Friday, March 28, 2008

Last Night's Confrontation - Did It Propel James to Victory?

I didn't see the big blowup until this morning, but I did see the buildup. James had spent the day a defeated man - his girl was gone, he was nominated for eviction, and he had nobody that would even pretend to acknowledge his presence. He wakes up and hears Sheila and others openly mocking him and encouraging Josh.

Even then, James would have probably just grabbed his drink and disappeared back into the bedroom. Instead, Sheila had to goad him. "Jaaames, yah know ahhh love youuuu. Ah've neber said anything against youuuuuuuu." Liar whore, liar whore.

Still, James had no desire to carry on. "Sheila, I'm not mad at you", he said more than once. Stupid Sheila just has to have the last word, and James' frustrations grew the more she defended herself.

What was infuriating to me, though, was those moments right after this initial confrontation. "Matty did absolutely nothing to James, and he kicked him out. From now on, Ah'm going to say what ah feel." Yes, you're always the martyr, and it was at this point I had to turn off the TV. I figured there would be another 90 minutes of her feeling sorry for herself.

Instead, James refused to back down, and while his reaction may have been a tad over the top, it's about time that somebody stood up to that wildebeast. That is the problem of this entire season. Nobody has the brains to figure out that they're all lying to each other, and nobody has the balls to call said people out when they figure this shit out. Look at what happened when a month or so ago when James informed four people that Matt was playing them - it was forgotten within hours and now he's still considered a saint. That shit would not fly in previous years.

Renergized by this fight, was it any surprised that James won POV? I firmly believe that if Sheila hadn't goaded, James would still be on the block. Yet Natalie still wants to keep the woman who is a female version of Confederacy of Dunce's Ignatius J. Reilly. If you haven't read that book, Ignatius was a middle-aged mess who thought he was morally superior to everybody, and whose every move resulted in chaos for anybody who came into contact with him. Talk about a perfect definition of Sheila.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed with your Conf. of Dun. reference. Kudos for bringing the sophisticated reference to the studpidity that is BB9. Ten to one not a single person in the house would get the reference. By the way, today I learned that I went to high school with Adam. I didn't know much of him then, but I recognized that high school picture of him instantly. I think I was in denial... he is 29, I am 30, we are both from Cherry Hill. But please know that some of us went on to be successful business men and women. Signed Anon cause I don't feel much like logging in. Bedtime for me. Kyra.

Scott said...

Love that book, Kyra...thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God... "Yes, you're always the martyr, and it was at this point I had to turn off the TV."

I did the exact same thing. The look of disbelief on James's face when Sheila just outright lied to him to his face in front of everyone was too much. And then she would not shut up. I cannot stand Sheila.

I hope James wins HoH next week Sheila goes home just on principle.

Better: Someone gets to Natalie and convinces her that Sheila's gotta go.

And I LoL'd during the PoV when Sheila raised her hand for herself thinking America wanted to read her biography of ANYONE ELSE'S. GIVE IT UP, SHEILA.

Mimi said...

I can not tell you how much I enjoy reading this site. At least someone agrees with me about the people in this house.

James won that veto because he knew he had to. He didn't have a choice. He's a strong player and his will to stay and play is amazing to me.