Thursday, March 20, 2008

James loves blowjobs.

Doesn't matter where he gets it from.

If James throws the veto comp, Chelsia will blow him. They just shook on this. Of course, Chelsia has to win the veto.

This blowjob could cost him $500,000.


Lil said...

Oh yayyyyy let's leave the BJ talk to put all 4 fucking cams on Nat and Sheila talking and stuffing their faces!

Anonymous said...

..and talking about Matt. Shit. Make him a shrine and sit in front of it all day, why dontcha?!

Mo said...

Yeah... it's obvious from his porn career he doesn't care where the BJ comes from.

What a stupid deal.

Scott said...

Why do they love Sheila and Nat so much? Isn't this talk much more interesting? It is to me!

Ashley said...

sharon just asked where the mayonnaise was. i find this very interesting.