Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nominations Official - Sharon and Chelsia.

Since we seem to have TONS of pictures of one of the nominees on the site already - here is one of the OTHER nominee.

As we have stated in other posts - the plan by Ryan is to get Sharon out. Joshua is now telling Shelia, Natalie and Sharon that he thinks he is going to get 'back doored.' Wishful thinking on your part Joshua (I couldn't resist).

The POV competition will be tomorrow.

Shelia seems to think she can sway Adam to vote out Chelsia. I think if nominations stay the same and the guys don't turn on Chelsia, the vote will end up tied 3-3 and Ryan will have to break it.


Scott said...

I can promise you this - is Chelsia doesn't get P.O.V. there are going to be a flood of Chelsia pics next week. :)

Ashley said...

Is Scott on internet suicide watch?

Scott said...

I have no reason to live - the message board e-fights are over and Chelsia's on the block. There's nothing left to entertain me.

IndyMike said...

And Danny was voted off American Idol.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up Scott- Amanda will probably be coming back in (because the producers will pick one of the women, because they'll want to even up the gender numbers a little, especially with a woman gone next week-do they really want to put Alex back in and have the women be down three?)

Watch the editing on Sunday's show-that will be telling. If you see a lot of "Ryan misses Jen" stuff, that's what's going to happen- Jen will come back to reunite the lovebirds (the producers probably want that storyline).

The twist also probably means next weeks HOH comp will be some sort of endurance- unless they change things up from previous times they brought back people and give the returnee immunity the first week back...

Scott said...

I don't know who Danny is - that show is too evil for me to watch.

IndyMike said...

Danny was the over the top gay kid who liked to argue with Simon - I thought he might be this seasons Sanjay but I was wrong. I have barely watched it myself.

Anonymous said...

Chelsia can trust Ryan all she wants however after his mnominations are done he has no power. This house could easily flip on Chelsia so I will be cheering for her in the Veto comp.