Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Possible deal?

James asked Natalie if she was about to fall. If so, he would cut her a deal so she could get down. She said she was fine, but if he wanted to drop, she would protect him and Chelsia for the week. It's coming up on four hours right now.

I'm really surprised and happy for Natalie. Everyone does see her as this weak player, but she's holding on and definitely making some people on the ground worried. She's smiling, and still talking. James looks exhausted.


Raven said...

James is going down.

Anonymous said...

Thats because natalie is awesome.

Scott said...

They both want to win for different reasons - James for revenge/pride, Natalie for the massage. I think James would follow through on any deal he makes up there, while Nat could easily be persuaded by Matt.

Scott said...

Natalie's awesome? Oh boy, Tara. :)

Anonymous said...

dont forget her yellowcard scott :P

Ashley said...

i really think that natalie and james will both be safe in the house another week, no matter what. they're going to make a deal and one of them is going to take it.

Scott said...

Hehehehe - Yellowcard stinks.

Anonymous said...

I think James wants to nominate Matt and Ryan. No way in hell would Natalie do that. Although just by James' posture, he is struggling up there. I don't think he'll last much longer except on maybe pure adrenaline. ~~Jan

Anonymous said...

Nat needs to consult with Matt before making any deal. He may not approve, and she needs the attention.

Scott said...

Wow, Sheila agrees with me about any deal with Nat.

Scott said...

Matt's pissed about the possibility of a deal.

Ashley said...

Ryan is more pissed.

Anonymous said...

well whatever, let them get pissed..

i say put up sharon and sheila, and then backdoor josh if she has to make a deal.