Monday, March 24, 2008

Stay Calm.

The feeds are back. I assume Big Brother had some technical difficulties because I got a computer screen on the feeds.

These are the douchebags standing in the living room watching the "fireplace" reboot.


The houseguests received some alcohol. I wouldn't mind the alcohol so much if Sheila was not allowed to have any. She's now talking about her mother, and I'm sure it'll be a tear jerker. She's talking to Ryan, and it's obvious he does not care.


Anonymous said...

Nat and Sheila's interracial lovefest. HAHA Oh, geez. Shoot me in the face tonight. Where's Joshuah? I need to hear him ramble.

Anonymous said...

is it just me or does Ryan look like a fat f*ck in that picture? LOL!

Anonymous said...

You'd probably do a better job Ashley if you were drinking.

Ashley said...

i'm thinking about starting.