Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lookin' Good.

Chelsia is long gone, but her red robe remains.

James must miss her so much that he's been wearing it.


Anonymous said...

At least Chels left it willingly, as opposed to Matt forgetting things and Nat claiming he left them for her to wear. Super stalker.

Scott said...

I'd keep that robe by me at all times.

Ashley said...

or when allison left stuff and sheila just claimed them as hers because allison gave her a shirt before.

Tony said...

i realllly hate sheila...

i miss chelsia already :(

Anonymous said...

The look on James' face as he's sitting in the hot tub right now = man, I am seriously fucked.

Also. Ew@ them sitting in the hot tub in their underwear. Ew, ew, ew.

Anonymous said...

Ding dong Chels is gone!!!! What a loser! Nice speech on the way out!!!