said...

natalie is doing her "super move"


Scott said...

Nat wants a butt massage. Ewwwww

Anonymous said...

i have to admit, nat really will do anything for matts him sorta promising that massage..kinda makes me think she is gonna hold out until she wins

Raven said...

Now I really hope she wins, because Matt will have to give her one.

Ashley said...

matt having to touch natalie will be hilarious to watch.

Scott said...

Oh come on, he'll pull the I never promised I'd do it tonight card.

Scott said...

Fucking Sheila is still whining about people blaming her for being on slop.

Anonymous said...

"I'm done with that...D-U-N-N!" Seriously, nat? There are 27 letters in the alphabet and done is spelled dunn? She is so hilariously dumb!!! ~~Jan

Ashley said...


sheila can't just let shit go.

matt should stop talking to natalie up there.

Anonymous said...

i wish the show would hurry up and come freaking out over here lol