Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Getting Ready for Tomorrow's Eviction

Joshuah and Sharon are just discussing how sweet it'll be when Matt leaves. Joshuah is very much set on HOH, and says he and his group of people have a much better shot at it than the other group. Ryan does think his "secret" alliance with Joshuah is real, and he's won a singles HOH before. Joshuah likes his odds, Sharon does too. Seems like they're both gunning for Natalie and Sheila ASAP.

Oh, Joshuah just said "Natalie swallowed." Pictured is Sharon's reaction. Prude.

Joshuah really thinks so highly of himself.


Scott said...

Sharon's obviously not a good egg!

Ashley said...

Joshuah also said it was gross. Maybe they think it's gross because it was Matt, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Anonymous said...

If it was God's will, Sharon would swallow. What the fuck is up with all the bible thumping hypocrites this year?

Anonymous said...

Josh is a sadistic, mean & hateful person. He is a Dick wanabe he will never make it!!!! Dick would attack men as well as women. Josh is really a coward. Other than those personality faults he is a real nice uh guy

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else here tired of seeing Sharon with her blue "Silky" I think they need to take it away! I am sick of seeing her play with it!