Saturday, March 15, 2008

James Just Told Ryan He Will Save Him

He just informed Ryan that he will save him tomorrow and is asking Ryan to 'look out for him' down the road. No huge promises.

These two have been doing quite the 'dance' lately - Ryan says to James that he is indebted. He will be putting up Adam - he explains that he is putting up Adam because he 'broke my trust' last week.


Anonymous said...

I hope this is true and that James doesn't change his mind. I really like Ryan. He is the like that good guy friend that every has!

Unknown said...

knowing what i know can james call himself the 'better person' and starting new if hes just gonna keep playing the same games they ALL have been playing since the begining...thank goodness for this site cause i certainly havent been watching the feeds or showtime or even cbs since he won HoH last week...just a walking contradiction -smh- they were just mad that ryan played them at their own game...i hope ryan stays...nothing against matt...but hes a little bit of a douchebag so im pullin for ryan