Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh Natalie!

Remember when everybody told Natalie not to say anything to Sheila and Sharon? So much for that plan. She's currently telling all to both of them, and oh boy these ladies are fired up.

And the lies are just flying! Sharon is completely denying that she ever kissed Matt. Sheila is completely contradicting everything she said just ten minutes before to James and Josh. And I can't even begin to count the fibs coming out of Natalie's mouth. Yet they're all once again bringing up how they're the "do-gooders", and the evil-doers will do anything to survive?

Here's what I don't get, though. The girls are in the HOH room with the door shut. All of the boys are outside. Why are they whispering?


Anonymous said...

Too funny....makes ya wonder huh- I guess we knew she wouldnt frickin' stick to the plan... I am starting to get confused about who is what and with who and for why.... ahhhh geezzz.... at least I know where one person stands... yup I do mean James... he doesnt trust anyone!!! I frickin frickin frickin hate shelia...she makes me nuts....I almost want to cancel my showtime and all.... I wonder how and why I ever let myself get so addicted... I quit smoking 29 days ago and now I am thinking it was real bad timing....grrrrrrrr...ok I am done ....whew I feel better..

ale said...

I'm completely convinced that this bitch is just COMPLETELY STUPID. No act, no joke. She is just mentally challenged, and I feel bad making fun of her now.

ale said...

ok, so now they're making Josh THINK he's staying, but then keeping Sharon.

Ugh. ADD is unpleasant to watch.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if this is an incredibly dumb move by Natalie, or kind of smart.
It's pretty obvious that James and Josh would put Natalie up in a heartbeat and she was right not to trust them. But I think running to Sheila and flapping her gums right after they just made a new alliance is pretty insane. Why team up with two of the weakest players in the game. Instead of riding the James wave and seeing where that goes? For at least a week.

Lil said...

The only good that NataLIE brings in the ability to bring drama. If she wasn't constantly telling everyone what everyone else is saying/planning (she really should buy some E&O coverage though) we wouldn't have had any of the blowups we've had!

On a side note, are from FL are you?

JayJ79 said...

But if the guys stick to the plan, it doesn't matter if Natalie switches sides and teams up with the girls.

If she nominates Sharon as the veto replacement, and the guys vote as they had indicated then it would be:

voting to evict Josh: Sheila
voting to evict Sharon: Adam, James, Ryan

But these people flipflop so much, so who knows if they'd stick with it.

Anonymous said...

lil, what's E&O coverage?
Watching how natalie just repeats whatever people say ("I know, I know"), says that she does not like sheila then runs to her and tells her everything, lies constantly to everyone.... it just makes me sad for her. Something clearly wrong with her self esteem/intelligence/education. And don't get me started on sheila- she's just an idiot who thinks so much of herself.

JayJ79 said...

oops, I forgot that Adam wasn't part of the alliance. So I guess he could vote to evict Josh, and make it a 2-2 tie. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else see the practical joke Ryan/Adam played on the house last night? It's on youtube, its a little crude but Josh's reaction to it is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how they all keep up with all the lies they tell

Lil said...

Anon - E&O coverage is an insurance policy for "errors and omissions".

Anonymous said...

Ignatius Riley ended up escaping the chaos he left in his wake and running off with the love of his life. Could be lessons there. Sheila's shit-stirring madness, though not methodical, has helped her more than hurt.

Natalie probably has the most native intelligence in the house.

Anonymous said...

LOL lil - totally. I don't know how they remember what they promised to everyone - I would have lost track a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Lil, as a matter of fact I'm on the complete opposite side of North America. The great white north baby! Although Vancouver doesn't get to white, it's Canada none the less.

Anonymous said...

Hey bish - hello fellow canadian - aye?? Although I currently live in NYC, am from good old Montreal! (I miss all the snow).

Anonymous said...

Well Bonjour to you Ariele. Being originally from Alberta, now, as I said earlier, re located in balmy Vancouver I do not miss the snow one bit.
But I'm glad to see I'm not the only canuck trolling around on the blogs!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it nice to see how much Ryan loves canadians.... Personally I liked hearing about his experience, have had my share of unpleasant US border agents, so go canada!