Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Rule!

No squatting!


Anonymous said...

Dang! Leave it to BB to just make up rules as they go along.

Anonymous said...


Tony said...


Scott said...

They do this every year.

Anonymous said...

if james wins, the revenge will be served cold as the empty space in Nat's head.

Tony said...

james is gone and matt is already making decisions for nat....lots more to come if she wins

Raven said...

Indeed. BB is sort of stupid.

Tony said...

or should i going

Anonymous said...

what?? james fell? did he?

Anonymous said...

so james fell????

Tony said...

no i meant going, but typed bad

Scott said...


Anonymous said...

My dog is smarter than Nat.

Raven said...

He was done for when they said no more squatting.

Ashley said...

everyone is still up!

Raven said...

This is gonna be a long night, I hope. To bad I have class tomorrow at seven.

Anonymous said...

of course they make up new rules as they go along.

just like they change up the motion of the device, or add foam, etc.

they only way I'd really be pissed is if they had eliminated the squatters w/o first informing/warning them that squatting was forbidden.

Anonymous said...

It's Buon Natale, idiots. Why are they talking about Christmas?

Anonymous said...

James looks like he is in some serious pain.