Friday, March 7, 2008

Chelsia wins POV

It looks like Chelsia has won the Power of Veto, and Sharon is freaking out. She is being told by James, Chelsia, and Joshuah that Ryan plans on putting up Matt to backdoor him. Sharon is explaining herself to Ryan, because she feels like Ryan is coming after her because of the Allison situation. Ryan tells her that he trusts her, and that he knows she isn't gunning for him.

Everyone is seeing through Matt's attitude and lies. If nothing changes from now until the POV meeting, Matt is probably going up against Sharon, and so far three people are voting for Matt's eviction, and Ryan will tiebreak is necessary.

The feeds have been on for about five minutes, so I'm keeping an eye on what's being said.

Everyone be happy for Scott for another week!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, for Chelsia. I never thought she was safe being up on the block. Looks like Matt might be going home but as we all know it is still a long time to the vote.

Ashley said...

I never thought Chelsia was safe either. She was freaking out when Ryan said he was gonna put her up as a pawn, and rightfully so. Sheila was scared when she had to go up against Allison, and EVERYONE wanted Allison out. You really never know what people are saying behind your back, and how they are truly going to vote.

Lil said...

Pawns are never safe. I would love to see the stats on that.

Scott said...
