Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Really Don't Get It

The feeds today have been pretty much just like a Showtime episode. It's all Sheila and Natalie babbling nonstop about absolutely nothing. Their opinions on Madonna, Britney, modeling, marriage. Sure, Chelsia, Adam, and Sharon have popped in and out, but the focus constantly remains on the two biggest idiots in the house. I know everybody is awake - can't we have some sort of choice in what we endure?


IndyMike said...

Monday-Wednesday the feeds are usually pretty lame during the day and only interesting at night when the alcohol is rolled out. Then they feeds are usually pretty interesting Wed. night-Sunday afternoon.

Scott said...

I get that nothing's going on, but let me choose which nothing I want to watch. I've heard enough from those two the past three days; I definitely don't want to hear sheila talk about how Madonna could be a role model to Britney.

shane34 said...

i am so happy that adam won HOH. yes! I love matt and will miss him. Now it's time for james pink haired nut to join him in the house. yes yes yes. down with josh too