Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hudson River Virus

The talk of the house (outside of the usual Allison drama) is the Hudson River Virus. This was first introduced to us last week, although the house guests weren't told that it has anything to do with the show Jericho.

Yesterday, they were informed that a loud noise over the P.A. would be the an announcement that everybody needs to come into the living room. At this point they'll be given some instruction on a task they must perform.

Everybody in the house, and quite a few online commentators, have speculated that this is the big twist that we all know is coming. After thinking about it for awhile, though, I don't see this happening yet. It's just a completion of the Jericho tie-in, and they'll either have to do something cheesy that will be shown on Tuesday or they'll just watch the silly show. Maybe it will be attached to a luxury competition.

I think whatever it is that's planned will have to happen today, though, and that is probably why the P.O.V. meeting was earlier than usual. Their has to be some sort of continuity in what the house guests are wearing, and by having it sometime today they can still easily insert it before the P.O.V. in Tuesday's show. Or maybe the footage will be inserted somewhere into Jericho as an incentive for us to watch.