Friday, March 28, 2008

Post POV - Bring on the drama

Tonight should be very fun. We already have Joshuah saying fuck it and about to eat a cheeseburger.


Anonymous said...


After he chastised Chelsia for her tantrums and promised that if he were to go out, he wouldn't get in anyone's faces or be a bad sport about it?

He is going to be insufferable this week.

Ashley said...

i HOPE joshuah doesn't act like chelsia. joshuah should spend his weekend working on facing someone he might have a chance of beating next wednesday.

Anonymous said...

He should try to appeal to Natalie. Tell her that Ryan and Adam are NOT going to take her with either of them to the finals.

The best thing for him to do right now is not blow up, and pound it into Natalie's head that he will keep her safe and that he knows he'd only take second if they went final two together, and that he's more than ok with that. Natalie is vain; all you really have to do to get through to her is appeal to her vanity.

Scott said...

The problem with talking to Natalie is even though she may agree with you, one of the meatheads will come up and tell her the exact opposite and she'll believe them.

The best plan is to wait until right before the ceremony and be the last person to talk to her.

Anonymous said...

This is very true, Scott.

Natalie likes to cling to the belief that she's "acting" and "playing dumb", but we all know this is so not the case.

"Matty was just pretending to not like me."

Right, Natalie. We totally believe you.

ale said...

BUT...the meatheads would rather have Josh around, so this will get really interesting. They don't think they'll ever have Sharon on their side, so they're more willing to let go of Sharon over Josh.

This might actually get good, guys. Josh just needs to behave and make some deals.

Anonymous said...

Just when this season was starting to look bleaker and bleaker every week, James pulls through once again. I hope some people start reevaluating their place in the house and we finally get to see some strategic moves and deals.

Tony said...

bish you know that isnt gonna happen cause these people dont actually see how thet really rank in the "pecking order" the will be no deals cause they all think they have a lock on the final two. these people are idiots!

Anonymous said...

Touche. But there's always hoping right?
No, you're completely right. But I guess the little drama that will more than likely come out of this will at least be somewhat entertaining.