Sunday, March 9, 2008

Get Over Yourselves!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You pulled off quite a swerve today. Please get over yourself, though, particularly the minor characters in this action. Nat, God didn't do this for you. Sheila, we know you "have" to get rid of James this week and next week "the other one". You complain that they don't have to get so personal? What about your girl Natalie bringing up Chelsia's supposedly smelly vagina? Guess what, ladies? Neither of you will be around more than a couple of weeks.

And Matt, my friend. We've heard you say enough times that if you were outside the house you would have punched Josh. We've heard you pat yourself on the back time after time. This wasn't your move; it was Ryan's. Adam did more to hide this move than you did.


Anonymous said...

The move was hidden well but I disagree, this was Matt's HOH all the way. His ability to be buddy buddy with Ryan is what turned the tide. As soon as Ryan got HOH I knew Matt would be able to control Ryan, look at the way Allison and Jen can control him. Nice guy but a sucker in the end.

Scott said...

Sure, but actually pulling it off was due more to Ryan and Adam than Matt. Those four barely acknowledge his presence; Adam and Ryan continued to play them up to the very minute of the ceremony.

Mo said...

As the days go on, I like Adam more and more. He's a damn good actor and he deserves an Oscar!

Rich said...

Scott, relax. Just cause your girl had the house turn on her alliance doesn't mean that you have to get all pissy. They all had an equal share in keeping it a secret so that it would be this effective. I think that I am the only person who does not dislike Matt. He played Ryan perectly and his alliance controls the house............ for now. Give him credit for what he did this week. Next week, when the tables turn, which they always do, then you can rip him. Just wait a while, your girls still here!

Ashley said...

matt is totally the winner this week, like rich said. he fed into ryan's needs more than any other person in the house, and that deserves some kind of credit where due. sure he didn't keep his mouth shut, but who went up on the block because of matt's talking? James did. Matt thinks James hates him, Matt wants James out. Matt got his wish.

Lil said...

I'm with ya Rich. I will say I love mattie poo. I see him for exactly what he is and all the best to him. He actually looks like he'd be fun to hang out with, if only once, as more than that might grate on my nerves.

I like him in a total non-sexual way. He does absolutely nothing for me, and in that I see him for just being a guy. Which makes the Nat factor beyone hilarious.

Tony said...

i really cant wait for matt to turn on nat and what the reaction of when she realizes he soul mate just sold her out

Anonymous said...

Matt has done a fantastic job of manipulating Ryan and the rest of his alliance. He'll be better off not getting HOH and running the house thru his puppets like Eric did last year with Jessica.

Josh and Chelsea make me ill. They're so bitter and have such dark and angry souls I would be humiliated and embarassed being a friend or family member of theirs. I have to turn the feeds off when they go off on one of their attacks. You can attack another without getting nasty and crude.

I'm looking forward to Alex coming back into the house and bringing some class and good gameplay with him. They all need him there to mix it up a little.