Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Earth to Sheila - your pictures are out there,

Sheila didn't think her pictures were out on the internet. She said you would have to go to Penthouse to see them and download them and pay money.

Apparently Eric commented that he had seen her pictures but Sheila didn't hear it (it was said when the girls were inside changing).

Are you late to this site? Our very own Scott found and posted the pictures and you can get to the via this post - LINK


Anonymous said...

kay somebody in the comments section of that link said she has been "rode hard and put away wet"
that was on feb 17
didnt chelsia say this tonight???

whats the deal?
btw i have never heard anyone say this before..
is it just a popular phrase?

Anonymous said...

"The way someone looks or feels when they've had a hard time of it. From a horseman's term, when someone has not taken care of a horse after a hard day."

According to, so it has to be right!

JayJ79 said...

It is a somewhat popular expression. It may very well have originated from something equestrian.
Though more often these days, people tend to ascribe a sexual connotation to it, because it does lend itself to sounding dirty.

One question for Indymike, though: who is Eric?

Anonymous said...

people have made it a sexual comment/slang, but it's true meaning is not..

"rode hard and put away wet" refers to riding horses, or more so riding a horse and pushing it to it's physical limit (which of course causes it to sweat greatly, called a lather). Proper care of the horse demands that after the ride the rider wipes down the horse to massage the muscles and prevent a chill (and cramps/physical damage) after all the rider put it through

"rode hard and put away wet" is a metaphor refering to when you feel extremely physically (sometimes mentally)exhausted/worn down like a horse that was pushed to it's limits then left to suffer

Chelsia was spinning the metaphor on Shelia as the house had used her like a beast of burden in their game and thet when she is no longer of use she'll be thrown away with no a horse ridden hard all day and then put back in the stable wet :P

Anonymous said...

Who is Eric?

Anonymous said...

Ewwww the 80's must have been a time before razors. Oh Sheila you do have a nasty looking vajayjay.

Anonymous said...

Eric is from BB last season. He was in the house to run a competition earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

I think Anon@6:55 is probably the right. I was thinking about it last night, and was wondering why Chelsia would call Sheila a slut. It makes more sense to tell her that she's being used in the game, and will be dumped when the time comes..which is so very true.

Sheila IS pretty slow and shallow, so it figures that she would take it in a way relating to her penthouse days. Cause, betcha didn't know, EVERYTHING relates to her posing nude in a men's magazine 25 years ago. I'm not a fan of bush, so I don't even find them attractive at all. Being female might also have something to do with it, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

A woman whose self esteem is that fragile should never have gone on Big Brother. Her photos are going to be everywhere when she gets out of there - and there is no way that her 16 year old son is going to be able to shake his Mother's past & her stint on BB9. She says she was playing this game for him - but I think she put him in quite in quite a predicament. Imagine being a high schooler with his Mom on BB9 & naked all over the internet! ugh.

Anonymous said...

Her penthouse pictures are on her myspace page for gawd sakes!!! Seriously, is she playing dumb? Or her son put them up after people started to find them!

JayJ79 said...

Personally, I'm more turned off by womens' hair in the 80's, on their HEADS.... all the "big hair" and gallons of hairspray and all (well, I suppose that applied to alot of the guys, especially musicians, not just the women), than I am about bush.

But then, pubic hair doesn't particularly bother me, unless it like goes down to the knees or something.

Anonymous said...

And I heard that Sheila said "I have a 16 year old kid out there that just heard his mother called a skank". THAT should be the least of her concerns with her hairy bush its ilk all over the internet.

IndyMike said...

I'll clarify my post - yes Eric mentioned to the guys that he had seen the pictures of Sheila when he was in the house for the competition earlier this year.

And the term 'rode hard and put away wet' is indeed an old term as othrs have explained - I assume Chelsia was basically saying she had been 'used' by others.

Scott said...

She's still talking about the pics today...especially after somebody mentioned that maybe Evel Dick has seen them.

Anonymous said...

Does she really have no concept of the internet?

If there are naked pics of you, and you are known, even from a reality show.

Those pics will be found and spread around the internet like the plague.

I hate her.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Chelsia say that to Nat about rode hard and put away wet?

Anonymous said...


Stepher said...

Sheila is not allowed to drink alcohol ever again. I hate her whiny vomit-inducing tone when she's drunk.

And yeah - shocker. We've all seen yer' cooch Sheila. Every. Last. One. Of. Us.

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of ironic (and very telling of her lack of self awareness in general) that, just a few weeks earlier when she and Natalie were having a pissing contest about who was more notorious online, she claimed that she is "all over the internet."

She even listed off all the search engines that would pull up her name on the first page.

And now, suddenly, she's shocked to find out that her NAKED pictures are available to the public.

How could ANYBODY think it's possible to appear on a reality tv show and keep anything about themselves private?

She is a major douche.