Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Promise This Is the Last Sheila Post (For a Few Hours)

I know I've been whining about Sheila a lot in the past few days, but it just can't be helped. She has spent the whole day complaining that James won't tell her who to vote out, and that's creating all kinds of tension for her. My God, she acts like she's the one who is on the block. After saying to Ryan that her life is more important than anybody in the house, she was heard to say to hereself, "I'm in hell. Ali, you're lucky you got out early. Yep. I'm in hell"

The rest of the house is just trying to get through the day...except for a bit of campaigning by both Ryan and Matt.


Anonymous said...

I like Sheila and I'd rather see her win over the pink haired loser or that bia that he likes,and dont even get me started on Josh.

Ashley said...

josh is a completely different story, sp! i want him GONE!