Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The HOH Room and Possible Nominations

For me, I had trivia when Adam was let into the HOH room, but I understand those who have Showtime saw it. Ya lucky bastards! I'm sure there was a lot of ass kissing going on.

Natalie's been hanging around Adam, trying to convince him who to put up. She keeps saying Chelsia. Ryan came in to listen to a CD, and Adam said either Chelsia and James, or Joshuah and Chelsia.

Ryan is not going to put Joshuah up. He believes he has a secret alliance with Joshuah. Joshuah knows Ryan thinks this, and is using this fully to hid advantage. Ryan might run to Joshuah to tell him what Adam's thinking, which will mean some major ass kissing time for Joshuah. I don't know why anyone would want to be aligned with Joshuah. He's only won things with Sharon. Last week, he dropped within 15 minutes of the last HOH comp. Today, he was the first one to sit. Is he really that good to have as a partner?

Natalie keeps talking about how they need to get someone out from their side. Ya did. James. But then your dumb ass voted him back in, ultimately fucking your boy Matty over.

So, as of right now, it's either Chelsia, James, or Joshuah. They all believe that James can win the veto. They're considering putting him on the block, hoping he wins the veto, and ultimately taking himself off the block. They'll put up Joshuah in that case.

It's still early. But at least we have SOME idea as to where Adam might be going with his nominations. Be prepared for some Nasty Naughty Natty. She's warned us a few times.


Scott said...

"You just do what you want to do. Blah blah blah Josh blah blah blah Chelsia blah blah blah James. Go with your gut. Blah blah blah the other side blah blah blah either james and chelsia or josh and james blah blah blah but you just do what you have to do blah blah blah they voted out matty blah blah blah you do what's right for you." STFU Natalie!

Ashley said...

scott, you sound just like her!

i'm just happy sheila's been away from the cams.

IndyMike said...

I stepped away and watched idol and I come back to Natalie running at the mouth non stop.

Someone plug that pie hole - crap Matt is gone.

Ashley said...

she blew matt's picture a kiss.


Anonymous said...

did anyone see the HOH room?
i love that part :(
what did he get?
what cd?

Ashley said...

it seems like he got a jay z cd. ryan was listening to it. and they said jigga. jigga is jay z.

he also got mgd. and sweedish fish.

Anonymous said...

lol I love ramble on Nat and drive everybody nuts,James,Chelsia,and Josh will hate it even more cause they dont have the power this week ,I love it they thought getting rid of Matt would make her crawl in to a corner and cry all day

Scott said...

If ANYBODY from James' "side" had won HOH, Nat would be hiding in the corner. Let's not act like she's some super tough trooper.